Linux-Hardware Digest #749, Volume #12           Wed, 26 Apr 00 14:14:18 EDT

  Re: Partition tools... (Steve Fosdick)
  Re: Dialogic Support Linux (Telephony System) ("Jeff")
  Canon Bjc-620 (Skip Gribbin)
  Re: Linux on a notebook with an ATI Rage Mobility? (robert t. lemmon)
  Re: Epson 740 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  TNT2 ("Pierre FERT")
  Re: Completely new to Linux ("Gez")
  Re: Q: Best printer for linux box? ("Larry Ebbitt ")
  Iomega ZIP drives, parallel only -> no USB ? (Giovanni)
  ethernet card questions. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Recommendations for 3-button mouse (Bill Lee)
  Re: OT:FS toshiba 430CDT and ZipDrive $480 and FDC settlement of (David Weis)
  ISDN wild controller... ("k")
  Re: Ultra-DMA 66 in Linux ????? (Tom Brinkman)
  Apache URL forwarding ("ChemSoft GmbH")
  Re: Epson 740 ("Richard Gaywood")
  Re: Iomega ZIP drives, parallel only -> no USB ? ("Richard Gaywood")
  Weird printing problem (Thaddeus)
  Brain-dead sound card choice (SB live?) (Michael W. Godfrey)
  Re: External DSL modem (Rod Smith)
  Hi Quality SoundCard with good Linux Support? (Mario Lang)
  Re: Few Newbie questions about Red Hat 6.2 (=?iso-8859-1?Q?=D8ystein?= Gyland)
  WD 102ba 7200 drive low transfer rates (Subetai)
  Yamaha 8424 SCSI CD ROM ("Thomas Hengstwerth")
  Re: need help with a modem config (Conexant) (Smitty)
  RedHat 6.2 not recognizing 384MB RAM ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: Steve Fosdick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Partition tools...
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 11:23:05 +0100

Simon Lemieux wrote:
> Hi,
>         one of my friends need both Windows and Linux.  I know exactly
> what to do, but since I was one the Mac side and now on the Linux side,
> I don't know any tools for disk partitionning on the PC...  I really like
> pdisk, I was wondering if it could build windows partion too?  And please
> don't tell me about buying anything (That means, don't mention partition
> magic)!

DOS comes with a very clumsy tool called FDISK which will only
its own partitions or change which partition is marked bootable.

You can create a partition for another OS from Linux if you partitioning
program lets you set the partition type number.  I haven't seen pdisk
but cfdisk does let you do this.  Here's the list of partition types:

 01 FAT12                 40 Venix 80286           86 NTFS volume set
 02 XENIX root            41 PPC PReP Boot         87 NTFS volume set
 03 XENIX usr             42 SFS                   93 Amoeba
 04 FAT16 <32M            4D QNX4.x                94 Amoeba BBT
 05 Extended              4E QNX4.x 2nd part       A0 IBM Thinkpad
 06 FAT16                 4F QNX4.x 3rd part       A5 BSD/386
 07 HPFS/NTFS             50 OnTrack DM            A6 OpenBSD
 08 AIX                   51 OnTrack DM6 Aux1      A7 NeXTSTEP
 09 AIX bootable          52 CP/M                  B7 BSDI fs
 0A OS/2 Boot Manager     53 OnTrack DM6 Aux3      B8 BSDI swap
 0B Win95 FAT32           54 OnTrackDM6            C1 DRDOS/sec (FAT-12)
 0C Win95 FAT32 (LBA)     55 EZ-Drive              C4 DRDOS/sec (FAT-16
 0E Win95 FAT16 (LBA)     56 Golden Bow            C6 DRDOS/sec (FAT-16)
 0F Win95 Ext'd (LBA)     5C Priam Edisk           C7 Syrinx
 10 OPUS                  61 SpeedStor             DB CP/M / CTOS / ...
 11 Hidden FAT12          63 GNU HURD or SysV      E1 DOS access
 12 Compaq diagnostics    64 Novell Netware 286    E3 DOS R/O
 14 Hidden FAT16 <32M     65 Novell Netware 386    E4 SpeedStor
 16 Hidden FAT16          70 DiskSecure Multi-Boo  EB BeOS fs
 17 Hidden HPFS/NTFS      75 PC/IX                 F1 SpeedStor
 18 AST Windows swapfile  80 Old Minix             F4 SpeedStor
 1B Hidden Win95 FAT32    81 Minix / old Linux     F2 DOS secondary
 1C Hidden Win95 FAT32 (  82 Linux swap            FD Linux raid
 1E Hidden Win95 FAT16 (  83 Linux                 FE LANstep
 24 NEC DOS               84 OS/2 hidden C: drive  FF BBT
 3C PartitionMagic recov  85 Linux extended

