
heartbeat in v1 mode does not do resource monitoring by itself. So if
you did not set up any custom resource monitoring, you can just stop
your application in whatever way you normally do that and re-start it
whenever you like.

v1 clusters will not notice. They only see node state changes.


Malcolm Turnbull wrote:
> With a two node linux-ha cluster you can add an ip address to
> haresources and then do a hb_takeover, and it will bring the interface
> up cleanly.
> But is their a way of taking down an resource cleanly? (just removing
> it from haresources and re-booting not being a good answer)
> or do you need to do a manual ifconfig eth0:x down...
> and if so how do you evaluate which x it is? (awk I guess?)
> Thanks.

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