Thank you for the link. I'll go through the video and slide show. I'm wondering 
if what I need would be STONITH...I never got that configured. I'll go through 
the slide show first before posting up more questions, as it may answer what I 
need in there. Thanks for all the help! :)

>>> On 3/27/2007 at 12:39 PM, Alan Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Howard Yuan wrote:
> "Why does the service die when the crossover breaks?" Because I was
> planning on telling the services to look for MySQL on (the
> floating IP) and if the crossover link breaks, the systems don't know
> how to get to as they're looking to find it via the
> crossover link (LAN 2).

OK.  I understand that.  So, mysql needs connectivity via the crossover

> "I need more configuration information to give a detailed answer." 
> Hum...what information would you need to understand it better? I can
> try to draw an ASCII picture of the network diagram if you need me
> to.

No, I think that was enough for now.

> "But, the short answer is 'run an R2 configuration with pingd
> properly configured for your problem'" I looked at this for awhile
> and I can't figure out what you mean by "R2."

I mean a "crm yes" configuration.

> Also, on my heartbeat configuration right now, i'm using "crm no" to
> use ipfail, as I found on the mailing list that someone said that
> ipfail doesn't work with crm. Does CRM include a replacement for
> ipfail that works better?

It's called pingd ;-).

I'm not sure that either toolset precisely addresses your problem.

What you likely really want is this:

If one node is up, run all services there.
If both nodes are up, and the two nodes can't talk across
the crossover, then:
run both services on the machine with better
connectivity to your clients

It's the dual-connectivity test that you'd really like to have that
pingd won't really handle.

I believe that pingd treats all ping nodes the same.  But, to truly
solve this problem, you need to treat outside ping nodes differently
from inside ping nodes.

You _can_ solve the problem in R2, you'll just have to write your own
pingd replacement - since it doesn't have to be general, it'll be easy
enough to write, but you'll still have to do it...  You could do it all
in the shell if you like...

Then you only tell heartbeat about one of the sets of ping nodes, and
not the other set, and your tool would manage the other set.

But, none of this is likely to make much sense to you unless you
understand the CRM's way of doing things through the rules in the CIB.

This is explained in some detail in my tutorial on R2.  It's the newest
tutorial in the http://linux ( http://linux/ ) page 
on the web
site.  The relevant section is slides 137-145.

If you haven't used R2 at all, then maybe reviewing the presentation
from the beginning would be good.  There is a 90 minute video covering
some basic things -- given from these slides - and it's linked to from
that same page.  If you have trouble viewing the video directly, then
try the abstract page - it has an embedded video viewer in Java at the
bottom of the web page.

    Alan Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Howard Yuan
I.T. Department
Valence Technology, Inc. 

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