Linux-Hardware Digest #994, Volume #13            Wed, 6 Dec 00 21:13:06 EST

  Re: TV-OUTput from video card under Linux? (B'ichela)
  anyone running RedHat 6.2 or 7.0 on a Dell Dimension L600cx? (jtnews)
  Advansys 3940U2W won't work with RHL6.1? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: GeForce 2 MX ("MrYo")
  Kernels + libretto 50ct != happy (Alex Deucher)
  Re: Hardware RAID Options? (Eric Frey)
  Re: PCMCIA modem / Tecra 8000 / SuSe 7.0 ("John D. Peedle")
  Re: GeForce 2 MX (Otto J. Makela)
  Re: Plustek U12 USB Scanner (Paul Pygeon)
  Re: Driver for Compaq 5100 XL Deskpro SCSI adapter ("John D. Peedle")
  Re: Mandrake 7.1 with Nvidia GeForce2 MX (Otto J. Makela)
  AWE32 problem with kernel 2.4.0-11 ("Al Mal")
  Re: Philips CDRW (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Audio System of Dell Inspirion 3200 (Dances With Crows)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (B'ichela)
Subject: Re: TV-OUTput from video card under Linux?
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 16:52:57 -0500

On 26 Nov 2000 18:33:48 GMT, Michal Szymanski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have Linux RH6.2 on a PC equipped with Riva Ultra TNT2 Vanta card.
>The card has TV-OUT sockets (one for SVHS and one for ordinary video
>signal). Under Windoze98 the card driver allows to switch the output
>device between monitor and TV, but not both at the same time.
>Under Linux, it works strange. Without any special action, the TV screen
>shows something which is surely the copy of monitor screen (I can
>recognize the colors of my xterm windows etc), but screwed up as if it
>had no sync.
        Sounds like your can try setting your card to CGA sync rates.
You can also try setting your card for 640x480 mode.
        What you are getting is the SVGA rates coming out of your
composite output. a U.S or European Television is NOT going to support
these rates.
        Somewhere in my pile of archaic hardware I have those specs
for CGA and U.S NTSC. I do not have the info for PAL however.




Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 18:06:28 -0500
From: jtnews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: anyone running RedHat 6.2 or 7.0 on a Dell Dimension L600cx?

I was thinking of buying a Dell Dimension L600cx.
I'm wondering if the following on the Dell Dimension L600cx work in 
RedHat linux 6.2 and 7.0.

  Soundblaster Create 64V PCI chipset
  Intel 3d AGP graphics
  CD-RW drive

Please let me know if you've got RedHat 6.2 and 7.0 working
on the L600cx with sound, graphics, and CD-RW drive.



Subject: Advansys 3940U2W won't work with RHL6.1?
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 23:12:30 GMT

I'd like to set up another server, and am trying to install Red Hat 6.1
on an old Pentium box using an Advansys ASB3940U2W SCSI controller and a
Quantum Atlas V drive.  I'm not that familiar with Linux yet, so I try
to install using the text option on the boot disk.  I see the message
"scsi : 0 hosts" while the install routine is first running, then after
asking about the language, keyboard, and type of installation (I choose
custom), I get a dialog titled "No drives found".

The strange thing about this is that I actually had this box working
with a Quantum Atlas IV drive that had had RHL 6.1 previously installed
on it.  I just did a new install on that drive, and it found the
Advansys SCSI controller with no problem.  Unfortunately, the drive
itself failed soon therafter.  The new drive is recognized by the
controller, and while trying to figure out why RHL 6.1 won't see it, I
fdisked in DOS and was able to format & boot DOS OK.  So I don't think
there's a hardware problem...if I understand the Advansys web site,
versions of Red Hat above 6 should have the 3940U2W driver support built
in.  Any ideas on how to get Red Hat 6.1 to see this controller?  Thanks
in advance for your help!


Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: GeForce 2 MX
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 23:49:06 GMT

I have the same problem too, 3d prophet mx on rad hat 7.0 final

Bye Maurizio


Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 12:48:35 -0500
From: Alex Deucher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Kernels + libretto 50ct != happy

I just installed redhat 7 on my libretto 50ct.  I've been using redhat
(inculing redhat7) for years now have had no problems with it.  but the
last few weeks have been hell trying to configure a new kernel for the
libretto.  I would like to install a thinner kernel, and add support for
lirc and the toshiba SMM driver.  

