Linux-Hardware Digest #904, Volume #13           Fri, 17 Nov 00 05:13:03 EST

  Re: Looking for a modem card (Dark Dog)
  Re: HDD setup - UDMA or PIO? ("Sourav Laskar")
  Re: monitor problem ("Gene Heskett")
  Re: Agpgart module (Marcus Lauer)
  Re: Help:installing RH6.2 on DPT SmartRAID V ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Problem solved ("Earthlink")
  P.S. ("Earthlink")
  Re: monitor problem ("Gene Heskett")
  Q: Does Maxtor's Ultra ATA-100 pci card work on RedHat7.0? (Jason Hong)
  NCD15B (Ben)
  Re: Old School (Baron Bosse)
  Re: Integrated AIC-7890  + PCI AIC-29160 woes ("D. Stimits")
  newbie problems ("Peter Stawski")
  which RAID controller on PC164LX ? ("Xavier GALLEZ")
  Re: video problem (James Richard Tyrer)
  Re: which RAID controller on PC164LX ? (Raymond Doetjes)
  Re: newbie problems ("D. Stimits")
  Re: monitor problem (arse)
  Re: programming of stereo video signal under linux (Paul Bourke)


From: Dark Dog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Looking for a modem card
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.os.linux.mandrake,comp.os.linux.portable
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 05:10:08 +0100

On Thu, 16 Nov 2000, avenegas wrote:
>I have a Toshiba 1605 CSD notebook wich has a built in modem (Conexant
>K56 soft). I have a dual OS (Win98 and Linux), and i'm looking for a pcmcia
>modem card that i can use with linux (Mandrake 7.1).
>    Any help or advice would be higly welcome
>Thanks in advance,
3Com Megahertz 3CCM156 56K Global Modem. Works straight out of the box.


From: "Sourav Laskar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HDD setup - UDMA or PIO?
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 10:05:19 +0530

"Michal Szymanski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> - if yes, can it be done somehow at the very beginning of boot
>   procedure, or rather at the end, in /etc/rc.d/rc.local?

put the following line at beginning of /etc/lilo.conf and do lilo -v :-
append "idex=dma"
where x in idex is the ide controller u want in dma mode

or u can put the hdparm command in rc.sysinit



Date: 16 Nov 2000 23:37:45 -0500
From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: monitor problem

Unrot13 this;

Gene Heskett sends Greetings to arse ;

> i have an obscure make of monitor, called 'bluepoint'., this has
> cuased
> problems with linux redhat. it was ok until i wanted to chenge the
> resolution. then i dicovered it wouldnt let me for this type of
> monitor. in the setup program it had it just as a generic monitor.
> so i changed it to generic multisync and this worked and i could
> chenge the resolution. but i curves in at the side, in a funny kinda
> shape. i dont really know what to do about it. i dont want to go
> back to the generic
> (low resolution) one.

> --
> [][][]{}{}~~';:.<<//?|1¬!"£$$%^^&*(())__+/*+
> oooh random characters i must be coool!

> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Cheers, Gene
  Gene Heskett, CET, UHK       |Amiga A2k Zeus040, Linux @ 400mhz 
        email gene underscore heskett at iolinc dot net
#Amiga based X10 home automation program EZHome, see at:#
# <> #
ISP's please take note: My spam control policy is explicit!
#Any Class C address# involved in spamming me is added to my killfile
never to be seen again.  Message will be summarily deleted without dl.
This messages reply content, but not any previously quoted material, is
© 2000 by Gene Heskett, all rights reserved.


From: Marcus Lauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Agpgart module
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 04:38:39 GMT

On Thu, 16 Nov 2000, Phil Millwee wrote:
>Can anyone tell me where to get the agpgart module to add agp support to
>my system.  Kernel is 2.2.14, XF86 4.0.1.  Also I need the Nvidia 095
>that will run on 2.2.14.  The one i've got only runs on 2.2.12.  I'm
>trying to
>get my Geforce 2 out of VGA16 depth 4 640x480.  Thanks in advance.

