On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 04:04:22PM +0000, Al Viro wrote:
> It's less about the form of representation (after all, we generate poll
> events when contents of that sucker changes, so one *can* get a consistent
> snapshot of the entire thing) and more about having it self-contained
> when we have namespaces in the play.
> IOW, the data in there should give answers to questions that make sense.
> "Do events get propagated from this vfsmount I have to that vfsmount I have?"
> is a meaningful one; ditto for "are events here propagated to somewhere I
> don't see?" or "are events getting propagated here from somewhere I don't
> see?".

Why do those last two questions deserve an answer?  How will a person's
or application's behaviour be affected by whether a change will
propagate to something they don't know about and can't see?

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"Bill, look, we understand that you're interested in selling us this
operating system, but compare it to ours.  We can't possibly take such
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