Linux-Hardware Digest #297, Volume #9            Fri, 29 Jan 99 08:13:25 EST

  Re: Pentium Pro or Pentium II for signal processing? (Mark Hahn)
  Re: Ultra DMA problems with Slackware 3.2/kernel 2.0.36 (Mark Hahn)
  Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: AWE64 PnP problems (Gruppo Aeromodellisti Lugano)
  STB Velocity 4400 AGP woes (Neil Jones)
  Re: realaudio heavy CPU loading (Marc Jauvin)
  Re: Recomendations? Dual Processor MB with EIDE built in and compatible  (Craig 
  Re: Compaq 5220, SuperDisk Drive and Linux (Craig Hanson)
  Re: Newbie is begging for a push in the right direction (Craig Hanson)
  100MBit ethernet PCI card RealTek 8139 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Ensoniq "Gateway" Sound Card problems (HELP!) ("Carl C.")
  Re: STB TV PCI tuner & Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: TV tuner cards ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Linux becomes slow with more memory (Gert Wollny)
  Re: Ensoniq "Gateway" Sound Card problems (HELP!) (Marc Jauvin)
  Re: Overclocked Celeran300A and Linux? (rc5god)
  Re: Amazing Intel i740 display card ! Please help !! (Xiaoyong Wu)


From: Mark Hahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Pentium Pro or Pentium II for signal processing?
Date: 28 Jan 1999 16:34:51 GMT

>> Ummm...thought the celeron & xeon had the same core as the Pentium, but
>> differed in the amount and location of L2 cache...

> As the PII, I believe, but differed in amount of L2 cache.

the Pentium bears very little resemblance to the P6 family:
it's not out-of-order, barely superscalar, etc.  the P6 family
contains the original P6 core (8+8K L1) and the PII core (16+16K L1 and MMX).
the P6/PII chips (P6, PII, Celeron, CeleronA, Xeon, Dixon, PIII)
mainly differ in how much L2 cache they have onchip or in-package, 
and whether the L2 is clocked with the core or at half core.

as for signal processing, the main issues are data layout
(cache size, speed, and for low cache-hit-rates, dram clocking)
and whether you can use MMX/3dnow/KNI or just the FPU.

regards, mark hahn.
operator may differ from spokesperson.              [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Mark Hahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Ultra DMA problems with Slackware 3.2/kernel 2.0.36
Date: 28 Jan 1999 16:42:07 GMT

> We seem to be having some problems with several of our newer servers that have
> UDMA drives installed. On some, the solution was to disable all Ultra DMA

ugh.  verify that your cables are 18" or less, and try a modern kernel (2.2).
the 2.0's are great, but don't benefit from nearly 3 years of fixes...

> I have looked but cannot find a definitive solution other than replacing the
> drives with SCSI units. Anyone have any info that could help?

SCSI has its own problems, not to mention the price.

and remember that UDMA is actually more secure than SCSI (CRC vs parity) ;)


Subject: Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use)
Date: 29 Jan 1999 11:11:50 +0100


  > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David E. Fox) writes:
  >   > I would hope so. :) I think that formal communication should still use
  >   > correct grammar and style, but electronic communication is decidedly
  >   > less formal.
  > Erik doesn't capitalize the beginning of a sentence in order to be
  > *more* formal...

Eek.  That should be does, not doesn't.  Sorry.

Abort this operation?   [Abort]  [Cancel]


Subject: Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use)
Date: 29 Jan 1999 11:12:47 +0100

Bob Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  > In comp.editors [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  > > FWIW, I like /both/ kinds of music [...]
  > Me too. Country and and the other kind, western. 

Yes, but you don't like angry fruit salad :-)

Abort this operation?   [Abort]  [Cancel]


Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 11:28:42 +0100
From: Gruppo Aeromodellisti Lugano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AWE64 PnP problems

"Rev. Cyohtee" wrote:
> I have am AWE64 Soundblaster. I run Red Hat 5.1 on a P2-266.
> During boot, the Creative Labs card is found. When I run sndconfig the
> computer detects the card, puts me into the PnP configuration, and then
> goes to play the sample sound where it comes up with "An error was
> encountered running the modprobe program".
> When I run 'modprobe -a sound' I get:
> no dependency information for module: "/lib/modules/2.0.34/misc/sb.o"
> lsmod only finds the SCSI adapter.
> There is no /proc/sndstat file.
> Any help would be appreciated.

