On 03/19/2010 02:57 PM, Marian Marinov wrote:
> On Friday 19 March 2010 09:24:52 Florian Haas wrote:
>> On 03/17/2010 03:47 PM, Marian Marinov wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have fixed all portability issues with these patches.
>>> I have added the check before seting readonly in mysql_start.
>>> I have migrated eveything to use set.
>>> Fixed the grep -P to use -E.
>>> Added aditional documentation.
>>> I did pull before emailing but I don't know why it sends 7 patches
>>> instead of only the last 3 :(
>> Pulling alone won't do. You have to merge or rebase to actually update
>> your working directory. Did you do so?
> Fuck, I totally messed up my repo... Mercurial is not for lazy git users ;(
> I'll clone again from your repo and try to port the patches or rewrite them 
> all together :(

Funny, I for my part have concluded that Mercurial has all the git
features I ever use except "git add -i" and "git rebase -i". But I'll
admit it has taken me several months to get to that point. :)


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