
> Parallelization to improve boot times has been successful enough that race
> conditions now exist between the init_post() open of /dev/console and
> initialization of the console device. When this occurs, opening /dev/console
> fails and any applications inherited from init have no standard in/out/error
> devices. This is expected behavior if no console device is available, but
> quite unfortunate in the case where the console is just a bit slow waking up.
> Some buses, such as USB, offer no guarantees about how long it takes to
> discover devices, so there is no reliable way to distinguish between a missing
> console and a slow one.  The pragmatic approach taken in this patch is to
> wait for a while to see if a console shows up, and just go on if it doesn't.
> The default delay is 1000 msec (1 second).
> There are two new command line parameters:
> consolewait           Wait forever for a console to be registered
> consoledelay=msec     Use the given number of milliseconds as the delay
>                       interval instead of the default

Could you use rootfsdelay for this? Root needs to be mounted for init
to run, so...?

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