Linux-Hardware Digest #144, Volume #9             Sat, 9 Jan 99 22:13:33 EST

  Re: IDE/ATAPI Tape. Is the a FAQ or HOWTO? (Tom Fawcett)
  Panasonic CD-ROM & cdparanoia (Andrew Congdon)
  Re: Epson Stylus Colour 740 problems ("Otaku")
  Trident 9680 (David Neigh)
  ax6b (Brian Walker)
  Re: Tape drive recommendations (Shane Bearham)
  Re: scanner problem: (Eric Potter)
  Sound Blaster pci (Aegnor)
  Thinking about winmodems ("Nik Anderson")
  Re: Which CPU to upgrade to? (Paul E Larson)
  Re: Making SURE Linux doesn't WAKE UP (power-up)? (oak)
  Modem (Rockwell 56.6 PCI data/fax) probs ("Dave Rodgman")
  Running Siemens MXBTV under linux ? (Michael Lang)
  Re: Need Advice from Linux Genius (Michael Wise)
  Re: Which CPU to upgrade to? (Paul E Larson)
  Soundcard - ESS 1868 (autodata)
  Re: Trident 9680 (tony mollica)
  Brother printing difficulties (Mike Patterson)
  Re: Webcam-Project (Gary Momarison)
  Does anyone knows how to configure an Intel740 on RHat Linux ("dexter")
  pnp usrobotics 52k fax internal modem (roe)
  Re: Modem (Rockwell 56.6 PCI data/fax) probs ("David H.")
  Re: Anyone use bellatlantic & Linux? (Rod Smith)
  Re: Soundman Wave slow sound ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: IDE/ATAPI Tape. Is the a FAQ or HOWTO? (Gary Momarison)
  Re: Simple X Windows Question ("David H.")
  Re: ATI XPERT@PLAY AGP ("David H.")


From: Tom Fawcett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IDE/ATAPI Tape. Is the a FAQ or HOWTO?
Date: 09 Jan 1999 12:26:07 -0500

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (George) writes:
> Finally have RH5.2 supporting all my hardware, but I don't have an
> approach to using my IDE/ATAPI tape drive for backups. Can someone
> point me in the right direction?

Having bought an IDE tape drive just recently, I've been looking for the
same information.  You'll need a late-model kernel that supports IDE tapes,
such as linux-2.2pre-5.  I have found no specific documentation for IDE
tapes other than the source code at linux/drivers/block/ide-tape.c and the
small bit in linux/Documentation/ide.txt.  Also, the Hardware-HOWTO
has a little bit.

AFAIK, the 2.2pre kernels are still experimental, so you may not want to

(I have a Sony SuperStation that is nominally recognized by the kernel, but
mt provokes various errors from it, and trying to write to it produces a
kernel panic.)



From: Andrew Congdon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Panasonic CD-ROM & cdparanoia
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 09:24:31 +1100

I emailed a request for information to aid in programming cdparanoia to
be able to use DAE from a Panasonic SCSI CD-ROM drive (Matshita CR-508).
I was disappointed to see them reply with the all too common "this model
is not sold in the US" response. Anyone else with similar problems care
email them for help in getting cdparanoia to support Panasonic drives:




From: "Otaku" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Epson Stylus Colour 740 problems
Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 16:38:42 -0800

Frank Hahn wrote in message ...
>On Fri, 8 Jan 1999 16:45:49 -0800, Otaku <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I've just purchased an Epson Stylus Colour 740 printer and I want to run
>>from my RedHat 5.1 Linux box so that it can be shared across a small home
>>network I have here (consisting of 3 Windows machines and 2 Macs), the
>>sharing part is not the problem though, my problem comes when I try to
>>print. I set up the Epson with an entry in /etc/printcap

>I don't see exactly how you are getting your printed output from
>either your Macs or your Windows machines to the Linux machine.  It
>seems to me that you need to install Samba on the Linux machine so

Well, getting my printed output from the Windows machines or the Macs was
not my question. I said "the sharing part is not the problem". The problem
is the garbage output that Linux produces when anything is sent to the
printer. As anything that Samba or Appletalk will send to the printer must
go through the "lpr" command and "lpd" daemon, those must both work
flawlessly before I can consider sharing the printer, which I have already
tried doing via Samba, but anything Windows sends to the network printer
gets corrupted by Linux. So, back to the problem, Linux is screwing up any
output sent to the printer, either from Linux or Samba, and I also presume,
from Appletalk if I were to try it. I pursued the Ghostscript solution as I
will currently take anything that makes the printer work correctly.


