Linux-Hardware Digest #15, Volume #14            Mon, 11 Dec 00 19:13:11 EST

  Re: HPT370 and RH7.0 ("DjM")
  Re: harddrive upgrade ("Patrick Bartek")
  Re: Compaq presario 924 bios (Joel Gallun)
  Thinkpad 600E (Sound / Network) ("Niels Planert")
  Re: Proliant 1000 SCSI ? ("Yes")
  Re: Reading ancient tapes using Emulex MD21 SCSI board (M. Buchenrieder)
  -={ PCMCIA Network card }=- ("Ryan Sullivan")
  Can you run Linux on a IBM i 1200 Series Laptop? (BT)
  Re: ARGGGHHH!!  Slack7.1 ATI AllinWonder Pro Quake2 and glx (Charles Fultz)
  Re: getting the mouse wheel to work (gareth williams)
  Re: Proliant 1000 SCSI ? ("Alk")
  Boot directly from a HW RAID 0+1 (Mylex or Adaptec)  ? (JamJam)
  How do I test serial ports, find modem? (Michael Kantor)
  Re: Reading ancient tapes using Emulex MD21 SCSI board (B'ichela)
  Re: ABit; HPT366; Linux 7 Install problems ("Eric Wertman")
  AGFA Snapscan / AVA 1505 (Claudius Euteneuer)
  Re: Help neede BOOT from LAN ("Gal")
  Re: HELP!!! drivers for winmodem .... (Paul Pygeon)
  Asus A7V Suspend-to-RAM ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,redhat.kernel.general
Subject: Re: HPT370 and RH7.0
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 19:29:46 GMT


Is this to say that I can also tweak the lilo.conf to get my HPT366 and
HPT370 controllers able to allow Linux 7 to see the disks?  As you are
aware, I cannot install Linux (any version or vendor) until I do something
so that Linux will see the drives. (getting: No drives found)

My understanding is that you did something to enable Linux to see the disks,
so it installed.  You did not have to bebuild the kernel because this method
worked out for you.

What specifically did you do to tweak the lilo.conf?

FYI: I'm a Unix application developer who is struggling to get Linux 7 up on
any one of the 6 ABit/Highpoint machines...installation does not complete-
No drives found.

Any clues?


"jwk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Fri, 24 Nov 2000 11:18:46 -0000, Phil Whiles
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I have finally managed to get RH7 installed onto a 46Gb HD which I have
> >moved onto an offboard HPT370 based controller.
> >I have tweaked lilo.conf in the recommended fashion such that lilo will
> >the drives on this controller, and that it will boot off the 46Gb.
> >
> >So linux boots and runs ... Cool.
> >
> >Q. Do I need to compile in to the kernel the latest ide patch to enable
> >support for the HPT370 ?
> if linux sees the disk, it works.
> >Q. How will this improve my lot ? will I get ATA66 or ATA 100 performance
> >or will I be getting this already ?
> I have an IBM 46 Gb disk (DTLA-307045), on a HPT370 controller.
> Just try hdparm -tT /dev/<your disk here, hde in my case) as root.
> hdparm -tT /dev/hde
> /dev/hde:
>  Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  0.93 seconds =137.63 MB/sec
>  Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  1.82 seconds =35.16 MB/sec
> It's the third line that should interest you. Anything above 30 Mb/s
> means you're okay.
> >
> >I am using the kernel sources out of the Redhat box, so to speak :
> >2.2.16-22.
> >
> >Q. Could someone please tell me, (if the answers to the above suggest
that I
> >do need to build in support), where I can download a patch file that will
> >_cleanly_ and _easily_ patch the redhat distro kernel source ? I have
> >two such patches from, and one goes awol (the patch
> >process aborts ? and leaves my terminal in chinese mode ?), the other
> >bitches about a diff going bad, and the resultant source is not
> >
> The problem is that RedHat has already applied a lot of patches against
> 2.2.16, and every patch on the net assumes you have a clean 2.2.16
> kernel tree. So in order to use the latest and greatest ide-patches,
> you'll have to take the jump and start with a clean kernel. However, I
> don't think you'll have to, since the disk is recognized.
> Good luck,
> Jurriaan
> --
> TIM:   That is not an ordinary rabbit ... 'tis the most foul cruel and
>        bad-tempered thing you ever set eyes on.
> GNU/Linux 2.2.18pre22 SMP 2x1117 bogomips load av: 0.62 0.20 0.07


From: "Patrick Bartek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 10 Dec 2000 19:16:03 +0800
Subject: Re: harddrive upgrade
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux

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> I ipgraded my ide system with ut2 scsi controller ( tekram-symbios) and 2
> ibm u2w scsi hds.  It detected the controller properly, but I still can not
> connect to any of scsi hds.  scsi ids are 0 and 1.  The devices I tried to
> access were /dev/sda and /dev/sdb
>  ( fdisk /dev/sda). The error message I get is "Unable to open /dev/sda" .
> When I run diskdrake it also shows only the ide drive I have in the system.
> What do I need to do ?

