> ... right. I hadn't noticed that before.
> So what's happening is that, in pacemaker's fencing/remote.c, the
> stonith-timeout specified is divided up in 10% for _querying_ the list
> of nodes a given stonith device can retrieve, and 90% for then
> performing an actual operation. (Compare initiate_remote_stonith_op()
> and call_remote_stonith())
> I think this is counter-intuitive, to say the least.
> In your initial case, it just so happens that 100s * 90% obviously
> exactly matches your sbd msgwait, so an increase of +10s just wasn't
> enough.
> Regards,
>      Lars

Thanks Lars.

Interesting. It would seem more intuitive for remote.c to add 10% to the 
specified value in order to get it's querying overhead accounted for.

Now that I know about the "query tax", will verify stonith-timeout is 
set to a value > (sbd-msgwait*110%).

Hopefully that little tidbit will make it in to the sbd wiki at some point.

Take care,

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