
I just uploaded a new stable release of FAI, version 3.4.8 to
Debian/unstable. The release is also available at
http://people.debian.org/~mika/fai/release/ and will show up at
http://fai-project.org/download/squeeze/ soon.

The changelog is pretty long so I won't quote it in this mail. :)
Check out
instead or once the website is up2date it will also show up on

The release incorporates a bunch of backports from
trunk/experimental (esp. regarding setup-storage), bugfixes as well
as some features we considered as stable enough for inclusion in
this stable release. This version is mainly the result of the last
FAI developer meeting we had back in april, see

Please upgrade and as usual: if you notice *any* problems please
report them!

Thanks to everyone working on this release!

http://michael-prokop.at/  || http://adminzen.org/
http://grml-solutions.com/ || http://grml.org/

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