> > On Wed, 05 Jul 2000,  Hekan Larsson wrote about,  Install Linux from
> ftp-server... not work??:
> > > Hello.
> > >
> > > I am trying to install linux on a computer how do not have any cd-rom
> reader.
> > > I have the RH6.0 disk on a ftp-server RH6.0 and try to install over my
> > > network.
> > >
> > > I can se the transfering via "tcpdump" on the ftp-server but all stops
> after
> > > the "stage2.img" is loaded in to the installing maskin. And then the
> hole
> > > thing just stoped. I still se the text "Loading second stage ramdisk. .
> ."
> > > after the loading is finished.
> > >
> > > What do I do wrong??
> >

Check your file permissions on your mount point and below.  Everything
must be world read and execute (r-x) since the NFS client is coming in
as root so the NFS server does not want to give root access to it and
instead gives guest access.

Are you reexporting from an actual CD or did you copy it to hard disk
(or FTP the CD image?).  If the latter, defintely suspect your file
protections.   I routinely load redhat via NFS from the most recently
FTPd images and routinely screw up the permissions and have to make
them world read execute again, like this:

        chmod -R o=u-w /mountpoint

where /mountpoint is the root of my redhat dist.

To debug the installer, try hitting ALT-F1, ALT-F2, etc.  You will get
different consoles each showing various progress and error messages in
addition to the pretty blue and red screens used by the installer
which I believe is on console 1 (ALT-F1).

On a related note, with an early release of RH 6.2, a disk-based
install failed despite all the permissions being set right.  It simply
was a bug in the installer which only worked with a CD or via network
install.  I do not know if this bug has been fixed yet, but just
another gotcha to look out for.

73 de Alan N2YGK

PS: Redhat supports an FTP install method, so you don't need to install
    a Windoze NFS server, just set up an FTP server.  Although, given
    you've already got the RedHat CD in the drive of that Windoze losing
    machine, why not just upgrade it to Linux first? :-)

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