Redhat 7 "issues"

- the "chips" Xfree 4.0.1 driver included has a bug which casues it to
dump core when you start X.  this seems to still be in the recent
rawhide builds as well.

- the kernel headers included are based on 2.4.x while the kernel is
2.2.x.  When you try and compile add on modules for the kernel, they
build against these headers and thus have unresolved symbols and kernel
number mismatches.

- the 2.2.16-22? kernel source included with rh7 won't build, period.  I
have tested it on several machines, both in the standard config as
shipped and with custom configs.  The only way to get it to build is to
compile in SMP support, which of course disables APM.

- the pcmcia source included with rh7 does not build against any other
kernel sources, and the pcmcia source from the official site does not
seem to be compatible with the card services installed with rh7. 
Installing that over the rh7 install seems to break pcmcia
functionality, and for the life of me I haven't been able to get it to

So here's the deal:

I downloaded the official 2.2.17 kernel, but it seems to have errors in
Checksum.S and won't compile. the official 2.2.16 compiles ok, but I
can't get card services to function properly with it.  the redhat 2.2
kernel source just plain won't compile.

2.4.0test11 compiles, but right after it starts to boot (somewhere after
the IDE controller is detected), I believe it attempts to load some
modules, the console fills with error messages about /sbin/modprobe
failing to execute and then something about binfmt=646c, I can't
remember the exact message.

I figured it may be an issue with modutils, so I updated to 2.3.21, that
didn't help.
I've checked all the version numbers in the Documentation/Changes, and
all my stuff it up to date.

Does anyone have any suggestions or information?  They would be much




From: Eric Frey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hardware RAID Options?
Date: 6 Dec 2000 23:32:08 GMT

Dances With Crows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: The folks at my place of employment are looking to build a Linux box
: with a reasonably large (~290G) SCSI RAID-5, and would like to have a
: hardware RAID controller.  I did some grubbing around on Deja, but
: didn't find as much as I'd thought.
I have recently been testing out 3ware escalade IDE raid controllers. These
don't handle raid-5, but they sure are cheap and seem to give pretty good
performance. I have been using both maxtor 5400 RPM 80 GB drives and
IBM 7200 RPM, 60 GB drives. I only have one IBM drive so haven't really
done RAID with it. With the maxtor drives I have done raid-0 and raid-1.
The controller supports raid-10 (mirrored/striped) but I haven't tried it yet.
I have been benchmarking using Bonnie++ 1.0e. I have also compared things
to a Seagate Chetah 10k RPM, 75 GB SCSI drive connected to Adapted U160 SCSI

The 3ware controller has a separte Ultra66 port for each IDE drive. It
looks to linux like a scsi controller. It is set up via bios and can
be monitored by a daemon via the web. It can automatically use spares
to rebuild a mirrored array and send email when various email events
happen. I have been using it on a RH6.2 system w/kernel 2.2.17. The
system has dual 700 MHz PIII processors on a Tyan 1834 dual motherboard
(Via Pro133 chipset) and 256MB memory. The SCSI drive is in a similar
but has dual 800 MHz cpus and 512 MB memory. Since the SCSI system has
larger memory, Bonnie used larger files to do the benchmark (I used -r 256
for the ide system and -r 512 on the SCSI system to tell Bonnie the
size of the systems ram.

It would be nice if they had RAID 5, but given the relative cost of SCSI
and IDE disks, using RAID-1 is really not all that prohibitive. BTW,
the 8 port version of the Escalade (the 6800) costs ~$460. Given
the price of the controller and IDE disks, I think this is a pretty
cost effective way to get a large amount of storage.

Attached are the Bonnie++ benchmarks through an ext2 filesystem:

using IBM 75GXP 60GB 7200 RPM w/dma on motherboard ide controller
Version 1.00e       ------Sequential Output------ --Sequential Input- --Random-
                    -Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks--
Machine        Size K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP  /sec %CP
otter.bme.unc. 512M 10573  96 27224  35 11763  29 10941  94 32032  16 188.4   0
                    ------Sequential Create------ --------Random Create--------
                    -Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete--
              files  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP
                 16   429  99  1345 100 16716  99   415  99 10356  99  2727 100
using IBM 75GXP 60GB 7200 RPM on escalade 6400
Version 1.00e       ------Sequential Output------ --Sequential Input- --Random-
                    -Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks--
Machine        Size K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP  /sec %CP
otter.bme.unc. 512M 10477  94 40698  46 14785  36 11205  96 36546  21 199.1   0
                    ------Sequential Create------ --------Random Create--------
                    -Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete--
              files  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP
                 16   423  99  1301  99 16826 100   409  99 11178 100  2578 100