        Short answer: in a newer kernel :)  The module is actually part of the
kernel, not "driver"-like code.

        What distribution (and version) of Linux are you using?  Perhaps
upgrading to the kernel which comes with a newer version would be a good idea.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.redhat
Subject: Re: Help:installing RH6.2 on DPT SmartRAID V
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 05:03:10 GMT

I am doing an ftp install.  it loads the dpt_i20 driver then loads the raid
I am prompted for type of install, and chose custom then it can't find any
to install on.  I will check to see if the cdrom is scsi and disable it if it
is, just to
narrow it down.

Thanks for the reply

Jim wrote:

> Are you sure it says "no valid media TO INSTALL ON."  I have a DPT Cache
> IV controller with the CD connected to it and I get the message "invalid
> media" but, its that it is not finding the CD rom.  I have always had to
> connect an old IDE CD to install.  Once its installed I have no problems.


From: "Earthlink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problem solved
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 05:47:16 GMT

Think I may have figured it out.

1. Exchanged my WD for a Maxtor. (I wanted an IBM but of course they did not
have any, no Quantum's in stock either so I go a Maxtor 5461DH6 46GB 7200
r.p.m. Ultra DMA 100).

2. Set all BIOS settings to what the BIOS considered as "optimized". Don't
think this matters but I'm superstitious.
Turned off the IDE array, don't use it.

3. Add "idebus = 33" to lilo.conf

4 Put "hdparm -c1 -X66 -d1 /dev/hda" in rc.local

5. Was able to copy large amounts of data DMA error free.

When I took the WD out and put the Maxtor in I was still getting the same
DMA errors and lockups. Doing the above steps cleared those errors up. I
never tried to fix the WD so to be fair, this would of probably fixed the WD
also, but I can't be sure.


From: "Earthlink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: P.S.
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 05:54:45 GMT

Forgot to mention the numbers in case your interested.

Before the fix 32 MB/Sec (hdparm)
After the fix 27 MB/Sec


Date: 16 Nov 2000 23:58:59 -0500
From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: monitor problem

Unrot13 this;

Gene Heskett sends Greetings to arse ;

> i have an obscure make of monitor, called 'bluepoint'., this has
> cuased
> problems with linux redhat. it was ok until i wanted to chenge the
> resolution. then i dicovered it wouldnt let me for this type of
> monitor. in the setup program it had it just as a generic monitor.
> so i changed it to generic multisync and this worked and i could
> chenge the resolution. but i curves in at the side, in a funny kinda
> shape. i dont really know what to do about it. i dont want to go
> back to the generic
> (low resolution) one.

This is caused by the horizontal scan regulator coming out of
regulation.  That monitor probably isn't capable to running the h-scan
rate much if any above 38khz, the old vga standard.  It sounds as if
you've picked a screen mode thats probably trying to run it in the mid
to high 40's.  This may (read probably) lead to early failure of the
scan/hivoltage transformer along with the horizontal output transistor.

Inspect your /etc/X11/XF86Config file and find the lines that define the
horizontal frequency rates acceptable range.  It might read something
like 29-48 khz.  Reduce the second figure to about 40, which will force
X to choose a slower set of rates when its restarted.  If, at the screen
resolution chosen, it can't reduce it without going below the first
figure in the vertical rate range line of this same file, it will
probably exit with a no suitable screen found message.

1024x768 is usually within the range of a cheap monitor but you may have
to tolerate a bit of vertical too slow flicker in some cases just to
keep the horizontal rate in the circuits 'sweet spot'.

The low end limitation is normally the iron in the scan transformers.
If at the right side of the screen, or the bottom for the vertical, the
iron becomes magneticly saturated, it effectivly disappears from the
circuit as a current limiting device.  It becomes a short in other
words.  In that event, the currents will rise to the destroy parts area
in just a millionth of a second.  Do that too many times and parts will
be destroyed.  Going the other way isn't often instantly destructive as
you have seen, but its not a good idea to have it all running as hard as
it can even though the currents are quite limited since they don't have
time to build up to destructive levels.