Have you mounted the drives?  Linux won't "see" any drive until it is
mounted.  Issue the command "df" in a shell and see what the output
is.  Are the drives listed?  If not, then they haven't been
mounted. Also, you'll need to edit /etc/fstab, so the drives (and any
partitions) will be mounted each time you boot.

If all that fails, try using DOS fdisk.  If the drives are seen,
create a DOS partition on each.  Linux fdisk or diskdruid should see
them then.

Patrick Bartek
NoLife Polymath Group

 *** - The #1 Usenet Newsgroup Service on The Planet! ***


From: Joel Gallun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Compaq presario 924 bios
Date: 11 Dec 2000 15:05:03 -0500

"Michelle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> How can I gain access to the BIOS directly without going through the
> diagnostic utility on the diagnostic partition on the HD.

I'm not familiar with that model, but in order to change settings on
many compaq models w/o the diagnostic partition you have to boot the
smart start CD. 

On others press F10 when during start-up when the cursor is in the
lower right corner of the screen.

Joel Gallun
Compaq support team @ America Online


From: "Niels Planert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Thinkpad 600E (Sound / Network)
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 21:15:39 +0100


Ich habe einen Thinkpad 600E. Wie muss ich die Modules.conf beschreiben,
dass auch der Sound läuft?
Ein Automatisches Erkennen mit Yast2 funktioniert nicht (kann Kernelmodul
nicht laden?!)
Ich habe versucht die Karte in den Kernel zu packen ==> kein Erfolg | als
Modul ==> kein Erfolg
Hat einer von euch ein laufendes system mit diesem Gerät?
Es wäre gut wenn ich ein paar modules.conf als Richtlinien heranziehen
Das zweite Problem stellt sich mir mit der ethernet card (CardBus Ethernet
II 10/100)/CBE2-100.
Gibt es mit dieser Karte Konfigurationen die laufen? Wo muss ich da drehen
damit die Karte funktioniert?

Kernel: 2.2.16 (Suse 7.0)

thanks for your support

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind regard

Niels Planert


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.suse
Subject: Re: Proliant 1000 SCSI ?
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 20:54:29 GMT

> There is no difference, but you just cant get rid of this controller, or
> in other place
> Run compaq System Configuration Utility ( Better off the newer SmartStart
> disc)
> and set it up so it says it runs "Linux" or "Other", not WindozeNT or SCO
> whatever else
> AG

I tried it but it stil doesn't work

I asked the same question in xperts-exchange... Seems that Suse doesn't
support this chipset.
So I had a look at Redhat and Mandrake end yep they do support this chipset.
Seems I have two option:

Obtain: Mandrake or Redhat
Install another Scsi card and don't bother about 53c710

Thanks for your suggestions,



Crossposted-To: aus.computers.sun,comp.sys.sun.hardware
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder)
Subject: Re: Reading ancient tapes using Emulex MD21 SCSI board
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 17:16:46 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nick Andrew) writes:

>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nick Andrew) writes:

>>      - the MD21 is not needed and is confusing the issue

>I found the tape drive is actually driven by its own controller
>board (not the Emulex MD21, thankfully!). I unplugged the MD21
>and Linux can now see the tape drive but read/write operations
>do not work.


This is probably caused by the missing terminator. You'll need
at least passive termination on the drive to get that working.
I have to agree with the previous' poster: Get yourself a
borrowed QIC-150 SCSI tape drive instead, as it can easily
read 60 MB cartridges, although you'll have to experiment
with the blocksize that the Sun had used when writing to the

Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
          Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum
    Note: If you want me to send you email, don't munge your address.


From: "Ryan Sullivan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: -={ PCMCIA Network card }=-
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 21:11:57 GMT

Does anyone know of a supported PCMCIA network card.  If you do or can help
in anyway I would appreciate it.  Thanks.