maxtor diamondmax 80 in jbod mode on escalade 6400
Version 1.00e       ------Sequential Output------ --Sequential Input- --Random-
                    -Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks--
Machine        Size K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP  /sec %CP
otter.bme.unc. 512M  9464  87 14188  12  7110  16 10594  91 29070  21 153.2   0
                    ------Sequential Create------ --------Random Create--------
                    -Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete--
              files  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP
                 16   381  99  1281  99 17173  99   366  99 10287  99  2441  93

using Maxtor diamondmax 80 in mirrored mode on escalade 6400
Version 1.00e       ------Sequential Output------ --Sequential Input- --Random- 
                    -Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks--
Machine        Size K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP  /sec %CP
otter.bme.unc. 512M 10799  98 13788  13  6813  16 10554  91 28894  17 215.7   1
                    ------Sequential Create------ --------Random Create-------- 
                                                  -Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- 
-Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- 
                                  files  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec 
%CP  /sec %CP
                                          16   444  99  1402  99 16520  99   426  98 
10703  99  2609  98
using 2 striped diamondmax 80 on escalade 6400
Version 1.00e       ------Sequential Output------ --Sequential Input- --Random-
                    -Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks--
Machine        Size K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP  /sec %CP
otter.bme.unc.ed 1G 10657  97 25596  28 12167  32 11294  98 51616  42 167.2   1
                    ------Sequential Create------ --------Random Create--------
                    -Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete--
              files  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP
                 16   436  99  1324  99 17667 100   422  99 10713 100  2666  99

using Seagate 75 GB 10k on Adaptec U160 SCSI
Version 1.00e       ------Sequential Output------ --Sequential Input- --Random-
                    -Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks--
Machine        Size K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP  /sec %CP
mirlbcc.bme.unc. 1G  9890  97 38515  36 10499  22 10122  95 34696  17 322.8   2
                    ------Sequential Create------ --------Random Create--------
                    -Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete--
              files  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP
                 16   402  98  1253  99 14515 100   400  99  7835  99  2414  99

Eric C. Frey  
Assistant Professor 
Department of Biomedical Engineering and Department of Radiology
The University of North Carolina


From: "John D. Peedle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PCMCIA modem / Tecra 8000 / SuSe 7.0
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 00:05:14 -0000

"Olaf Selchow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I'm running SuSe 7.0 on a Toshiba Tecra 8000 laptop. Now I'm
> looking for a PCMCIA 56K modem card that is supported by / works
> well under my configuration. I am tempted to try the
> " 3Com® Megahertz® 56K* Global GSM and Cellular Modem PC Card"
> from US Robotics/3Com. Anybody who has experience with tha card
> or can recommend another card?
> Thanks very much,
> Olaf
> --
> Olaf Selchow
> European Molecular Biology Laboratory
> Meyerhofstrasse 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany

The Xircom RealPort is good...

John D. Peedle
RHCE - so I'm Biased!
Registered Linux User 167460


Subject: Re: GeForce 2 MX
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Otto J. Makela)
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 00:13:51 GMT

"Tino Langer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I just tried to install Redhat Linux 7.0, but the X-Server couldn't
> be startet.  Is there anyone with the same problem?

I got the install working in basic VGA mode, but only after finding
that the card was not properly seated in the AGP socket.  Take care,
AGP cards are somewhat mechanically tricky because the card connector
is so far away from the machine rear with the locking screw...
   /* * * Otto J. Makela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
  /* Phone: +358 40 765 5772, FAX: +358 2040 64652, ICBM: 60N 25E */
 /* Mail: Mechelininkatu 26 B 27,  FIN-00100  Helsinki,  FINLAND */
/* * * Computers Rule 01001111 01001011 * * * * * * * * * * * * */


From: Paul Pygeon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Plustek U12 USB Scanner
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 19:18:51 -0500

Jan-Erik Bullett wrote:

does USB work with Linux?

Sure USB works. So if company don't release information
for building driver, it's a shame to make it.
Plustek don't want to release his specs. It a industrial
secret. So, no support in Linux.

