>>>>> On Thu, 17 Aug 2017 11:13:23 +0200, Martin Krämer <mk.mad...@gmail.com> 
>>>>> said:

    > is there a way I can make custom variables not readable in FAI.log like 
the ROOTPW variable?
Currently no. But the next FAI version will support this.
Here's the diff, I just created. All Variable definitions ending in PW
will be obfuscated. Thanks for the idea.

diff --git a/lib/subroutines b/lib/subroutines
index fecd3797..6519b437 100755
--- a/lib/subroutines
+++ b/lib/subroutines
@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ task_defvar() {
             # show only lines with ++, we cannot use a pipe, since it would 
             # _devfar in a subprocess. Then, variables are not defined
             _defvar $class.var > $svar 2>&1
-            grep ^++ $svar|sed -e 's/ROOTPW=.*/ROOTPW=XXXXXXXXXXXXX/'
+            grep ^++ $svar| sed -e 's/\(.*PW\)=.*$/\1=XXXXXXXXXXXXX/'
             rm $svar

regards Thomas

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