Hi all,

I am a new user of heartbeat.

I configure an active/passive cluster with too Dell PE1900 based on SuSE
linux with heartbeat 2.0.8 (r1-style). After some problems by DRBD resources
after a cold reset of the master node (not removed locks), which was fixed
by Phillipp Reissner last weekend all works fine.

At next I was looking for a stonith module for the Dell Remote Access
Controller DRAC 5 but I find only one for the drac3. Inside the drac5 the
layout of the embedded Web-Interface have been changed, so the drac3 module
won't work.

So I've write my own module strongly based on the acpmaster module. The
module uses the SM-CLP command line interface of the drac5 via telnet. I'm
really not a good C-programmer but it works perfectly.

But there would be one problem (and with the drac3 module it would be too),
if the server lost power connection. So the Remote Access Card won't be
accessible and the fencing process will never been stopped and so no
resource take_over take place, unless you manually take corrective action.
So a redundant power supply would be strongly recommend.

I've seen that other users are looking for a drac5 module too, so I've
attached the source of the drac5 module.

It would be glad, if some one could tell me a way, how I can handle the
described problem on never endings fencing, if the access to the drac will
loss (cause of power lost or the network connection would fail). 

Thomas Paschy <th.paschy at hepasoft.de>

Attachment: drac5.c
Description: Binary data

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