On 04/08/2014 12:18 AM, Ammar Sheikh Saleh wrote:
yes i have the command ... its CentOS

Then please review the man page of crm_master and try to adjust the scores where you want to start the master and where you want to start the slave. Before you follow my general steps you could also ask again
on the list about using crm_master fom command line on centos - I am not
really sure if it is really the same.

1. Check the current promotion scores using the pengine:
ptest -Ls | grep promo
-> You should get a list of scores per master/slave resources and node

2. Check the set crm_master score using crm_master:
crm_master -q -G -N <node> -l reboot -r <resource-INSIDE-masterslave>

3. Adjust the master/promotion scores (this is the most tricky part)
crm_master -v <NEW_MASTER_VALUE> -l reboot -r <resource-INSIDE-masterslave>

If you do not have constraints added by bad operations before that
might help the cluster to promote the preferred site.

But my procedure is without any warranty and further support, sorry.


On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 4:16 PM, Maloja01 <maloj...@arcor.de> wrote:

On 04/07/2014 03:00 PM, Ammar Sheikh Saleh wrote:

thanks for your help ... can you guide me to the correct commands :

I dont understand with is  <rsc> in this command

crm(live)node# attribute
          attribute <node> set <rsc> <value>
          attribute <node> delete <rsc>
          attribute <node> show <rsc>

how can I give a node a master attribute with high score in the above ?

At SLES (SUSE) there is a command crm_master - do you have such a command?


On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 3:49 PM, Maloja01 <maloj...@arcor.de> wrote:

  On 04/07/2014 01:23 PM, Ammar Sheikh Saleh wrote:

  thanks a million time for answering ...

I included all my software versions /OS  details in the thread  (

but here they are :
this is the SW versions:
OS:  CentOS 6.4 x64bit

Ah sorry than I couldn't tell how stonith is working, as RH has a
different setup beyond pacemaker. I do not know how they implement

Sorry - but however best regards

I need to correct something .. the setup is 2 nodes for HA and third one
for Quorm only  ... also config changed a little bit (attached)

looking at the config right now ... I see a suspicious line

(        <rule role="Master" score="-INFINITY"
             <expression attribute="#uname" operation="ne" value="
lws1h1.npario.com" id="drbd-fence-by-handler-r0-expr-SuperDataClone"/>

it might be the reason why services are not starting on the first node
sure%100) ... I have a feeling your answer is the right one ... but I
know the correct commands to do them:

1- I need to put back the Node1 back to Master (currently it is slaved)
2- remove any constraints   Or  preferred  locations .... also remove
special attributes on Node1 that is making it slave

what do you think ?  how can I do these ? what are commands


On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 2:09 PM, Maloja01 <maloj...@arcor.de> wrote:

   hi ammar,

first we need to check:
a) which OS (which Linux dist are you using)?
b) which cluster version/packages do you have installed?
c) how is your cluster config look like?

As my tipp with crm_master/removing client-prefer-rules might only help
some combinations of a-b-c I need that info.

Second I need to tell that free help means that I will not give any
warrinty or whatever that your cluster gets better afterward. This
only be done by a cost intensive consulting.


On 04/07/2014 12:10 PM, aali...@gmail.com wrote:

   hi  Maloja01,

could you please tell me help do these steps/ what commands look like:

- You Should use "crm_master" to Score the Master-Placement
- you should remove all client-Prefer-location-rules which you added
your "experiments" using the GUI

I dont want to make this worst ... production is down here.. and I am
desperately in need of any help

Thank you,

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