Greetings all

Not entirely off-topic...

The 9k6 modem developed by Andy, G4XYW, and sponsored by the Thames Valley IP
User Group has had the code for the onboard RISC processor released under the
GNU Public License.

This modem can be used to upgrade a TAPR disconnect header enabled TNC, it
can be used with an SCC card (both options require NO external components -
the connectors are on-board) or with the addition of a simple TTL <>
V24(RS232) converter can be used directly from the COM port of a PC with a
suitable software driver.

Full details of the modem, code, drivers etc are on the newly updated TVIPUG
club page at:

There is even a price cut for Christmas and the New Year:-))

The COM port connection currently has drivers for BPQ (dos), *NOS (dos),
generic packet driver (dos) and win95/98 (sv2agw packet engine). The Linux
driver is currently undergoing final tests and so should be available very soon.

This is the modem I was after the g3ruh style FIR code for some months back -
I think I posted to the list to wheedle out some assistance - never did get it
implemented so if anyone wishes to make a contribution...


73 de Robin. G8ECJ                      Hub manager gb7ipd

NTS: G8ECJ@GB7TVG.#42.GBR.EU            AmprNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Shack: (+44) 1628 533311                Fax:  (+44) 1628 850165
Club pages (g4xyw modem etc) at

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