
I'm using FAI 4.0.6 to install some clusters, but occasionally I mess
up and use the wrong/bad disk configuration. FAI bails out and drops me to
a prompt. This is expected behavior, EXCEPT, something ends up getting
written to the MBR/GPT anyway on the bootable drive even though the
disk setup was wrong for it. When the machine reboots it sits at a black
screen forever because it found a partial MBR that sent CPU control off
into lala land. This causes me to have to manually deal with the machine
somehow to force it to boot from the net again.

So, I request a feature:

For any bootable drive, if FAI fails to set up the disk configuration for
it, can it automatically zero out the first 512 bytes of the drive? So
when the reboot happens, the BIOS will see there is no valid MBR and
fall down to the network installation method?

Also, is there some kind of a "failed to install" hook that already exists
where I can jam a script?

Thank you.


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