More trivia than you wanted to know.  :)

Cheers, Gene
  Gene Heskett, CET, UHK       |Amiga A2k Zeus040, Linux @ 400mhz 
        email gene underscore heskett at iolinc dot net
#Amiga based X10 home automation program EZHome, see at:#
# <> #
ISP's please take note: My spam control policy is explicit!
#Any Class C address# involved in spamming me is added to my killfile
never to be seen again.  Message will be summarily deleted without dl.
This messages reply content, but not any previously quoted material, is
© 2000 by Gene Heskett, all rights reserved.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jason Hong)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Q: Does Maxtor's Ultra ATA-100 pci card work on RedHat7.0?
Date: 17 Nov 2000 06:25:42 GMT

Fry's is giving away Ultra ATA-100 PCI card($49) for people buying Mator's
disks bigger than 40GB.  Has anyone tried this controller on RedHat 7.0?

Please reply to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".

Thank you,


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: NCD15B
Date: 17 Nov 2000 07:13:13 GMT

Hash: SHA1

I am looking for the boot files necessary to boot a NCD15B, a 15-inch
monochrome display producd by NCD in the early 90s, off a tftp
server. If anyone has any ideas as to how to go about this,
especially if you know where I can find the neccessary files please
let me know.


Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.8 for non-commercial use <>



From: Baron Bosse <[EMAIL PROTECTED][]>
Subject: Re: Old School
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 08:50:25 +0100

ascii7 wrote:

> Use Debian. It is better than redhat.

is it? what do you mean with better?



Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 00:58:31 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Integrated AIC-7890  + PCI AIC-29160 woes

Tien Duc Nguyen wrote:
> Hello,
>             I would be greatful if someone could enlighten me on this:
> My Linux box is running RH Linux 6 kernel 2.2.5; an integrated AIC-7890
> is already installed and working with 3 devices: id 0 is a
> Quantum disk, id 3 is a VXA-1 tape, id 4 is a SEAGATE drive and id 7 is
> the AIC-7890 itself. When i install the PCI AIC-29160,
> an reboot linux, the kernel loads the driver and detecs the Quantum, and
> VXA-1 but on the SEAGATE it choke.
> The principal message is:
> scsci bus is being reset for host 1 channel 0.
> etc
> Tien duc

What are the contents of:

and probably:

What is listed for any aic7xxx lines in file:



From: "Peter Stawski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: newbie problems
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 08:10:17 GMT

Hi All,
   I have recently installed RedHat 7 on my Intel Pentium 150 Mhz with one
15Gb IDE hard disk.  Installation went OK without any problems.  However,
there seems to be a few querks in my system.

1)   When I log in as superuser I can not 'shutdown'.  I have tried
<shutdown -h now> and still on luck.  I get "unknown command" back.  The
command <halt> work fine.  I have checked user rights to /sbin/shutdown and
it seems OK, and no different to /sbin/halt.

2)   In relation to the above problem I verified the installed packages on
my system using <rpm -Va>.  I got back many files that had MD5 checksum,
File Size, and File Modification time errors.  Many of these files were
config files.  I then found the packages that belonged to those files, and
reinstalled them one by one.  I then did <rpm -Va> again, and these same
files were listed with the same errors.

 BTW.   I validated the SysVinit-2.78-10.i386.rpm and there are no problems
with it.

Linux is the only OS on this computer, so I am happy to do a clean reinstall
if necessary.  I got the 2 RedHat CD's via FTP from, but perhaps
I should try with original CD's which I have access to.  Not sure were to go
from here.

Someone told me that the environmental profile my have something to do with

Thanks for any help at all,



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.alpha
Subject: which RAID controller on PC164LX ?
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 09:47:33 +0100

We are looking forward to purchasing a entry-level RAID controller (RAID-5,
external connector prefered) to be used in a Linux/Alpha system (PC164LX
Mobo, 21164A CPU). Is anyone aware of controller that is both hardware and
software compatible with this platform ?

