On 5/10/06, Peter Kruse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Andrew Beekhof wrote:
> On 5/9/06, Peter Kruse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> although cibadmin -Ql -o status does not show the failed resource
>> anymore.  How can I recover from this situation?
> cib contents?

Oh, thanks for reminding me (I should know by now...)
attached is output of "cibadmin -Q" before I ran the commands
and after I ran the commands (also attached).  crm_mon still
reports this:

Clone Set: DoFencing_fence1
     fence1:0    (stonith:external/apc): Started ha-test-2
     fence1:1    (stonith:external/apc): Stopped
Clone Set: DoFencing_fence2
     fence2:0    (stonith:external/apc): Started ha-test-2
     fence2:1    (stonith:external/apc): Stopped

Although the status should have been cleared.



crm_resource -C -r rg2:IPaddr2 -t primitive -H ha-test-1
crm_resource -C -r rg2:IPaddr2 -t primitive -H ha-test-1
crm_resource -C -r DoFencing_fence1:fence1:1 -t primitive -H ha-test-1
crm_resource -C -r DoFencing_fence1:fence1:1 -t primitive -H ha-test-1
crm_resource -C -r DoFencing_fence2:fence2:1 -t primitive -H ha-test-1
crm_resource -C -r DoFencing_fence2:fence2:1 -t primitive -H ha-test-1
crm_resource -C -r rg1:IPaddr3 -t primitive -H ha-test-1

i ran ptest and it wants to start fence1:1 and fence2:1

the CRM probably just needs a little poke to rerun the PE.
try: crm_attribute -n last_cleanup -v "`date -r`"

i cleaned this up for 2.0.6 earlier this week... the problem is that
-C results in a delete in the status section which is problematic to
detect reliably (you'll get *way* more false positives that true

so in .6 crm_resource does the equivalent of the above command automatically.
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