IIRC correctly Win95 and Win98 will format the partition for you before
installing to it - all you need is the empty partition ready.
Steve Fosdick                  Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Voice: +44 1473 642987         MSMAIL:   BTEA/BTLIP23/FOSDICSJ
Fax:   +44 1473 646656         BOAT:     FOSDICSJ
Snail: B29/G34, BT Labs, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich, IP5 7RE, England.


From: "Jeff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Dialogic Support Linux (Telephony System)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 10:27:31 GMT

The drivers are still in dev mode. They are scheduled for release by the end
of May/2000

"onions" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8e6cou$fqu$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Visiting , I found good news that "Dialogic
> Linux".
> Since I have a Voice/Fax board, I tried to get SDK(Development Kit) for
> Linux but
> could not find one at .
> Is there anybody who have developed ARS/ACS(Auto Response/Calling System)
> system on Linux using Dialogic Board ?  I need help. Thank you


From: Skip Gribbin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Canon Bjc-620
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 06:22:50 -0700

I have tried to install this printer in Corel-Linux. It initializes but
stops there? Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I am familiar with the
printer setup and originally it printed a test it won't?
Thanks for any help and advice!

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (robert t. lemmon)
Subject: Re: Linux on a notebook with an ATI Rage Mobility?
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 11:33:50 GMT

On Tue, 25 Apr 2000 12:33:57 +0200, "Tech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Hi, everybody.
>I'm about to buy a Gericom notebook (Millenium series)
>providing an ATI Rage Mobility video adapter (8 MB SGRAM,
>2x AGP). The question is simple: is X11 compatible with it?
>If so, can it take advantage of its specific 2D/3D capabilities?
>Thanks in advance for your help.
the ATI Rage Mobility is, i've been told, supported by
XFree 3.3.6, which you can download from their web
site. also 3.3.6 should be appearing soon on some
of the Linux distribution CD's, if you'ld rather not 
rebuild it yourself.


Subject: Re: Epson 740
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 11:57:28 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Does anyone know the proper driver to use for the Epson Stylus
> Colour740 printer? Please reply to group. Thanks


Are you refering to printing .ps files? If so, I'm using the following
script(1), under Slackware 7.0(2), and my Epson Stylus Color 740 is
working very well:

cat $1 | gs -sDEVICE=stcolor(3) -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -sOutputFiles=/tmp/
                                         test.ou -
cat /tmp/test.out > /dev/lp0(4)
rm /tmp/test.out

To print, I issue the command: $ printps

(1)I've named it printps and made chmod 755 printps
(2)I've Ghostscript 5.10 version installed
(3)Make  gs -h to see the list of drivers
(4)I've made # chmod 666 /dev/lp0

When browsing with Netscape, everytime I need to print, in the
Netscape:Print screen, at the Print Command:, I issue printps
and the job is done!
I wish this hope.

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: TNT2
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 14:31:27 +0200

where could I find the connection of cable VGA-PAL


Subject: Re: Completely new to Linux
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 12:42:47 GMT

Thank you very much for your replies to my query.  I was under the
impression that Linux requires much less RAM than Windows, but you have
cleared this up for me.  I will probably have to bite the bullet and get a
newer "old" computer for installing Linux and Star Office -- oh well, at
least I'm learning all the time!!

Once again thank you.


