On 07/08/2011 08:22 AM, Ulrich Windl wrote a lot, and then:
> No extra hassle with quoting of magic shell characters, etc.

You do, of course, know about "cat << 'EOF'" (note single quotes around
EOF) which will keep you from having to escape shell special characters
in the here document.

>> I see no benefit at all, however, in having a separate provider
>> directory for each and every resource agent.
> OK, that my lack of practical experience and the lack of documentation in 
> this area.

I can relate to and agree with your first point, but I am starting to
lose count of how often you have asserted a lack of documentation in a
particular area. Despite my repeated requests I have yet to see
concrete suggestions for improvement, or (gasp!) a documentation patch.
Should I assume that every such assertion has, up to this point, turned
into a "whoops, my bad, it's actually there, I just didn't see it"?


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