On 4/29/2011 at 03:36 AM, "Stallmann, Andreas" <astallm...@conet.de> wrote: 
> Hi! 
> I configured my nodes *not* to auto failback after a defective node comes  
> back online. This worked nicely for a while, but now it doesn't (and,  
> honestly, I do not know what was changed in the meantime). 
> What we do: We disconnect the two (virtual) interfaces of our node mgmt01  
> (running on vmware esxi) by means of the vsphere client. Node mgmt02 takes  
> over the services as it should. When node mgmt01's interfaces are switched on 
> again, everything looks alright for a minute or two, but then mgmt01 takes  
> over the resources again. Which it should not. Here's the relevant sniplet of 
> the  configuration (full config below): 
> location nag_loc nag_grp 100: ipfuie-mgmt01 
> property default-resource-stickiness="100" 
> I thought, that because the resource-stickiness has the same value as the  
> location constrain, the resources would stick to the node they are started  
> on. Am I wrong? 

If the resource ends up on the non-preferred node, those settings will
cause it to have an equal score on both nodes, so it should stay put.
If you want to verify, try "ptest -Ls" to see what scores each resource

Anyway, the problem is this constraint:

location cli-prefer-nag_grp nag_grp \
        rule $id="cli-prefer-rule-nag_grp" inf: #uname eq ipfuie-mgmt01 and 
#uname eq ipfuie-mgmt01

Because that constraint has a score of "inf", it'll take precedence.
Probably "crm resource move nag_grp ipfuie-mgmt01" was run at some point,
to forcibly move the resource to ipfuie-mgmt01.  That constraint will
persist until you run "crm resource unmove nag_grp"

Kind of weird that the hostname is listed twice in that rule though...



Tim Serong <tser...@novell.com>
Senior Clustering Engineer, OPS Engineering, Novell Inc.

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