"Gez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:3_EM4.6680$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hello group
> I am completely new to Linux but some of the info I obtained from the
> various websites make it appealing to me.  My question is, would Linux
> (Mandrake, for example) run on my old and currently unused IBM 486 SX-25
> with 8 megs of RAM?  Would it run well on this system?  I don't have a
> or sound card and don't need them on the old PC, so PnP issues/installing
> certain kinds of hardware wouldn't be a problem.  The benefit to me of
> installing Linux is that I could begin to learn programming languages on
> (I believe they come with Linux distributions), and I could install
> StarOffice for my mother who wants to learn how to use a computer.
> Thank you very much for any info,
> from a long-time Windows user,
> --
> Gez
> Our disputants put me in mind of the skuttle fish, that when he is unable
> extricate himself, blackens all the water about him, till he becomes
> invisible.
> (Joseph Addison)


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.periphs.printers
From: "Larry Ebbitt " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 08:44:40 -0400 (EDT)
Reply-To: "Larry Ebbitt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Q: Best printer for linux box?

On Tue, 25 Apr 2000 16:44:16 -0500, David Acklam wrote:


The E310 works quite well. Is that an Optra?

Larry - Atlanta -  OS/2


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Giovanni)
Subject: Iomega ZIP drives, parallel only -> no USB ?
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 12:47:23 GMT

Hi all,

I just have a question on the Iomega ZIP. 

I've made some research on the net, and was unable to find any linux
drive for the USB port  (but  the most recent documents I looked into
dated back to july 1999).

 So I presume that, currently, only parallel ports are supported  in
linux, is this correct?

Just asking because the vendor said it's not worth buying the parallel
one because it's much slower than the USB model. Is this also true?

Thanks a lot in advance for any confirmation of this!



Subject: ethernet card questions.
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 12:48:38 GMT

First, I'm running Slackware 7.0 on a 500mhz machine, 32mb RAM.

1. I bought a generic ethernet card with a RealTek 8913 chipset.
   Slackware can't see it. I tried '/sbin/insmod ne2k-pci' to see if
   I could get the NE2000 module to support it but nothing happened.
   My question(s):
      a.)  I found a *.c file at the RealTek website. Where do I place
           the file to compile it?
      b.)  How could I include it, or where could it be placed so that
           it would be included when i recompile my kernel?

      c.)  If I can't do (b.) then, where do I put the module, and how
           can I edit my /etc/rc.d file so that the module would be
           loaded at boot?

2. Can someone recommend a better card for $40 or less?
3. Someone on a local user group recommended a card with an Intel
   chipset. Does anybody know of some cards with an Intel chipset that
   are supported by Slack 7?

all help/info/tips are greatly appreciated.

mark g.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Lee)
Subject: Recommendations for 3-button mouse
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 13:12:01 GMT

Just bougt a Dell Dimension XPS pre-configured with Redhat
6.1. Unfortunately, all they would sell me was a 2-button mouse.

My roots in Unix and X go back to 1985, and a 3-button mouse is my
personal preference.

What is a good quality 3-button mouse? Brand?


Bill Lee

(Please take out the X to respond.)


From: David Weis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: OT:FS toshiba 430CDT and ZipDrive $480 and FDC settlement of
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 08:22:30 -0500

This isn't a forsale newsgroup. Find somewhere more appropriate. 


On Tue, 25 Apr 2000, Chris T wrote:

> I have my Toshiba Satellite Pro 430CDT with an active matrix LCD for 
> sale.  The CPU is a Pentium running at 120mhz,  it has the CD-ROM 
> attachment and the Floppy Disk attachment.  The condition is fair because 
> of a small crack near one of the hinges (I think this a common problem) 
> and there are a couple of stickers on the case (a CRYSTAL METHOD and a 
> SWITCH BLADE SYMPHONY).  I still have the original manuals as I'm the 
> original owner.  Also included is a PC-Card FaxModem rated at 56k Flex.  
> I will not erase the HD which has MS OFFICE 97 PRO, running MS Windows 
> 98, MS MONEY 99 and more!  You will be responsible to delete those Apps.  
> I will include a very nice laptop bag which the Satellite Pro fits very 
> well in and an external mouse (when you don't want to use the trackpoint) 
> NEW PRICE $480 (need the cash for taxes).  Also as a recent addition I 
> will include my Zip Drive as well because I realized that I won't need it 
> after the sale. Also after going to Toshiba's web site to update the 
> drivers I notice a settlement from the FDC that entitles Toshiba laptops 
> owners towards $100 free on Toshiba products this is the web site for 
> more details: 
> E-mail me for more info (one the laptop NOT the legal settlement I am not 
> a lawyer) or if you wish to buy the laptop at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> or I prefer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

