On 06/27/2011 11:09 AM, Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:
> Hi Dominik,
> On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 03:50:40PM +0200, Dominik Klein wrote:
>> Hi Dejan,
>> this way, the cluster never learns that it can't start a resource on 
>> that node.
> This resource depends on shared storage. So, the cluster won't
> try to start it unless the shared storage resource is already
> running. This is something that needs to be specified using
> either a negative preference location constraint or asymmetrical
> cluster. There's no need for yet another mechanism (the extra
> parameter) built into the resource agent. It's really an
> overkill.

As requested on IRC, I describe my setup and explain why I think this is
a regression.

2 node cluster with a bunch of drbd devices.

Each /dev/drbdXX is used as a block device of a VM. The VMs
configuration files are not on shared storage but have to be copied

So it happened that during configuration of a VM, the admin forgot to
copy the configuration file to node2. The machine's DRBD was configured
though. So the cluster decided to promote the VMs DRBD on node2 and then
start the master-colocated and ordered VM.

With the agent before the mentioned patch, during probe of a newly
configured resource, the cluster would have learned that the VM is not
available on one of the nodes (ERR_INSTALLED), so it would never start
the resource there.

Now it sees NOT_RUNNING on all nodes during probe and may decide to
start the VM on a node where it cannot run. That, with the current
version of the agent, leads to a failed start, a failed stop during
recovery and therefore: an unnecessary stonith operation.

With Dejan's patch, it would still see NOT_RUNNING during probe, but at
least the stop would succeed. So the difference to the old version would
be that we had an unnecessary failed start on the node that does not
have the VM but it would not harm the node and I'd be fine with applying
that patch.

There's a case though that might stop the vm from running (for an amount
of time). And that is if start-failure-is-fatal is false. Then we would
have $migration-threshold "failed start/succeeded stop" iterations while
the VMs service would not be running.

Of course I do realize that the initial fault is a human one. but the
cluster used to protect from this, does not any more and that's why I
think this is a regression.

I think the correct way to fix this is to still return ERR_INSTALLED
during probe unless the cluster admin configures that the VMs config is
on shared storage. Finding out about resource states on different nodes
is what the probe was designed to do, was it not? And we work around
that in this resource agent just to support certain setups.

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