Linux-Hardware Digest #286, Volume #9            Thu, 28 Jan 99 01:13:37 EST

  Red Hat 5.2 and SCSI U2W (Tony Pujals)
  Re: Dual Drives Showing as One, Partitioning ("Norm Dresner")
  Disk Mirroring and Clustering ("Chris Edwards")
  keyboard auto-repeat rate question (bgeer)
  X Windows messes up fonts (anthony classick)
  Steps in adding second hard drive to Redhat 5.0. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: High end laptop for linux - suggestions? ("Richard Payne")
  LINUX PPP on a SPARC10 ("Chenard, Sylvain [CAR:VS13:EXCH]")
  Re: Recomendations? Dual Processor MB with EIDE built in and compatible with AMD or 
Cyrix (Kenneth P. Turvey)
  Ultra DMA problems with Slackware 3.2/kernel 2.0.36 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Does m/b cache size make *that* much difference? ("Norm Dresner")
  setup problem ("Zirbes")
  Re: Cheapest Linux "Hardmodem"?  Less than $55.95? ("TURBO1010")
  Help with Modem and Graphics Card ("Khan Asjad")
  linux help channel (Tom)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tony Pujals)
Subject: Red Hat 5.2 and SCSI U2W
Date: 27 Jan 1999 20:02:17 PST

On Red Hat's web site, it says that the Adaptec 2940 U2W should work
with 5.2 . . . can anyone verify if this is correct?

When I attempted to install 5.1, this was definitely not the case. I
realize that U2W is not "officially" supported yet (geez, how long
will it take???), but I'd love to install Red Hat on my newer box.

I am currently running 5.1 on a VA Research dual 266, but I'd love to
put 5.2 on my U2W baby (currently running Windows 98 (gasp) ;-).

Anyway, the above-mentioned URL at Red Hat's site is:

(The very first bullet under Tier 2 Supported SCSI Adapters).

Incidentally, who's working on the U2W driver development? How do I
keep up with its status?

Thanks in advance!


        Tony Pujals
        ObjectMedia, Inc.

Tel:    (408) 235-8700 x101
Fax:    (408) 235-8774
Email:  tony at objectmedia dot com
Web:    http://www dot objectmedia dot com


From: "Norm Dresner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Dual Drives Showing as One, Partitioning
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 15:32:34 GMT

I hesitate to suggest this because you can really screw up things, but if
you feel confident with hardware, try and follow the trail
thru catalog sections -> section A (connector, cable, etc) and you will
either find a cable you can use or the parts to make one up.
P.S. This is the opposite solution from the one that Micropolis made on the
first 1 GB drives.  They had only one connector and a jumber that decided
whether the drive would respond as one drive or two.  Now that's

Moriarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
<78iqja$as3$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> Hello all...
> Please forgive the cross-posting I am doing...
> I have a rather intresting problem involving using a Conner hard drive
> configuration... I have a P5-133 which is running Linux/Windows 98... It
> originally had a 2.1 GB hard drive made by Conner in it (I have since
> an 8.4 GB HD in it, and have removed this one). When I first had the
> opportunity to open the case and poke around in it, I was rather
> to find that my one 2.1 GB HD was really two drives on the same cable - I
> assumed that they were connected via a jumper telling them to `work
> together' - they both show up has a single master IDE drive in the
> have checked Conner's website (Now Seagate), and I cannot find any way to
> seperate the drives in order to get some use of them - Why do I want to
> this? I am out of both IDE interfaces on the motherboard, and I am out of
> slots in general. I have never seen an IDE cable that had three
> on it (total of four) so I could use both those drives together shwoing
> as the Master, with room for say another ATAPI device as a slave... Any
> ideas on how to go about using these seperate? I am wanting to maximize
> use of swap space both under Linux and Windows...
> Any help anyone can give will be greatly appreciated... TIA
> Brian - a.k.a. Moriarty


From: "Chris Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Disk Mirroring and Clustering
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 21:45:56 -0500

I was wondering if there was a way I could do RAID 0 with Linux.  I would
like to be able to mirror all my drives.  Secondly I was wondering if there
was some way to cluster Linux boxes.  I would like to have a second server
mirroring the primary server and do automatic cut overs if the primary
fails.   If they would do load balancing or something to that extent it
would be nice also.