I got my SBAWE64 PnP to work by following closely the HOWTO document by
Marcus Brinkmann, an excellent source of useful information.

Did you compile the Sound information in the kernel as <M> (Module)?
did you run "make dep ; make clean ; make zImage (or make zdisk)"?
Did you run also "make modules ; make modules_install" without errors?
What does your /lib/modules directory look like? (mine is
/lib/modules/2.0.36/ ) This is especially important because my
installation of RedHat set the modules directory as
lib/modules/2.0.36-0.7/ whereas at boot time the kernel looked for a
lib/modules/2.0.36/ (without the -0.7/!!!) directory, and - because
nothing could be found under lib/modules/2.0.36/ - no modular kernel was

After changing the directory to /lib/modules/2.0.36/ I managed to run
sndconfig and set my soundblaster correctly.

Hope this helps, I'm available for further help, if needed!
- Fabrizio (Switzerland)


From: Neil Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: STB Velocity 4400 AGP woes
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 01:11:21 -0800

I can't seem to get resolutions higher than 320x200
on my video card.  It is an STB Velocity 4400 
nVidia TNT w/ 16 Mb.  I'm not certain if it's the
monitor settings or the video card, but I get
a message when starting X that the NVidia chipset
I have is not supported.  Nonethless, it works in
320x200 mode.

The monitor itself is a Sony CDP-VX900T (from Gateway),

Any ideas or pointers?  I can't seem to find specs for
either of these pieces of hardware ANYWHERE!

Thank you.  Please cc by email too, if it's not too much


From: Marc Jauvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: realaudio heavy CPU loading
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 13:14:29 -0500

Eric Potter wrote:
> Kelvin Leung enlightened this group thus:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I got my RH 5.2 running with Ensoniq PCI sound card. I have the alsa
> > sound driver works fine. Both X11amp and Realaudio can produce sound
> > out. But the RealAudio heavily load my CPU (K6-166 overclocked to 200).
> > The audio is interrupted everytime I change to another window , or
> > browsing within Netscape. I got the CPU load monitor fire up and it
> > seems the CPU is fully occupied! I don't think it's the CPU problem 'cos
> > I don't have problem with X11amp, also the Realaudio (not G2) in Windows
> > in the same machine. Is that a fact or just my system doing weird!?
> >
> > Kelvin
> The sound driver in the 2.2.0 kernel performs much better.  The problem with
> interruptions when switching between windows has been pretty much eliminated.

I tried the sound driver of the 2.2.0 kernel with my Ensoniq PCI and I get poor
sound (with play command) and Realaudio does not work at all (cannot write to
the /dev/dsp or /dev/audio error message). I am running RedHat 5.2 with the
alsa drivers (kernel 2.2.0) and it works very well (except for the interuptions
that were described above).

-- marc

Pet Store: "Buy one, get one flea."


From: Craig Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Recomendations? Dual Processor MB with EIDE built in and compatible 
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 05:57:47 +0000

"Kenneth P. Turvey" wrote:

> I'm looking for a good mother board to replace the one in my Pentium 90
> based system.  My requirements are:
>         Dual or Quad CPU compatible
>         Intel Chip Set
>         Built in EIDE controller
>         Compatible with Cyrix or AMD processors (I don't want to pay
>                 Intel prices, I assume this doesn't contradict the
>                 chip set requirement)
>         Reasonable price.
> Thanks,
> --
> Kenneth P. Turvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

As far as I know there are no dual boards that support AMD or Cyrix
because SMP was created by Intel.  If you find one though I'd love to know
about it, because I was looking for one too.

Craig Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: Craig Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Compaq 5220, SuperDisk Drive and Linux
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 06:04:51 +0000

Pierre Rochefort wrote:

> Hello all!
> I just bought a Compaq 5220 (AMD-K6-2 380) with a SuperDisk Drive that
> doubles as a floppy drive. I am trying to install the slakware
> distribution with two floppies (Boot and root disks). My problem is
> simple, I can't get past the boot disk. When I try to insert the root
> disk, I get all sort of error messages. Has anyone had this problem? If
> so, how was it resolved?
> Anyone who can help, do not hesitate to write to me. Email is
> Thanks.
> Pierre
> P.S.: right now, I'm trying to install from hard drive but no success so
> far...stay tuned... ;-)

The problem you are probably having is that slackware is looking for the
second disk on /dev/fd0, but you floppy IDE drive is probably showing up as
one of the /dev/hd* devices.  With slackware separating the root and boot
diskettes there really is no way around this.