David Weis                | 10520 New York Ave, Des Moines, IA 50322
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      | Voice 515-278-0133 Ext 231
When they took the Fourth Amendment, I was quiet because I didn't deal drugs.
When they took the Fifth Amendment, I was quiet because I was innocent.
When they took the Second Amendment, I was quiet because I didn't own a gun.
Now they've taken the First Amendment and I can't say anything.


Subject: ISDN wild controller...
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 15:26:31 +0200

I'va a Winmodem ISDN trust communicator and I just can't get it
work in my gateway.

Humeau Philippe aka "Kameo" french network Engineer.
Short Circuit Member, Foundation member of NBS system.

Known to the author, no electrons were injured or killed during
this mail transaction.


From: Tom Brinkman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Ultra-DMA 66 in Linux ?????
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 14:42:46 GMT

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 4/25/00, 6:22:21 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With=20
Crows) wrote regarding Re: Ultra-DMA 66 in Linux ?????:

> Verrrry interesting.  "hdparm -i /dev/hdb" on my machine shows mode4=20
> flagged, yet "hdparm -t /dev/hdb" gives "only" 13M/sec.  I've heard of=

> people getting approx. 20 or so with that when UDMA/66 is working=20
> I have kernel 2.3.99-pre3 with support for the VIA MVP3 on my mobo
> enabled, and /dev/hdb here is a 7200RPM Western Digital with 2M
> cache.  (I'm not unhappy with the disk I/O, but if it could be better,=

> hey....)

   somethin's wrong with your hardware (mobo?)

  IBM 7200rpm 2mb cache (it's really only 1961k) ata/66, but
running on a ata/33 mobo as master with an ata/33 WD HDD as=20
slave on a soyo 6ba+III oc'd to 135mhz fsb (p3-450@608)

  Mandrake 7.0 w/2.2.15 kernel

/home/tom> hdparm -i /dev/hda
 Model=3DIBM-DPTA-371360, FwRev=3DP74OA30A, SerialNo=3DJHYJHT76950
 UDMA modes: mode0 mode1 *mode2 mode3 mode4
 Drive Supports : ATA/ATAPI-4 T13 1153D revision 17 : ATA-1 ATA-2=20
ATA-3 ATA-4  =20
/home/tom> hdparm -t /dev/hda

 Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  2.89 seconds =3D22.15 MB/sec =20



From: "ChemSoft GmbH" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Apache URL forwarding
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 15:54:48 +0200

Hi all,

is it possible to creat a virtual domain with apache that forwards all to
another url?
i want to set up a forwarding/redirect service. users can register a
domain-name that shows to their homepage.

thanks in advance for all help


From: "Richard Gaywood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Epson 740
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 15:07:13 -0000

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Does anyone know the proper driver to use for the Epson Stylus
> Colour740 printer? Please reply to group. Thanks

Take a look at
for an excellent 740 driver, with good installation instructions.


SRGC SR1+ SR2++ SR3+++ h++    |
b+++ !B UB IE++ RN++ W-       |
ri++ ma++ m+ gm+ M+ !P        |

                WoD have reviwed my first UT mutator and given it 4/5!


From: "Richard Gaywood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Iomega ZIP drives, parallel only -> no USB ?
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 15:19:00 -0000

"Giovanni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I've made some research on the net, and was unable to find any linux
> drive for the USB port  (but  the most recent documents I looked into
> dated back to july 1999).
>  So I presume that, currently, only parallel ports are supported  in
> linux, is this correct?

Not quite. Firstly, the SCSI drives work, as do the internal IDE ones.

Secondly, USB is supported, but only in the development kernels. Take a look
to see the current state of play with USB under linux. I must confess, I've
yet to try my USB Zip under Linux, but apparantly it does work.

