I am setting up a test between two machines (Box A & Box B) running heartbeat 
3.0.4. I have two connections (eth0 & eth1) from each machine connected to a 
switch. When I unplug eth1 on Box A, both ha-log files correctly show that eth1 
on Box A is dead. If I plug the connection back in, Box A reports that eth1 is 
back up, but Box B continues to show that the link to Box A is dead. 

eth0 is on a 10.10.10.x network
eth1 each has a static IP of  & .2 respectively. 

If I now unplug eth0, I get a split brain situation because Box B has now 
thinks both heartbeat paths are dead. Anyone have any idea why the link would 
not correctly show the link has recovered?


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