Chris Edwards
Voyager Online


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (bgeer)
Subject: keyboard auto-repeat rate question
Date: 27 Jan 1999 10:10:35 -0700

Here's the story: I built a FIC 2013 & K6-2/350 for my wife &
inherited her RoboTech m'board PentiumPro 200.  It has abysmally slow
key repeat & this board's bios "setup" doesn't offer control of the
keyboard rate.  I am using the same Northgate keyboard that was quite
speedy when attached to my old 5x86.

So, I will be much obliged for suggestions for speeding up key repeat.

Cheers, Bob

<> Robert Geer & Donna Tomky /              *             <>
<>    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |    _o      *   o *      o   <>
<>   Salt Lake City, Utah   |   -\<,      * <\      </L   <>
<>          U S A           |   O/ O     __ /__,    />    <>


From: anthony classick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: X Windows messes up fonts
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 11:22:58 -0500

After I exit from X Windows (SUSE, 5.0), and return to text-mode-only, I
get scrambled fonts. It sometimes takes three or four times in and out
of X Windows to get scrambled fonts, but each time I do, the font
scrambling gets worse. Usually, after 3 restarting of X Windows, the
screen is unreadable. Of the 128 characters of the standard ASCII font,
they are rearranged quite at random. Guessing what is really on the
screen is easy when only a few characters are permuted, but when 50% or
more are permuted, it can be impossible to read the screen. Re-entering
X Windows after scrambled letters does not leave fonts in X Windows
messed up (xterm reads correctly).
        Any ideas?


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Steps in adding second hard drive to Redhat 5.0.
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 17:04:00 GMT

I am about to add a second physical hard drive to a Pentium pro running
redhat 5.0.  After the hardware is physically installed, what are the steps
that must be taken to format the drive, make the file system (mkfs), change
current mount points(e.g., moving the /usr partition to the second drive; or
creating a /home mount point on the second drive).  Can I use cfdisk or fdisk
on the fly and then reboot after mkfs?  Once I move the mount points for file
systems to locations on new partions will the data in the old partitions be
moved upon reboot or must I manually move it?  When do I configure fstab? Many
questions, I'd appreciate any help. thanks

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From: "Richard Payne" <payner at timken dot com>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: Re: High end laptop for linux - suggestions?
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 12:21:20 -0500

I'll second the TP600 info. The MWave part sucks but the rest runs fine.
Sound will
supposedly work, though I haven't played with it yet. The only problem I had
the APM would lock the machine, but there's a pretty easy fix on the
homepage that seems to work.

Rich Payne
(Speaking for myself, not my employer)
payner at timken dot com

Looking for Alpha-Linux info?
Jakob Bruun wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I have an IBM TP 600. LInux runs fine it. Only problem is that the built in
>is unusable under Linux.
>The hardware look and feel is flawless. The machine signals quality.
>the screen is great and the keyboard is one of the best that I've seen on a
>Hope you can use the info.
>- jakob
>Alasdair McAndrew wrote:
>> G'Day there,
>> I'm looking to acquire a laptop to replace my AST Ascentia 910N (on which
>> linux runs extremely well).  I'm looking for one with a good sized TFT
>> 13.3" or 14.1".
>> I've narrowed my search down to a few models:
>> Compaq Armada 1700
>> Dell Inspiron 3500
>> Gateway 2000 9100/5150LS
>> Toshiba Tecra 8000
>> NEC Versa LX
>> IBM Thinkpad 380/600/700
>> All look pretty good on specs; can anyone provide me with some
comparisons as
>> a user?  I like a laptop to have fairly solid construction, and a good
>> keyboard -- some laptops seem to have very lightweight plastic-feeling
>> keyboards which I don't like the feel of at all.  And of course *all*
>> of the laptop: sound, APM, etc, must work flawlessly under linux (I won't
>> putting any version of MS Windows on the machine).
>> If anyone has any comments or advice, I'd be delighted to hear them!
>> cheers,
>>         Alasdair
>> --
>> Alasdair McAndrew               Dept. of Computer and Mathematical
>> Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Victoria University of Technology
>> Fax:   +61 3 9688 4050          P.O. 14428, Melbourne City Mail Centre
>> Phone: +61 3 9688 4344          Melbourne, Vic 8001, Australia


