On 07/26/2011 02:34 PM, Christoph Hellwig wrote:
>> TODO:
>>  * the modules keeps a table of the devices which length is the
maximum number
>>    of UBI volumes.  It should make use of a linked list.
> A linked list isn't very nice either.  Try using idr, which gives you
> both an allocator for the minor number space, and a way to look up
> the structure by that index.

I'll take a look ; is it really worth it, though ? I look in the table
only when a volume is created, resized, or removed (that is, rarely) and
there are really few items (I bet, between 1 and 8 ; max possible is 4096).

>> Advantages of ubiblk over gluebi+mtdblock_ro:
> This section should be in the main commit log, and not that part with
> the changelog which gets dropped.

Will do.

>> +int major;
> Please don't use global variables with generic names.  In this case you
> should neither make it global nor give it a generic name.


Thank you for your feedback :)

David Wagner, Free Electrons
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