From: David Neigh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Trident 9680
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 19:24:42 -0500

I am running Debian Linux with X11R6.  I'm trying to get my Trident 9660
video card to work.  When I run X there is all these vertical lines on
the screen.  It may not be the video card but I think it is.  Can anyone
help me?

David Neigh


From: Brian Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ax6b
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 23:16:27 GMT

Does anyone know which chip the Acer Open AX6B motherboard has for
hardware monitoring or has anyone gotten the lm_sensors kernel module
going with that motherboard? Mine says all the values are zero when
doing a cat /proc/sensors and using lm_sensors 1.4.12



From: Shane Bearham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Tape drive recommendations
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 04:48:33 +1100

Yan Seiner wrote:

> I am about to make the swap from NT server to Linux now that samba 2.0
> is almost out.
> I am going to take this opportunity to replace our somewhat unreliable
> tape drive (a seagate TR-4) with something that has larger capacity and
> significantly more reliability.  The seagate drive has been replaced
> twice in two years; the TR-4 tapes run about a 30% failures per year.
> I am looking for a tape drive with at least 10GB uncompressed.  Speed is
> not really an issue as long as it can back up and verify 10GB in 4-6
> hours or less.
> I also need recommendations for backup software.  The system will only
> backup the local drives.  It will not backup across a network.
> I am running RH 5.1, on a p5-166 w/ 64MB RAM (not exactly a screamer,
> but it gets the job done ;-).
> Yan

I have found the WangTek 4mm DDS3 series  to work very well under linux

Shane ()

| Xtreme Systems Technologies  \  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|  Working towards the future.  |     +61-41-496-2569      |
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  4:47am  up 6 days,  1:40, 12 users,  load average: 0.24, 0.42, 0.42


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric Potter)
Subject: Re: scanner problem:
Date: 9 Jan 1999 18:33:42 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

Steverl enlightened this group thus:
> I'm having problems using my Mustek flatbed 1200SP scanner. It seems
> that my Red Hat 5.2 box recognizes it as a scanner but I can't seem to
> get the damn thing to work.
> I have installed sane through Red Hat Utilities but when I type in
> xscanimage, I get: error in loading sgared libraries
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
> I'm not sure what all of this means and of course I'm some what of a
> newbie.
> Can anyone help?
> thanks steverl
The SANE libraries may not be in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  I installed from source,
and some libs went into /usr/local/lib and some went into /usr/local/lib/sane.
Also, check the files in /usr/local/etc/sane.d, and you may need to make a link
from /dev/sg? to /dev/scanner.
   *  ^  \     ___@      
 *^  / \  \   |  \       
 / \/   \  \__|   \      
/  /   ^ \  \     
  /       \  \           Eric Potter
 /  ^   ^  \  \          


From: Aegnor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sound Blaster pci
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 20:11:59 +0100

Is there adriver for the Sblive?
where can i find it??
thx for help


From: "Nik Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Thinking about winmodems
Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 17:00:31 -0800

I was pondering the unfortunate winmodem situation in linux and thought I
would share some of my thoughts on the subject.  Unfortunately, though I
consider myself a highly computer-literate person, I have not had much
experience with non-internet programming (I do a bunch of Java related
stuff), probably just because I have not had opportunity to learn it or
teach myself C...  My point is that my observations and assertions might not
be technically accurate or even possible.  I welcome feedback and

Now on to the winmodems:

When compared to an ordinary modem, a winmodem's distinguishing
characteristic is that some of the functionality of the modem has been moved
from the modem's hardware and into software, as it is cheaper to develop
software than hardware.  This software takes the form of a driver that is
shipped exclusively for windows.

The rest of this disscussion is based upon the following guess: that the
actual modulation/de-modulation is translated to software.  It seems that it
would be relatively easy to write a generic routine (one that doesn't
reference hardware in any way) that could could accept input of either type
(modulated or demodulated) and translate it, outputting the other.

