On 25 Feb 2014, at 1:29 am, Tony Stocker <tony.stoc...@nasa.gov> wrote:

> On Mon, 24 Feb 2014, Andrew Beekhof wrote:
>> On 22 Feb 2014, at 2:16 am, Greg Woods <wo...@ucar.edu> wrote:
>>> On Fri, 2014-02-21 at 12:37 +0000, Tony Stocker wrote:
>>>>        colocation inf_ftpd inf: infra_group ftpd
>>>> or do I need to use an 'order' statement instead, i.e.:
>>>>        order ftp_infra mandatory: infra_group:start ftpd
>>> I'm far from a leading expert on this, but in my experience, colocation
>>> and order are completely separate concepts. If you want both, you have
>>> to state both. So I would say you need both colocation and order
>>> statements to get what you want.
>> Exactly
> So are is **this** what my configuration should like given that information?:
>        primitive ip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params ip=""
>        primitive job ocf:pps:jobfile params role="test" job="first"
>        primitive pwd ocf:pps:pwdfile params role="test"
>        primitive ftpd ocf:pps:proftpd
>        primitive httpd ocf:heartbeat:apache
>        primitive smtpd ocf:heartbeat:postfix
>        primitive bes ocf:pps:besServer
>        group infra_group ip job pwd
>        colocation inf_ftpd inf: ftpd infra_group
>        colocation inf_http inf: httpd infra_group
>        colocation inf_mail inf: smtpd infra_group
>        colocation inf_odap inf: bes infra_group
>        order ftpd_infra mandatory: infra_group:start ftpd
>        order http_infra mandatory: infra_group:start httpd
>        order smtp_infra mandatory: infra_group:start smtpd
>        order odap_infra mandatory: infra_group:start bes
> Is my syntax above correct for the situation where I need all elements of 
> 'infra_group' started first, and then the various other primitives started?  
> In other words am I correctly stating my colocation requirements?

From what I recall of crmsh, it is correct

> Or do I need to reverse the order, like so?:
>        colocation inf_ftpd inf: infra_group ftpd
> Will the order statements ensure that the infra_group is completed startup 
> before starting ftpd?


>  In other words, since part of the infra_group is to set the password file, 
> and since the ftpd daemon depends on the existence of UID's in said password 
> file, the ftpd primitive is not going to start until the infra_group has 
> fully completed startup, correct?
> Am I allowed to separately list the pairs of colocation and order statements 
> as I've done above?  


> Or will that cause issues?


> By separately stating the pairs, as opposed to creating a single line, have I 
> avoided creating ad hoc resource sets that I didn't explicitly define?

its shouldn't matter either way.

> Thanks,
> Tony
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