> Just asking because the vendor said it's not worth buying the parallel
> one because it's much slower than the USB model. Is this also true?

Yes, he's right. The SCSI, internal IDE and USB ones are all about as fast
as each other, but the parallel port one is a LOT slower. I have friend with
parallel ones who can't believe how fast my USB one is.

> Thanks a lot in advance for any confirmation of this!

No problems.


SRGC SR1+ SR2++ SR3+++ h++    |
b+++ !B UB IE++ RN++ W-       |
ri++ ma++ m+ gm+ M+ !P        |

                WoD have reviwed my first UT mutator and given it 4/5!


From: Thaddeus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Weird printing problem
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 14:18:51 GMT

I recently upgraded to a new computer. I kept most of the same files and
peripherals of the old computer, including the printer. I've got a TI
Microlaser Plus printer. It worked fine on the old computer when setup
under printtool using the Generic Postscript driver. On the new
computer, I set everything up exactly the same as it was and printtool's
test pages worked perfectly. The problem is that whenever I try to print
postscript from an application it doesn't work. The file gets sent to
the printer just fine and the printer display indicates that it's
processing the file. But then when it would normally print it just goes
back to the online idle state. Same thing happens with every program. I
also tried printing to a file and using lpr to send the file to the
printer, no good. It prints ASCII just fine, postscript is the only
problem. I have the EOF option set. Any ideas? TIA

-Thadd Selden

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael W. Godfrey)
Subject: Brain-dead sound card choice (SB live?)
Date: 26 Apr 2000 14:24:20 GMT

I'm buying a new system that will dual boot win98 and linux.
I have installed and run linux before, but I've never bothered to
try to get sound to work since my old GUS classic was lost.

The fellow at the shop is reasonably honest but not very Linux-savy.
He is suggesting I buy an SB-Live (one of the Value OEM, MP3, Platinum) or
SB 128 PCI, as he has heard there is some support for these in Linux.

I have heard mixed messages about Creative's support for Linux.
Is there a better choice for "maximal compatilbility" and "brain-dead
setup"?  Any reason not to buy one of the Sb cards?

I will also be using this card under win98.

Any help appreciated.

-- Mike


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: External DSL modem
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 14:57:06 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Thomas J. Canich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> hello,
> i will be in the market for a DSL modem in the next few months, and i
> wanted to get everyone's take on what the best deal out there is.  I
> already have a HUB, so that need not be integrated.

As a general rule, your best bet is to get the modem from your DSL
provider. This ensures compatibility with the DSL provider's equipment.
Also, many DSL providers offer the equipment at or below cost (sometimes
even free) when you order service. You might not want to do this if your
DSL provider doesn't offer equipment with the features you want (say, if
they don't offer external Ethernet-interfaced devices), or if you've
already got one and need to replace it (say, to get an external
Ethernet-interfaced device) and the ISP doesn't offer an exchange

The most critical thing to do is to ensure compatibility. There are
several different varieties of DSL (ADSL, SDSL, IDSL, etc.), and a modem
for one won't work with another. Even within a category, there may be
sub-varieties (like CAP and DMT for ADSL) that are incompatible. The
single best way to ensure compatibility is to check with the DSL provider
about a specific model. Ask "can I use a FooBar UltraSpeed 150 on your
system?", if that's the model you're considering.

Beyond basic system compatibility is the devices features. In case I
haven't made it overly-clear yet, you should get an external
Ethernet-interfaced device for use with Linux. With (AFAIK) just one
exception, internal devices are better used as door stops as far as Linux
is concerned. I've seen no reports of success with external USB-interfaced
devices. In theory, some of these MIGHT work with some of the latest USB
devices, but I wouldn't recommend you volunteer yourself as a guinea pig
unless you're into device driver programming and can get appropriate
documentation from the manufacturer. Some devices are network bridges,
others are routers. The routers are more flexible. For instance, some of
these can be configured as simple firewalls or do NAT functions (similar
to Linux's IP masquerading).