I've a U12 also



From: "John D. Peedle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Driver for Compaq 5100 XL Deskpro SCSI adapter
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 00:22:52 -0000

"Clifford Kite" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Posted on behalf of a usenet impaired friend and Linux user:
> I bought a Compaq "Deskpro 5100 XL".  It has a 1 gig scsi hard
> drive and no IDE drive.  The scsi adapter is on the motherboard.
> Tomsrtbt does not automatically recognize it.  My question is: what
> Linux drivers might work with these Compaq devices?
> --
> Clifford Kite <>                  Not a guru. (tm)
> /* 97.3% of all statistics are made up. */

AFAIK Specs for this box are:

Adaptec 3940 SCSI Adapter
Integrated NetFlex-2 ENET/PCI Controller (AMD)
Compaq QVision Video Card

You may have problems with the video card as I don't think it is supported
under X. Other than that it should be fine

John D. Peedle
RHCE - so I'm Biased!
Registered Linux User 167460


Subject: Re: Mandrake 7.1 with Nvidia GeForce2 MX
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Otto J. Makela)
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 00:19:56 GMT

jfurness schrieb:
> I have successfully installed Madrake Linux 7.1 on my new PC and
> have had one major problem relating to the Nvidia GeForce2 MX
> graphics card.
> The X config file states that it has auto-detected a generic Nvidia
> Geforce 256 card but when I "startx" the whole display just ends up
> garbled. The machine doesn't crash and when I break out of X back to
> the character prompt the display is STILL in a mess, and I have to
> guess that I've typed "halt"!!
> If anybody knows what the problem is (is this card as yet
> unsupported??) or where I can get the right driver(s) etc. I'd be
> most grateful,

Get the appropriate drivers from
and follow the instructions carefully.  Worked for me & RH7.
   /* * * Otto J. Makela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
  /* Phone: +358 40 765 5772, FAX: +358 2040 64652, ICBM: 60N 25E */
 /* Mail: Mechelininkatu 26 B 27,  FIN-00100  Helsinki,  FINLAND */
/* * * Computers Rule 01001111 01001011 * * * * * * * * * * * * */


From: "Al Mal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: AWE32 problem with kernel 2.4.0-11
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 01:04:27 GMT

What exactly changed in sound support in those new 2.4.0 kernels? My AWE32
no longer can play MIDI (awe_midi not loaded) but digital playback is OK.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: Philips CDRW
Date: 7 Dec 2000 01:57:53 GMT

On Tue, 5 Dec 2000 23:48:20 -0600, Corey Frank 
staggered into the Black Sun and said:
>Does anyone know if there are drives or modules for the Philips 804 CDRW?  I
>could find nothing on the Philips web site but a review of the 404 indicated
>that it was not supported under Linux.

How old is this drive, and is it IDE or SCSI?  There are a lot of drives
that aren't on the list at the cdrecord home page that are supported and
work fine.  I had a Philips 460 that wasn't listed, but it worked very
well until it developed mechanical problems (gah.)  Basically, most IDE
drive made after 1998 is mmc-3 compliant and should work.  Most SCSI
drives that were made after about 1997 should work.  The best thing to
do would be to try out the directions at
and see if you can't get it to work there.  It's not as hard as they
make it out to be.

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt     /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
=============================/    I hit a seg fault....


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: Audio System of Dell Inspirion 3200
Date: 7 Dec 2000 01:58:54 GMT

On Wed, 06 Dec 2000 14:33:47 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>According to Dell the sound chip is a crystal 4237B. I have tried Alsa
>(that should support the chip, according to the documentation), I've
>tried OSS (should support it as well) and the kernel sound modules, but
>without sucess. I have played around with different IRQs (should be 5,
>according to Windows), DMAs (should be 1) and I/Os (530) - not even a
>single "blip" from my trusty old Dell.

Try this:
modprobe sound dmabuf=1
modprobe cs4232 irq=5 io=0x534 dma=1 dma2=0 mpuio=0x330 mpuirq=9
modprobe opl3 io=0x388

The I/O may be 0x530; try that if 0x534 barfs.  The DMA numbers given
above are almost always the right ones for Crystal 42xx chips; I've
gotten a number of Dells and Thinkpads working with the command lines

>So after I've been working on this for several days, searched through
>the SuSE support DB and the internet, I start wondering: Is there
>*anybody* out there who has actually got this thing playing audio
>files? And if so, how???

?  There's a bloody huge amount of info there about almost every laptop
under the sun.  Try that place if the above fails--I know there are a
few pages on the Inspiron 3200.  HTH,

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt     /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
=============================/    I hit a seg fault....



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