Jarryd Beck wrote:
> Would someone be interested in writing tuner drivers for the NXP
> 18211HDC1 tuner?
> I recently bought the Winfast DTV Dongle Gold which uses an AF9015
> chip and the NXP tuner.
> I've managed to get it working up to the point of needing the tuner,
> after that nothing works.
> I have no idea how to write tuner code, so if someone is interested, I
> can supply all the
> info I've got about the card and test whatever you write.
> Jarryd.

Try the tda18271 driver -- I am under the impression that the tda18211 
is a dvb-t only subset of the tda18271, but I dont have a tda18211 to 
test with and find out, nor do I have a tda18211 spec to look at.  :-(

Good Luck,


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