For information on specific models, check Most
of them seem to work well, although early Alcatel 1000s had a bad
reputation. If you need to buy one, you'll find them difficult to locate;
they aren't normally sold at retail. Your best bet, aside from buying
through your ISP, is to get one used off of eBay ( or
some other auction site. (FWIW, I expect to shortly be offering a used
Westell DMT ADSL modem on eBay.)

Author of books on Linux networking & multi-OS configuration


Subject: Hi Quality SoundCard with good Linux Support?
From: Mario Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 14:51:59 GMT


I am soon buying a complete new computer system.
It will be a Athlon with about 800MHZ and nice things like a 4.9ms SCSI disk
and so on.
I would like to get a really good soundcard which will be enough for some
years for me.
I am doing some composition and I am interested in Synthesis as well as
3d sound and surround sound.
Ill buy some surround speakers too.
Can anyone suggest a soundcard with at least:
Some digital In/Outs,
full-duplex (perhaps with support for different sampling rates).
And probably a good surround speaker system ??

It should be supported by OSS/Free (at least to get some sound out of it),
and ALSA with the most features possible.

Homepage(s): |

How do I type "for i in *.dvi do xdvi i done" in a GUI?
(Discussion in comp.os.linux.misc on the intuitiveness of interfaces.)


From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?=D8ystein?= Gyland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Few Newbie questions about Red Hat 6.2
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 17:06:05 +0200

JSM wrote:

> Also, is there a way to mount my windows drive in linux and copy
> files off it? Thanks.

mount -t auto /dev/hdb1 /mnt/something

Øystein Gyland


From: Subetai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: WD 102ba 7200 drive low transfer rates
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 15:00:27 GMT

 My 7200 wd drive only gets 14 Megabytes seconds in transfer rate.  Most
of the posts I have seen people are ranging closer to twenty.  Does any
one know of a solution to increase the transfer rate.  The system seems
sluggish compared to what i had before with a 5400 quantum drive.  My
system: WD 7200 102ba, Epox MVP3C2 128 Kingston ram, Stealth s220 Video
card.  I hope this is not a hard ware problem, any suggestions welcome.

There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the
fatiguing climb of its steep path have a chance of gaining its luminous
summits--Karl Marx

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Thomas Hengstwerth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Yamaha 8424 SCSI CD ROM
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 17:11:09 +0200

I have a problem installing linux with a Yamaha 8424 SCSI CD ROM every time
I start to install Linux and it does a Scsi reset it just freezes the system
and does not continue.

The problem happens in the Suse 6.2 Instalation, Caldera and the new Corel
Linux version.

When I physically disable it and boot with a plextor Scsi drive it works

I use an initio 9400 compatible scsi card.

Can someone help me ?

Kind regards


From: Smitty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,linux.redhat.ppp,linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: need help with a modem config (Conexant)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 11:15:32 -0400

Kirk Wythers wrote:

> I need some help configuring a ppp on a redhat 6.2 box. My modem is a
> Conexant MDP3900V-U modem working under windows on COM2.
> I have tried linuxconfig and RP3 to get this sucker working. RP3 can't
> locate the modem and when I configure manually, I get the error "Can't open
> ttyS1" when I run debug. Isn't ttyS1 equivalent to COM2? This is a hardware
> modem. What am doing wrong here?
> Thanks,
> Kirk

I do not have any first hand data on your modem, however, the rp3 config pgm
is not compatible with some BIOS.  Please try the kppp configuration tool.  My
modem is an actiontec pci master, which is supported by the manufacturer under
Linux and it works great.  You may wish to try a new modem.
Very truly yours,


Subject: RedHat 6.2 not recognizing 384MB RAM
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 15:51:12 GMT

My Linux box will not recognize the 384MB of RAM I have installed,
despite the fact that when the box is powered it, it scans and shows
384MB.  Under Linux, 'dmesg', 'top', and 'free' all show just 64MB.  I
have one 128MB SDRAM DIMM and one 256MB SDRAM DIMM installed (I
originally had just the 128MB DIMM, but I put in the additional 256MB
DIMM).  From what I can tell, the BIOS seems to recognize the memory
fine, but Linux does not.

Any ideas of what the problem could be, and esp. how to fix it?  Thanks!


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