We are running heartbeat version 2.0.8 and I am wondering why this
happens and how to prevent it:
One of the ping nodes is on our LAN and when I shut off that system a
resource fail-over sometimes occurs. Since both heartbeat devices ping
this node I assume the score should remain a tie and the resource should
remain where it is.
Also, often times when the ping node then comes back online a fail-over
again occurs.

Some advice would be greatly appreciated.
Here is our ha.cf file on both devices (actual IPs not shown):

udpport 694
keepalive 4
deadtime 12
warntime 11
initdead 30
bcast eth3.3999
node ClariLink00123456
auto_failback off
crm yes
autojoin any
ping 192.168.x.x
ping 173.160.x.x
ping 192.168.y.y
ping 198.36.z.z
respawn root /usr/lib/heartbeat/pingd -m 2000 -d 5s -a pld_ping_set
deadping 12
use_logd yes

And here is the constraint in xml:
       <rsc_location id="pingd-constraint" rsc="group_1">
         <rule id="pingd-constraint-rule" score_attribute="pld_ping_set">
           <expression id="pingd-defined" attribute="pld_ping_set"

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