From: "Chenard, Sylvain [CAR:VS13:EXCH]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: LINUX PPP on a SPARC10
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 12:01:20 -0500


 Though I'm using a Sparc10 with RH 5.1, the ppp setup should be trivial
 under linux. I getting a "LCP: timeout sending" problem.

 I've tried 2 modems (microcom 28.8p, microcom 56k), changed serial
 cable, disabled the eth0 interface while connecting PPP and I'm still
 getting the same problem. =

 I suspecting a netmask problem or interrupts problem but I need help
 to validate (or invalidate) these hypothesises.

 BTW: To connect to my ISP, I'm using a DIP script. When ppp is started
      on my SPARC I can see the modem SD led glowing (sending a lot of
      stuff to the ISP port) and small burst FROM the ISP port.

 The following is a sample of my configuration and my logs

-> Here's the log:

 Jan 18 21:28:46 oliver6 pppd[1479]: pppd 2.3.3 started by root, uid 0
 Jan 18 21:28:46 oliver6 pppd[1479]: Removed stale lock on modem (pid
 Jan 18 21:28:46 oliver6 pppd[1479]: Using interface ppp0
 Jan 18 21:28:46 oliver6 pppd[1479]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/modem
 Jan 18 21:29:05 oliver6 kernel: Swansea University Computer Society IPX
0.34 for NET3.035
 Jan 18 21:29:05 oliver6 kernel: IPX Portions Copyright (c) 1995
Caldera, Inc.
 Jan 18 21:29:05 oliver6 kernel: Appletalk 0.17 for Linux NET3.035
 Jan 18 21:29:16 oliver6 pppd[1479]: LCP: timeout sending
 Jan 18 21:29:16 oliver6 pppd[1479]: Connection terminated.
 Jan 18 21:29:16 oliver6 pppd[1479]: Receive serial link is not 8-bit
 Jan 18 21:29:16 oliver6 pppd[1479]: Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0
 Jan 18 21:30:15 oliver6 pppd[1479]: Exit.

 Even if I put the debug option in "options" file, I got nothing more...

 I verified the configuration of my /dev/modem with stty

-> Here's the echo:

 stty -a < /dev/modem

 speed 38400 baud; rows 0; columns 0; line =3D 0;
 intr =3D <undef>; quit =3D <undef>; erase =3D <undef>; kill =3D <undef>;=

 eol2 =3D <undef>; start =3D <undef>; stop =3D <undef>; susp =3D <undef>;=

 dsusp =3D <undef>; rprnt =3D <undef>; werase =3D <undef>; lnext =3D <und=
 flush =3D <undef>; min =3D 1; time =3D 0;
 -parenb -parodd cs8 hupcl -cstopb cread -clocal crtscts
 ignbrk -brkint ignpar -parmrk -inpck -istrip -inlcr -igncr -icrnl -ixon
 -iuclc -ixany -imaxbel
 -opost -olcuc -ocrnl -onlcr -onocr -onlret -ofill -ofdel nl0 cr0 tab0
bs0 vt0
 -isig -icanon -iexten -echo -echoe -echok -echonl -noflsh -xcase
 -echoprt -echoctl -echoke

 You can easily see that the port is 8-N-1 (cs8,-parenb,-cstopb)