From: Craig Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie is begging for a push in the right direction
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 06:22:54 +0000


> And not over the cliff!!!  Although, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed.
> After 3 weeks, and reams and reams of documetation, I find I still can't
> figure out how to add a NIC card to my PC running RedHat 5.2.  Do I configure
> the kernel?  Add a module....I'm feeling a wee bit stupid at this point.
> I have to get this PC up and running, serving files to Windoze machines on our
> network.  So, before I can even bang my head against SAMBA, i need to get the
> damn nic card in.  It's supported under this kernel--3com EtherLink 3C509B.
> If someone could point me to something that would give me some idea of the
> STEPS involved.  What I seem to be doing is going in circles with the docs.
> I would appreciate any help with this.
> thanks
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

Is the kernel finding the card when you boot.  With the 3C509B cards you almost
always have to have support for the card compiled into the kernel and not as a


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: 100MBit ethernet PCI card RealTek 8139
Date: 29 Jan 1999 11:12:01 GMT

I have a problem with a RealTek 8139 PCI Ethernet Card. At first Step
I say, that my English is not very well, and I hope you will excuse

My two computer (a workstation with QDI brilliant IV Motherboard with
on board LAN adapter build on Intel's 82558 chipset and the name WORK1
works under Windows NT Workstation; the server with an Asus board, AMD
K6 and two network cards (PCI RealTek 8139 and ISA 3c509B) with the
name: SERVER2 works with Linux Kernel 2.0.35 (German distribution
S.u.S.E 5.3)) are connected via a crosscable. Both ethernet cards
(Intel's 82558 and RealTek's 8139) are 100MBit types. But in my case
they works in most times with slower speed. Only with the following
sequence, I can tell the RealTek to operate with 100MBit.

1.) Both computers are turned off.
2.) Turn on WORK1. Wait until the network is initialisieced. Note:
This only works, if in the networkcard settings is specified, that the
mode which shall be used, is 100MBit half-duplex.
3.) Turn on SERVER2.

Only with this sequence, I have between WORK1 and SERVER2 a 100MBit

My question is now:

With witch option/patch can I reach the goal, that the RealTek works
always in 100MBit half-duplex mode. The RealTek must work with 100MBit
half-duplex or don't work.

Thanks for helping.


Reply-To: "test" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Carl C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Ensoniq "Gateway" Sound Card problems (HELP!)
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 14:05:21 -0500

Just loaded the RedHat Linux 5.2 (kernel 2.0.36). Everything works great
except the
sound card. It the Ensoniq S3016 Sound card, the special make from gateway.
Gateway will provide the drivers for WNT and WIN-95/98, the sound card just
want to work with the "legacy" drivers.

Has anyone got this card to work?? Even though its a PnP version, I have
tried booting
into DOS, setting the card with SSINIT /I, and still I can't get it to work.

Worst case, I can just get my hands on a Sound Blaster nonPNP but I would
like to get
this working.

Carl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  <Guess what you have to remove to reply
8-) >


Subject: Re: STB TV PCI tuner & Linux
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 18:48:42 GMT

Have you load the tuner.o module with the correct tuner type?

>From  Waitung

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Ashley W Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am working on getting my STB TV PCI to work in Linux (RH 5.2, 2.2). The
> bttv driver is installed, and I am getting colored snow in a portion of
> the video window. That makes me think that I don't have the tuner set
> properly. I have, though, tried both NTSC tuner settings and neither
> works.
> Am I not setting the tuner properly, or is there a greater issue that I'm
> missing?
> Thanks.
> -Ashley

============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


Subject: Re: TV tuner cards
Date: 27 Jan 1999 20:48:00 -0500

: my card is the dbx stereo unit.  the sound output works just fine.

: I don't believe the driver -cares- about the audio; once you tune a station,
: it either comes in stereo or it doesn't.  (I might be wrong, but I didn't do
: anything special to configure the stereo output).

Based upon the debugging information from the msp3400 kernel module,
stations appear to the driver as mono when they are actually stereo.
The card won't automatically switch to stereo.  It merely informs the
driver that stereo is present and the driver will send a command to
the msp3400 chip to enable stereo sound if so desired.  

: you -are- trying to test your tuner by connecting the stereo output plug to a
: real analog preamp (eg, home stereo), right?  I didn't even bother using a
: soundcard, etc, etc - I just connected the 1/8" stereo  jack to my preamp in
: and it 'just plain worked'.

