>>>>> On Tue, 04 Mar 2014 09:28:58 +0100, Andreas Heinlein <aheinl...@gmx.com> 
>>>>> said:

    > Use of uninitialized value $lvn in hash element at 
    > /usr/share/perl5/LVM.pm line 300.
    > Exiting subroutine via next at /usr/share/perl5/Linux/LVM.pm line 301.
I'm not sure if this a bug in FAI or liblinux-lvm-perl. Since the
first error is in LVM.pm code and not in setup-storage, I would blame
liblinux-lvm-perl for this bug.

Please file a bug report for this. You can file this bug report for
fai-setup-storage later we can reassign it to the LVM perl package, if
it's not the problem of FAI.

Please also attach the complete output of format.log and maybe the
debugging output of setup-storage.

regards Thomas

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