-> Here's a sample of my DIP script (succesfull path only)

 port /dev/modem
 speed 38400
 databits 8
 parity N
 stopbits 1
 send ATZ%C3%E2\r
 wait OK 5
 send ATQ0V1E1X4\r
 wait OK 5
 dial T*70,,*67,,555-1212 #As an example
 sleep 1
 send \r
 send \r
 wait Userid: 15
 send e(myunixID)\r
 wait Password? 15
 send \n\
 wait succeeds. 15
 sleep 5
 send \r
 send \r
 send \r
 wait Norte_prompt> 60
 send ppp \r
 print PPP CONNECTED $locip --> $rmtip
 mode ppp
 goto exit

-> Here's my options file from /usr/ppp directory :

 /dev/modem # serial port
 asyncmap 0
 noipdefault # for dynamic IPs

 NOTE: I don't use "connect" since I'm using DIP

-> And when I manually connect to ISP port, I got the following:

 Exiting shell, starting PPP
 ~=DD}#=B8!}!}!} %}!}$}%=A4}"}&} }*} } }%}&m=F7}^(}(}"}1}$}%=A4}2}"}3})}#=
~@=B5qJ}}>~~=DD}#=B8!}!}"} %}!}$}%=A4}"}&} }*} }
}%}&m=F7}^(}(}"}1}$}%=A4}2}"}3})}#}~@=B5qJ} d=A1~

 The Sparc uses both different UART and irq than PC. The following shows
you what I got:

-> From /var/log/messages:


Jan 20 18:40:52 oliver6 kernel: Sparc Zilog8530 serial driver version
Jan 20 18:40:52 oliver6 kernel: tty00 at 0xffede004 (irq =3D 44) is a
Jan 20 18:40:52 oliver6 kernel: tty01 at 0xffede000 (irq =3D 44) is a
Jan 20 18:40:52 oliver6 kernel: tty02 at 0xffedb004 (irq =3D 44) is a
Jan 20 18:40:52 oliver6 kernel: tty03 at 0xffedb000 (irq =3D 44) is a


-> And from "setserial":

 [root@oliver6 ~]# setserial -a /dev/modem
 /dev/modem, Line 0, UART: unknown, Port: 0xffede004, IRQ: 44
         Baud_base: 0, close_delay: 50, divisor: 16
         closing_wait: 3000, closing_wait2: infinte
         Flags: spd_normal

 I'm using my HP425 with a SLIP connection (using ppl) for many years
 now and I never had problems.

 Is there any way to use manual SLIP connection within LINUX (no =

 automatic script)

 Any suggestion are welcomes

 Thanks in advance

 Sylvain Chenard F/W Designer
 PO Box 3511, Station C
 Ottawa, Ontario
 Tel. (613) 763 5289


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kenneth P. Turvey)
Subject: Re: Recomendations? Dual Processor MB with EIDE built in and compatible with 
AMD or Cyrix
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 09:42:49 -0600

On Tue, 26 Jan 1999 20:26:38 -0600, I wrote:
>I'm looking for a good mother board to replace the one in my Pentium 90
>based system.  My requirements are:
>       Dual or Quad CPU compatible
>       Intel Chip Set
>       Built in EIDE controller
>       Compatible with Cyrix or AMD processors (I don't want to pay
>               Intel prices, I assume this doesn't contradict the
>               chip set requirement)
>       Reasonable price.


        I have been informed that neither Cyrix or AMD produce SMP
        capable chips so I have revised the above requirements:

        Does not have to be compatible with Cyrix or AMD but must
        support using a single processor as well as two or four at a

Also a question:

        I understand that if you plan on running SMP using a PII
        processor there is more to it than selecting two PII of the same
        speed and plugging them in... There are incompatibilities even
        between processors of the same type and speed?  I understand the
        serial numbers (or some portion thereof) must match. 

        Does this make it impossible to purchase two PII chips at two
        different times and use them in an SMP system? 


