
Back last November or so, I started work on a new monitoring project - 
for monitoring servers and services.

It's aims are:
   - Scalable virtually without limit - tens of thousands of servers is 
not a problem
   - Easy installation and upkeep - includes integrated discovery of 
servers, services
             and switches - without setting off security alarms ;-)

This project isn't ready for a public release yet (it's in a fairly 
early stage), but it seemed worthwhile to let others know that the 
project exists, and start getting folks to read over the code, and 
perhaps begin to play with it a bit as well.

The project has two arenas of operation:
     nanoprobes - which run in (nearly) every monitored machine
     Collective management - running in a central server (or HA cluster).

Current status:
     - edge switch discovery code is complete
     - scalable heartbeat code is complete
     - Lots more to do :-D

Current code base is about 7K lines of C.

You can find documentation for the project here:

An overview of the architecture is found under the "System Goals and 
Architecture" tab.

If you want to dive into the structure of the code in a sort-of top-down 
way, you might explore under the "Modules" tab.

This documentation is high level (project aims), medium level (class 
structure and descriptions), low level (APIs) and includes the code as 
well.  It's all done with Doxygen - which worked really well for this.

The code itself is available in the Linux-HA mercurial repository - 
which you can find here:

This code includes all the documentation above - it's just not in quite 
as pretty or organized a format.

My short term goal is to get the server monitoring completely up and 
usable.  Current thinking is that the central Collective management code 
will be in Python, with the nanoprobes in 'C' (as they currently are).  
It is expected that service monitoring will make use of the LRM - when 
we get to that.

     Alan Robertson<al...@unix.sh>

"Openness is the foundation and preservative of friendship...  Let me claim 
from you at all times your undisguised opinions." - William Wilberforce
Linux-HA-Dev: Linux-HA-Dev@lists.linux-ha.org
Home Page: http://linux-ha.org/

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