Once this was done, the only thing that would remain to do would be to
figure out exactly how to communicate with particular winmodems.  Any
complications with this idea come from, as I see it, this last step or from
inacuracies in the premise.

Some winmodems might offload only a part of this functionality to software,
and if every one did it differently, the task suddenly becomes considerably
more complex.

Ideas or comments?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul E Larson)
Subject: Re: Which CPU to upgrade to?
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 20:19:46 GMT

In article <777lo7$j0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Taylor) 
>I have a Intel Pentium 90 on a Intel Neptune mb that I bought 3 or 4 years
>ago.  I want to upgrade the CPU w/o swapping out the motherboard.  Which CPU
>should I upgrade to?  I am interested in hearing about Intel, AMD, and Cyrix
>(or any others) upgrades.  Also, I will be exclusively running Linux 2.0.36
>and Linux 2.2 (when it comes out).
>Which is the most bang for the buck?  Are there any to stay away from? etc,
If you don't want to upgrade the motherboard, you should look at companies 
like Evergreen, Intel, and Kinston that make overdrive processor's. 


Get rid of the blahs to email me :}


Subject: Re: Making SURE Linux doesn't WAKE UP (power-up)?
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 21:07:31 GMT

The logs are a good place to look - it doesn't log the power saving
modes of the system though. I remember having problems with "at" jobs
running every minute! on a redhat setup I had a few years ago. I've
got Caldera which seems to be pretty quiet by default - unless it's
doing something while I sleep which is what I want to know. Some jobs
scheduled to run once a week or once a month so even if nothing
is done for several nights in a row some hidden job could creep up 
on me unsuspectedly - this is what I don't want. Is crontab the only
place to look for any of these jobs? Is this where the "at" jobs are
originated? I'm just paranoid that there could be some at/cron
job hidden somewhere in the system which would creep up on my system 
at night when all the cooling fans are turned off.

That thermal switch sounds like a good idea. I bought a power supply
for a hundred bucks which was supposedly to power off the fan when the
system wasn't using much power but I've never heard the thing power
off at all. A thermal switch there is in order. I guess I'll be
installing one in the CPU also. That will be really nice - a computer
which makes absolutely not noise! That will take some digging into the
hardware though - and I hope those thermal switches are 
least as reliable as power supply and cpu fans.

Going to the SMOS to make sure the various "wake on XXX" are turned
off is something I'll have to do aswell - I'll just leave the keyboard
and mouse weeks on. 

Thanks for the tips!


>Linux will sometimes power-up, and access the hard drive, for
>no apparent reason.
>I need to make sure when Linux powers down (CPU, HDD, etc.) it
>stays down! So I guess my question is two fold:
>1-How do I find out if my computer wakes up anytime
>  during the night? Will any logs be able to tell me this?
>2-What do I do to make sure it stays powered down?
>The reason I need this is I want to be able to go to sleep without
>having to turn off my machine, and in order to do that I have to MAKE
>SURE Linux will not wake up; not just because it might wake me up, the
>important thing is I aim to switch off the noisy CPU fan and the power
>supply fan! This means if the computer were to wake up during the
>night while I'm asleep it could be devastating to my hardware.


From: "Dave Rodgman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Modem (Rockwell 56.6 PCI data/fax) probs
Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 21:09:33 -0000

The modem appears to be completely dead. I have tried echoing commands to
/dev/modem and /dev/cua3, but nothing happens. It works fine under
Windows... albeit with a terrible ping. Does anyone know if I've been sold a
rebranded winmodem, or maybe have some suggestions?




From: Michael Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Running Siemens MXBTV under linux ?
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 23:10:09 +0100


has anyone an idea if it is possible to run a siemens mx-board under
linux ?



From: Michael Wise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need Advice from Linux Genius
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 18:15:14 -0500

XaosSlaad wrote:
> WAIT WAIT WAIT; don't buy that modem!!!!
>     The Sportster 33.6 VOICE is a Winmodem (almost positive all are save the
> fax/modem); the Sportster 33.6 FAX/MODEM is OK; that's what I'm using
> without a prob.
> XaosSlaad

Since it is an _external_ voice modem, it should work fine.

