A new ham software database has been up for a few days now. It is to replace
www.casema.net which served its porpose quite well.  Personally I must say that
the new one is a far cry from what on casema server we were offerred.
It looks ugly and is unreadable. I don't want to descourage the authors, who
kill themselves doing stuff for us, but if things remain the way they are now
then we are doomed to total failure: out of date ax25how-to, liquidation of
ham-how-to and ugly software database. Jee, is this a kind of alien aggression
on the ham community or what?

Anyway, I grabbed WDBI, installed it. And felt so elated to see my database
look like a bird. You can update, delete, insert remotely. Perhaps this would
be the way?

Also, I got dbengine and it looked even prettier than WDBI. It is a web
interface to many database engines. It uses perl and DBI, DBD drivers. More
importantly, it worked out of the box! 

Unfortunately I am not a database expert:-))))


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