> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephen Rowles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 12 March 2008 13:20
> To: Ben Backx
> Cc: linux-dvb@linuxtv.org
> Subject: Re: [linux-dvb] Implementing support for multi-channel
> > Hello,
> >
> > I was wondering if there's some info to find on how to implement (and
> > test)
> > multi-channel receiving?
> > It's possible, because dvb uses streams and the driver is currently
> > capable
> > to filter one channel, but how can I implement the support of
> > multi-channel
> > filtering?
> > Is there perhaps an open-source driver supporting this that I can
> have a
> > look at?
> Check out the dvbstreamer project:
> http://dvbstreamer.sourceforge.net/
> This allows multi-channel recording / streaming if the DVB device
> supports
> sending the whole transport stream (some usb devices do not support
> this).
> This works by sending the whole transport stream to the dvbstreamer
> program, then this program allows filtering out and recording separate
> channels from that stream as required.
> This isn't a driver level solution, but might provide the function you
> need.

It's (partly) for a research project, so I have to look at all possible
solutions, software being one, so dvbstreamer is part of the solution :-)
The others are at driver and hardware level (the hardware supports this).

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