> Hi,
> On Saturday 24 November 2007 19:28, Maximilian Wilhelm wrote:
> > > But luckily, Storage Magic isn't far anymore...
> > I'll have a look at it.
> > The word magic is kind of 'warning'...
> I agree. I liked the old name, setup harddisks 2, better.
> It's more descriptive, less cryptic.
> But I guess its too late - or isnt it?
No, it's never too late, we're in an open world :-)

You're right, storage magic is not too descriptive, but any name (be it storage
magic or anything else, if you have any suggestions)
- does not matter all that much as this is only an implementation detail of FAI
- should be something other than setup harddisks *, because we're not limited to
  hard disks anymore.


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