So I've got ldirector up and running just fine and providing ldap high 
availability to  2 backend real servers on port 389.

Here is the output of netstat on both real servers:
tcp        0      0        *                   LISTEN     
tcp        0      0 :::389                      
:::*                        LISTEN  

So I used the same director server to create another highly available 
application jboss running on port 8080. If I look at the director server 
I see the output of ipvsadm shows both real servers alive and well.

[r...@lvsuat1a ha.d]# ipvsadm
IP Virtual Server version 1.2.1 (size=4096)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
  -> RemoteAddress:Port           Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP lc
  -> gasayul9300602.intranet.mydom Tunnel  1      0          0        
  -> gasayul9300601.intranet.mydom Tunnel  1      1          0        

Looks good so far. Now the problem is that I cannot telnet to the VIP on 
port 8080; I get "connection refused". If I change the to 
listen on port 22, it works perfectly. So this would seem to indicate 
that I have things set up appropriately on the director server. So I 
started poking around on the backend real servers and netstat looks like 

[supp...@esbuat1b ~]$ netstat -an | grep 8080
tcp        0      0 *                   LISTEN  

so comparing this to the netstat above that listens on port 389 I see 
that perhaps there is an entry missing, perhaps this:
tcp        0      0 :::8080                      
:::*                        LISTEN  

So I don't claim to be a "networking" expert and so maybe I've missed 
something in my setup and this is why port 8080 is having issues. Can 
anyone provide me with any pointers or where to go to next? After 
getting the ldap servers working, I figured this would be easy but I'm 
struggling with this one.

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