Michael J. Wise         --        wiseman at


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul E Larson)
Subject: Re: Which CPU to upgrade to?
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 20:54:59 GMT

In article <XKOl2.27346$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul E 
Larson) wrote:
>In article <777lo7$j0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John
> Taylor) wrote:
>>I have a Intel Pentium 90 on a Intel Neptune mb that I bought 3 or 4 years
>>ago.  I want to upgrade the CPU w/o swapping out the motherboard.  Which CPU
>>should I upgrade to?  I am interested in hearing about Intel, AMD, and Cyrix
>>(or any others) upgrades.  Also, I will be exclusively running Linux 2.0.36
>>and Linux 2.2 (when it comes out).
>>Which is the most bang for the buck?  Are there any to stay away from? etc,
>If you don't want to upgrade the motherboard, you should look at companies 
>like Evergreen, Intel, and Kinston that make overdrive processor's. 
                                        should have been Kingston - sorry.
>Get rid of the blahs to email me :}

Get rid of the blahs to email me :}


From: autodata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Soundcard - ESS 1868
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 19:42:14 -0600

Despite RTFM, I'm having a tough time getting my soundcard to work.

I'm running RH 5.2 (Kernel 2.0.36) on a P-133. The PC has ...
- Trident TGUI9440 VGA PCI video card
- 3 serial ports (3F8/IRQ 4, 2F8/IRQ 3, Modem on 3E8/IRQ 5)
- 2 Parallel Ports (378/IRQ 7, 278/IRQ 5)
- 3Com 3C509 netcard (300/IRQ 10)

I'm trying to add an ESS AudioDrive ES1828, with no luck. The PC's BIOS
detects the ESS card, and sndconfig sees it okay, but nothing works
the automatic configuration failed, I tried every combination of manual
settings for the card).

Making matters worse, when I shut down and restarted the box, eth0
be found and my network was dead.

Any suggestions or thoughts are welcome.


From: tony mollica <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Trident 9680
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 02:12:23 +0000

Hi.  Is your card a 9660 or 9680?
Are the vertical lines pixel width and
do they make text hard to read?  If this 
is the problem, raise the color depth to
16bpp and this problem should go away. 
There are other options for the Trident
cards that solve various other odd problems.
You might need to take a look at the xserver 
(XF86_SVGA) man page.


tony mollica


From: Mike Patterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.list
Subject: Brother printing difficulties
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 02:27:04 GMT

This message is regarding the Brother HL-730+ laser printer.  I have
installed RedHat 5.2 with a 2.0.36 kernel, and I am having difficulty
getting the printer to work.  I used the printtool utility, and selected

the filter for the HP laserjet IIP (the model it emulates), but when I
try and test the printer, it outputs one or more pages which are mostly
blank, except for the occasional horizontal line across part of the
page.  Even lptest > /dev/lp1 produces similar results.  Please direct
me to an appropriate information source regarding specifically this
printer model.

Omar Torrens


From: Gary Momarison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Webcam-Project
Date: 09 Jan 1999 18:46:18 -0800

Raphael Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Im searching for some Hardware to set up an Webcam-Project under
> Linux.
> The maximum total cost should be round DM200 = EU100 = $110, if you
> know an adaptor without a Cam its price should be half of total. 
> I need "PAL-Video(24frames/sec) -->Adaptor -->PC" for using a little
> Cam.
> Any ideas?

You could probably find some ideas via Gary's Encyclopedia at

The links look mostly SW oriented, but they probably talk HW too.


