Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:
> Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 09:09:53PM +0100, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:
>>> I have two nodes, node_1 and node_2.
>>> node_2 was down, but is now up.
>>> How can I execute a custom script on node_1 when it detects that node_2 
>>> is back?
>> That's not possible. What would you want to with that script?
> I have two PostgreSQL servers running; pgpool-ii is started by Heartbeat 
> to distribute the load (reads) among two servers and to send writes to 
> both servers.
> When one PostgreSQL server fails, the setup will still work fine. When 
> the failed PostgreSQL instance is back, the data should be first 
> "synchronized" from the running PostgreSQL server to a server which was 
> failed a while ago.
> It is best if such a script could be started by Heartbeat running on the 
> active node, as soon as it detects that the other node is back.

If you need such thing - I'd personally be most comfortable with not
starting the cluster at boot time. Then you can do whatever you need to
do and then - when you _know_ everything is right, the script is done
etc. - start the cluster software.

Just my personal preference.

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