Thanks in advance,

Ir. Xavier Gallez

Centre for Systems Engineering and Applied Mechanics (CESAME)
Universite Catholique de Louvain
Batiment Euler, Av. Georges Lemaitre, 4-6
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, BELGIUM

Tel: + 32 - 10 - 47 2365
Fax: + 32 - 10 - 47 2180


From: James Richard Tyrer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: video problem
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 08:57:26 GMT

Patrick wrote:

> Hi,
> Red Hat refuses to work with my on board video, Intel(R) 810 Chipset.
> Any suggestions?
> --
> Patrick Pieters
> +32 (0) 9 226 69 06

According to the documentation, there is a specific problem with the
Intel chip set.

You apparently will need to build your own Kernel with this option



From: Raymond Doetjes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.alpha
Subject: Re: which RAID controller on PC164LX ?
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 10:16:25 +0100

Mylex is supported by all Linux distributions on Alpha


Xavier GALLEZ wrote:

> We are looking forward to purchasing a entry-level RAID controller (RAID-5,
> external connector prefered) to be used in a Linux/Alpha system (PC164LX
> Mobo, 21164A CPU). Is anyone aware of controller that is both hardware and
> software compatible with this platform ?
> Thanks in advance,
>     Xavier
> --
> =============================================================
> Ir. Xavier Gallez
> Centre for Systems Engineering and Applied Mechanics (CESAME)
> Universite Catholique de Louvain
> Batiment Euler, Av. Georges Lemaitre, 4-6
> B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, BELGIUM
> Tel: + 32 - 10 - 47 2365
> Fax: + 32 - 10 - 47 2180
> =============================================================


Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 02:22:42 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: newbie problems

Peter Stawski wrote:
> Hi All,
>    I have recently installed RedHat 7 on my Intel Pentium 150 Mhz with one
> 15Gb IDE hard disk.  Installation went OK without any problems.  However,
> there seems to be a few querks in my system.
> 1)   When I log in as superuser I can not 'shutdown'.  I have tried
> <shutdown -h now> and still on luck.  I get "unknown command" back.  The
> command <halt> work fine.  I have checked user rights to /sbin/shutdown and
> it seems OK, and no different to /sbin/halt.

Most likely it simply is not found in your search path for your current
shell. It is possible RH 7 puts it in a different location than RH 6.2,
but on 6.2 it is located in /usr/bin/, and is a symbolic link to a
wrapper program "consolehelper"; in turn, consolehelper calls
/sbin/shutdown (apparently consolehelper is used as a somewhat more
secure means of allowing non-root to use shutdown). Try explicitly
naming the real shutdown as root:
/sbin/shutdown -h now

If this works, you just need to fix your path settings for your shell.

> 2)   In relation to the above problem I verified the installed packages on
> my system using <rpm -Va>.  I got back many files that had MD5 checksum,
> File Size, and File Modification time errors.  Many of these files were
> config files.  I then found the packages that belonged to those files, and
> reinstalled them one by one.  I then did <rpm -Va> again, and these same
> files were listed with the same errors.
>  BTW.   I validated the SysVinit-2.78-10.i386.rpm and there are no problems
> with it.
> Linux is the only OS on this computer, so I am happy to do a clean reinstall
> if necessary.  I got the 2 RedHat CD's via FTP from, but perhaps
> I should try with original CD's which I have access to.  Not sure were to go
> from here.
> Someone told me that the environmental profile my have something to do with
> it.

This is what the current path for your shell environment
variable "PATH".

> Thanks for any help at all,


From: arse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: monitor problem
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 09:33:10 GMT


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Bourke)
Subject: Re: programming of stereo video signal under linux
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 21:08:49 +1100

You can find some of your porgramming qustions for doing stereo
programming on my pages, at
and some minimal code here

Regarding stereo support and linux, it is a source of great fustration
that stereo support in the drivers under Linux seems very thin, at least
for frame sequential stereo (the only decent way to fly). I'm not too
sure about intelaced stereo for HMD. If you fins anything please let me

P a u l   B o u r k e
Visualisation Research Fellow



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