From: "dexter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Does anyone knows how to configure an Intel740 on RHat Linux
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 02:43:50 -0000


Subject: pnp usrobotics 52k fax internal modem
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 21:45:14 -0500

I am having trouble getting  my modem to work.  I had it running
initially, however I had to reinstall the system and now I can't get it
to work.  The thing is I configured my modem the same way both times.
Is there something I'm missing.  Here is the script for ppp:

Jan  7 16:06:45 localhost ifup-ppp: pppd started for ppp0 on /dev/modem
at 115200
Jan  7 16:06:45 localhost pppd[881]: pppd 2.3.3 started by root, uid 0
Jan  7 16:07:13 localhost pppd[881]: Serial connection established.
Jan  7 16:07:14 localhost pppd[881]: Using interface ppp0
Jan  7 16:07:14 localhost pppd[881]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/modem
Jan  7 16:07:49 localhost pppd[881]: No response to PAP
Jan  7 16:09:18 localhost pppd[881]: LCP terminated by peer
Jan  7 16:09:18 localhost pppd[881]: Modem hangup
Jan  7 16:09:18 localhost pppd[881]: Connection terminated.
Jan  7 16:09:19 localhost pppd[881]: Exit.

Is this a common occurrance in USR pnp modems?  Any help would be


From: "David H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Modem (Rockwell 56.6 PCI data/fax) probs
Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 20:42:33 -0600

I seem to be having the same problems.  Mine came with a compaq 5140
computer.  It says in the hardware profile that it is a Rockwell HCF 56k
Data/Fax modem.  There probably isn't a way to fix it, except get a
non-winmodem, or use an old ISA 14.4 or 28.8 modem you may have lying around
the house.


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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: Anyone use bellatlantic & Linux?
Date: 10 Jan 1999 02:45:01 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Frank Hale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have bellatlantic internet and RH 5.2 and I have
> been connected for the last year using redhat linux. Problem is I
> couldn't get the new versions of PPP to connect. I had to downgrade the
> package to one that shipped with RH 5.0 powertools I think its version
> 2.2.0f or something like that. That is the only version that I could get
> to connect with Bellatlantic I have no idea what they are doing on there
> networks to prevent the new PPP packages from connecting.

I had similar problems until recently with my ISP (  I
discovered that in my case, the problem was that newer versions of ppp
don't support passing the PAP login information to ppp on the command
line.  I use XISP to dial, and my XISP configuration used this feature. 
When I reconfigured XISP to use the pap-secrets file (and created an
appropriate file), it worked fine.  Of course, this might not be the
issue with Bell Atlantic and your setup, but it also might be that it is.

Rod Smith
NOTE: Remove the digit and following word from my address to mail me


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Soundman Wave slow sound
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 02:54:48 GMT

I have the same problem.  If anyone knows what the matter
is please email me!

Jason Taylor

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> My  soundman wave is working fine but there's one little problem:
> When using x11amp(libc5,glibc,static version) to play my  mp3's, they
> get  played just a bit too slow.
> When using winamp (and windoze, *sigh*) the mp3's get played at the
> right speed. A while ago i read a posting about someone having a similar
> problem with doom. Does anyone know something more about this problem??
> (its very discomforting to restart to windoze every time i want to hear
> that great song...)
> drwho.
> --
> Linux: the choice of a GNU Generation.

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From: Gary Momarison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IDE/ATAPI Tape. Is the a FAQ or HOWTO?
Date: 09 Jan 1999 18:54:33 -0800

ide.txt was mentioned. There's also an "ATAPI FAQ" you can find via
Gary's Encyclopedia at

BTW, you might also wanna look at


From: "David H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Simple X Windows Question
Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 20:51:57 -0600

To update your start menu, all of the files are located in the
/etc/X11/wmconfig directory as text files.  The easiest way is to edit one
of the files (such as emacs) and change everything that says 'emacs' to
something else, the name of the program.  Example:
emacs name="Emacs" gets changed to (for wp70)
wp70 name="Word Perfect 7.0

and so on, and so forth.
I'm new to this too.  If you create a text file, it seems to not work, and
when you run startx, it will not add them.  That is why you need to edit the
emacs file for example. Make sure you save it as a different filename, and
then exit, and restart X.

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From: "David H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 20:55:17 -0600

I had a similar problem with the ATI Rage 3d Pro LT chipset.  If you install
the SVGA server but don't uninstall the ATI Mach 64 (which your board is).
Add the line DefaultColorDepth 16 to the XF86Config file in the Server? area
(man XF86Config for the right area).  Run X.  If it works, X should start.
Then exit X.  The script that started X said that it found an ATI Mach 64
chipset, with 4mb sgram, and a 25mhz clock and such, and ran it from there.
Maybe it's only mine though.

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