I've been working on the logging project where time permits.
I've found a couple of really dumb things in CTY.DAT though.
For example, the entity "Juan de Nova & Europa" lists for
alternate prefixes, J and E. So my code so far thinks every
Japanese or E* station qualifies.

I've written in ADIF import function. The log data and country
data are all imported into Postgres tables using DBI. I'm
trying to write a DXCC summary report. The challenge
at the moment is to filter the data to prevent this:

primary_prefix|call     |name                 |  qso_date|  qslrdate|band
3A            |3A2K     |Monaco               |09-08-2000|          |20M 
3D2           |3D2AA    |Fiji                 |05-05-2000|          |20M 
3D2           |3D2AA    |Fiji                 |06-12-2000|          |20M 
3D2/r         |3D2AA    |Rotuma               |05-05-2000|          |20M 
3D2/r         |3D2AA    |Rotuma               |06-12-2000|          |20M 

3D2AA is listed specifically for 3D2/r, but of course also fits

G             |GU3WHN   |England              |04-09-1999|          |20M 
G             |GU3WHN   |England              |11-09-1999|          |20M 
G             |G0UPF    |England              |25-02-2000|          |20M 
G             |M5AHW    |England              |08-08-2000|          |20M 
G             |GB5HQ    |England              |09-08-2000|          |20M 
G             |M5AHW    |England              |09-08-2000|          |20M 
GU            |GU3WHN   |Guernsey             |01-09-1999|          |20M 

Same problem here: GU is a subset of G. I think it should be good
enough to look for the longest prefix as being the most specific.

Just to let you all know I'm still working on it anyway,


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