I am an idiot. I forgot to define USE_SETUP_STORAGE=1 in the class/MYBASE.var
file. My apologies...

On Fri, 23 Oct 2009, James S. White wrote:

> I even get the "could not read device /dev/lvm" error when I use the
> cut-n-paste example from the wiki...
> ################################################################################
> # Simple LVM example
> disk_config sda  bootable:1
> primary /boot 500 ext3 rw
> primary -       4096-   -       -
> disk_config lvm
> vg my_pv        sda2
> my_pv-_swap     swap    2048    swap    sw
> my_pv-_root     /       2048    ext3 rw
> On Fri, 23 Oct 2009, James S. White wrote:
> > I'm trying to use on an fai-cd on debian-lenny and I get an:
> >
> > "ERROR: could not read device /dev/lvm"
> >
> > when I use:
> >
> > ################################################################################
> > disk_config sda bootable:1
> > primary  /boot         250        ext3   rw,errors=remount-ro
> > primary  -             1024-     -      -
> >
> > disk_config lvm
> > vg vg0                 -:encrypt     sda2   -      -
> > vg0-swap               swap          2048   swap   sw
> > vg0-root               /             768    ext3   rw,errors=remount-ro
> > vg0-home               /home         256    ext3   rw
> > vg0-tmp                /tmp          1024   ext3   rw
> > vg0-usr                /usr          4096   ext3   rw
> > vg0-var                /var          1024   ext3   rw
> > vg0-opt                /opt          1024-  ext3   rw
> > ################################################################################
> >
> > I'm sure I'm just not seeing something, or my whole partitioning scheme is 
> > hosed...
> > Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?
> >
> >

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