Kenneth P. Turvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  The world is full of fools and faint hearts; and yet everyone has
  courage enough to bear the misfortunes, and wisdom enough to manage
  the affairs, of his neighbor.  -- Benjamin Franklin


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Ultra DMA problems with Slackware 3.2/kernel 2.0.36
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 04:42:02 GMT

We seem to be having some problems with several of our newer servers that have
UDMA drives installed. On some, the solution was to disable all Ultra DMA
support in BIOS. A couple of other machines we upgraded to 2.0.36 from 2.0.35
and the problem was reduced but not eliminated.

The problem usually crops up on our busiest POP3 mail servers. The pop daemon
dies creating the temporary session files. We have upgraded to qpopper and
that seems to fix any remaining problems except when someone receives an
email larger than 10MB.

I have looked but cannot find a definitive solution other than replacing the
drives with SCSI units. Anyone have any info that could help?


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From: "Norm Dresner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Does m/b cache size make *that* much difference?
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 15:27:00 GMT

Most BIOSs have an option to disable the cache, some can independently
disable the internal and external caches.  If you think it doesn't make
that much difference, try it for yourself.


Chris Menzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> I have been running some small perl scripts on two K6-2/300 Linux
> machines that differ only in the motherboard cache size -- one has 1MB,
> the other 512k.  The scripts involve very little disk I/O (just loading
> the perl executable and the 5-15k scripts; no disk I/O initiated in the
> scripts themselves).  The machine with the 1MB cache consistently runs
> the scripts about 50% faster.  Can the cache size make *that* much
> difference?  I've had a couple people suggest that it can, but have
> heard no real definitive answer.   Anybody got one?
> Much obliged.
> ==================================================================
> Christopher Menzel               | web:
> Philosophy, Texas A&M University | net:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> College Station, TX  77843-4237  | vox:             (409) 845-8764
> ==================================================================


From: "Zirbes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: setup problem
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 14:51:51 -0200


I am trying to install Linux on my computer (486DX4, 24Mb RAM, HD 813Mb -
600Mb for Linux, Creative Labs Multimedia Kit).

Well, the thing is that when the linux install program asks me what kind of
CD-ROM I have it gives me two options: SCSI or OTHER.

I have one ide harddisk connect to ide0 (I don't have secondary ide port),
and  Sony CD
connected to sound card. The CD-ROM is a Sony 33A. In OTHERS I´ve tryed
the options "SONY CDU-31A" and "Sound Blaster PRO Interface".

I tryed the following:


and cdu31a=230,5

The SoundBlater address is 220H. The CD-ROM is at 230H.

If somebody had a problem like mine or knows the solution to it, please help

Thanks in advance,
  Carlos Felipe Zirbes

P.S. Please, send a copy of your answer directly to me


Subject: Re: Cheapest Linux "Hardmodem"?  Less than $55.95?
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 20:26:23 -0800

My Diamond V.90 works great in Linux.

d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u (David Fox) wrote in message ...
>Can anyone find a better price than $55.95 on a modem listed as
>working with Linux on, or
>otherwise known to be compatible?  At I found the Best
>Data #56SF for $55.95.  Its not "V.90", is that important?  Test your
>surfing/shopping skills!
>David Fox              xoF divaD
>UCSD HCI Lab                                         baL ICH DSCU


From: "Khan Asjad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Help with Modem and Graphics Card
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 12:41:27 -0500

I recently bought IBM Aptiva E2U and cannot get the following to work:

    - Internal Modem(V.90). Turns out it is reported as LT Winmodem under
    - ATI Rage Pro 2X Turbo AGP graphics card with 4MB ram

>From earlier posts I understand that Winmodem will not work under Linux.
Will external modems connected to USB work? Any suggestions on what to buy ?

Has anybody got the ATI Rage pro to work under Linux ?



Subject: linux help channel
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 00:49:05 -0500

I have started a new channel on IRC for new linux users it is
If you need help or would like to help please visit the channel .
The channel also needs  Operaters .



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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