[...] (nice and detailed explanation of intended stable workflow)

> Is this correct? Does it sound reasonable and would be fine for you?
> Hopefully I didn't mix up anything WRT
> merging/commiting/rebasing/.... Please correct me if I mixed up
> something. :)

Full ACK. Absolutely reasonable and should give us nice and hopefully truly
stable "stable" releases. 

BTW: We already had a git overlay earlier on, it was maintained by Sebastian
'tokkee' Harl (see [1]), but it doesn't seem to see any love anymore. If there
are more use cases for git we might consider adding a git repository on alioth
which is automatically synced with our SVN. Personally I enjoy the simplicity of
SVN as I didn't see the need for all the nice features of git for FAI version
control until now, but with multiple active branches git clearly has its


[1] http://faiwiki.informatik.uni-koeln.de/index.php/Main_Page#getting_FAI

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