We have been using NIS netgroups to specify export options based on host 
membership as specified in the /etc/netgroup file.  Some exports may 
have multiple exports specs based on their netgroups, eg one group 
should have root-quashing enabled whereas another should not.  If I'm 
using /etc/exports, I just add another line onto the spec.  With 
pacemaker, this is not possible, so the suggestion I received was to 
simply add multiple exportfs resources to accomplish this.  What I am 
finding is that I am getting erratic behavior in that export options 
seem to be randomly getting overridden.  So hosts that should not be 
getting root-squashed still are.  From my testing, it does not seem to 
be a matter of "last one wins".  If the root-squashed resource is 
running at all, whether started before or after the non-root-squashed 
resource, then all hosts are root-squashed.

Is anybody else trying to do something like this?  If so, how do you 
specify multiple export rules for different hosts or host groups?  I'm 
using the ocf:heartbeat:exportfs service.  Is this ignoring netgroup 
specs for some reason, or is there something else going on here?  My 
/etc/nsswitch.conf looks correct, as far as NIS goes.

I'm running pacemaker 1.1.7 from official packages on debain wheezy. 
Kernel version is 3.2.0 and nfsd is 1.2.5, also from official packages.

Any advice is appreciated.  I can provide crm dumps and other configs if 


Seth Galitzer
Systems Coordinator
Computing and Information Sciences
Kansas State University
Linux-HA mailing list
See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

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