It is connect directly to the preamp.  I get good mono sound, but no



From: Gert Wollny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux becomes slow with more memory
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 13:04:01 +0000

Hi all,

I have Redhat 5.1 running on following system:

MB:       HOT-433 486 PCI/ISA 256k Cache
CPU:      Am5x86-P75
RAM:      4*16 MB FPM 60ns
NETWORK:  PCI NE2000 Clone

After I have upgraded from 48M RAM to 64M RAM linux becomes very slow,
after switching to runlevel 3. 
Cachable Area is 64 MB with "Write Through" and 32 MB with "Write Back"
but changing this gives no difference.

Currently I start the kernel with the MEM=48M option, and it workes like
it did, befor I added the last 16MB SIMM.
I have swapt the modules on the Board, but no changes - so the SIMMs
seem to be okay.

The machine is dual boot with Win95, and the latter seems to be as fast
as befor upgrading.

Any ideas?

Thank you for your time


Remove NOSPAM to reply or mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                     
Max-Planck-Institute of Cognitive NeuroSience


From: Marc Jauvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Ensoniq "Gateway" Sound Card problems (HELP!)
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 14:16:25 -0500

"Carl C." wrote:
> Just loaded the RedHat Linux 5.2 (kernel 2.0.36). Everything works great
> except the
> sound card. It the Ensoniq S3016 Sound card, the special make from gateway.
> While
> Gateway will provide the drivers for WNT and WIN-95/98, the sound card just
> doesn't
> want to work with the "legacy" drivers.
> Has anyone got this card to work?? Even though its a PnP version, I have
> tried booting
> into DOS, setting the card with SSINIT /I, and still I can't get it to work.
> Worst case, I can just get my hands on a Sound Blaster nonPNP but I would
> like to get
> this working.

Try the alsa drivers, it works with my Ensoniq PCI (1370):             

-- marc

Trill: The musical equivalent of an epileptic seizure.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (rc5god)
Subject: Re: Overclocked Celeran300A and Linux?
Date: 28 Jan 1999 18:24:35 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Norbert Goebel  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>ST :-D wrote:
>> If you did overclock C300A/BH6/450 & install LINUX, could you please post
>> your results/findings here for pple like me who's considering doing it? The
>> more affirmations, the more likely it's going to work fine.
>> My other option is to get a Celeron 400 which is overclock-protected.
>> ST.
>> --
>> Scott Tyson
>> eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ# 125581
>  I am not using the BH6, but the Tyan Thunder 100. My C300A works fine (after
>increasing VCore to 2.2V) with up to 464 MHz.
>BTW in my case Linux ran stable with 2.0V Vcore, but Win98 hang every boot.

Im running the BH6, had to increase the core to 2.2V to get it completely
stable, although it was working relatively stable at 2.1V. I also had to
remove the case due to the extra heat generated by the extra voltage, and
the lack  of a secondary case fan. It worked fine with the lid on when I
wasn't running rc5 as well... the constant load of 1 on the cpu makes a
significant temprature difference. As soon as I started rc5 on it using
2.1V with the lid on, it started to go flakey, sig 11's and other random
errors durring compiles. Upping the core made it a little more stable,
found it dead about 4 hours later  due to a GPF. Taking the lid of solved
the problem, as its been up for about 3 months straight now without a
problem. Gets awesome rc5 results: 1.26MKeys/s, this  being on a machine
also serving mail, telnet, ftp, ircd etc. My dual p2-233 gets about
1.31M/s and cost at least twice as much. If only celerons could do SMP :)

I tried 103bus speed, but found it to be really unstable, YMMV.



From: Xiaoyong Wu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Amazing Intel i740 display card ! Please help !!
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 14:49:58 -0500

Hi, Chris,
I have an i740 AGP, and what I did to config it was just replace the
normal XF86_SVGA with the X server XBF_i740. Then reconfigure it,
it works well for me.

As for your case, there must be some link problems. Try to run X, xinit, etc.
If using one of them, u will get a 1600*1024, then try to get the path of
Then look to see if startx is also starting from that path.

Hopefully, that will help.


Chris wrote:

> I am a new user of redhat linux 5.2, I have a intel i740 display and setup
> as instruction which provide by redhat in ftp. I can display in 320*200
> resolution only  (type startx to enter into X Windows), however I have
> 1600*1024 resolution only when I enter X window by command "xdm". If who
> have any ideas, please email me [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Chris Leung



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