    -={ Ryan }=-


Subject: Can you run Linux on a IBM i 1200 Series Laptop?
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 23:32:13 GMT

Was thinking of creating a dual boot laptop.
But of course I have NO idea what chips it has
on board. 

Thanks for any ideas


From: Charles Fultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware
Subject: Re: ARGGGHHH!!  Slack7.1 ATI AllinWonder Pro Quake2 and glx
Date: 11 Dec 2000 16:32:51 -0500

"Jason Harley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Howdy;
> I'd suggest an upgrade to X4.0.1, removing the glide_v3 (seeing you don't
> have a voodoo 3 with glide support), and the UTAH-glx module (it's part of
> X4.x.x anyway).
> After the new X is installed, make sure you are using the proper x-server
> for your card (r128, I believe), or if you're running a framebuffer try
> adding the r128 information to the accel section of your config file.
> I hope this helps a little bit,

I don't believe upgrading to XFree86-4 will do any good.  In fact, it
may make things worse.  At least for the Voodoo3 and Voodoo Banshee (I
realize that he's not using a V3 or banshee), Quake2, and other Mesa-2
programs, will not work under XFree86-4 with the appropriate drivers.
Here's the not from :
NOTE: These drivers will not run Glide Applications such as Myth2 or the
Glide version of Unreal Tournament. They will also not run Mesa 2.x
based games like Quake2. If you want to play Glide or Mesa2 games, use
these drivers instead. 

This problem may only exist with the V3 and banshee, but I'm not
certain.  I suppose he could just try out XF4 and see if it works.
Heck, if he get's it working, that'll be the best X-server for his
card any way!

Charles Fultz


From: gareth williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: getting the mouse wheel to work
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 21:47:09 +0000

Peter Whysall wrote:

> GNOME applications support the mouse pretty well, and Red Hat seems to
> have a little support in there; however, I can't speak for KDE or other
> window manager/desktop combinations.

KDE2 now has native support for wheelmice too.  Some ancient motif-type 
programs will still need things like "imwheel" to make them run though.

Gareth Williams


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.suse
Subject: Re: Proliant 1000 SCSI ?
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 00:05:04 +0200
Reply-To: "Alk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yes - Compaq supports only REDHAT, and Suse is supported only via very
complex installation descriptions:
Find your exact SCSI and Proliant model there too
Simply Compaqs needs a bit patched NCR/SYM scsi driver for install which is
present on REDHAT CD and in newer kernels

"Yes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:9abZ5.82148$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> ...
> > There is no difference, but you just cant get rid of this controller, or
> put
> > in other place
> > Run Compaq System Configuration Utility ( Better off the newer
> > disc)
> > and set it up so it says it runs "Linux" or "Other", not WindozeNT or
> or
> > whatever else
> >
> > AG
> >
> AG
> I tried it but it stil doesn't work
> I asked the same question in xperts-exchange... Seems that Suse doesn't
> support this chipset.
> So I had a look at Redhat and Mandrake end yep they do support this
> Seems I have two option:
> Obtain: Mandrake or Redhat
> Install another Scsi card and don't bother about 53c710
> Thanks for your suggestions,
> Jack


Subject: Boot directly from a HW RAID 0+1 (Mylex or Adaptec)  ?
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 22:37:28 GMT


I'm putting together an intranet server. I'm considering
a Primergy 670-20 dual cpu server, with Adaptec 3200s or
Mylex AcceleRaid 352 hardware raid controller. I'd like
to use a RAID 0+1 diskarray consisting of 4 18.1GB SCSI harddisks.

Can I boot directly from a raid 0+1 disksystem ? 
Do I need a certain version of LILO ? Or another bootloader
for that matter ? Any pointers to further information is



From: Michael Kantor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How do I test serial ports, find modem?
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 16:38:47 -0600

I am trying to install an ISA modem (USR real modem, real jumpers, has
worked under linux before).  The only way I could avoid BIOS complaints
of address conflicts was to set the jumpers to allow PnP configuration. 
Now I don't know where the modem is.  I have tried pointing minicom at
ttyS0 through ttyS4.  It always claims to be dialing, but the phone line
remains free.

How can I probe the serial ports to see where the modem is, and send the
modem commands to see if it's working?

Thanks in advance.

Mike Kantor


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (B'ichela)
Crossposted-To: aus.computers.sun,comp.sys.sun.hardware
Subject: Re: Reading ancient tapes using Emulex MD21 SCSI board
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 17:52:00 -0500

On Mon, 11 Dec 2000 06:29:49 -0600, Dave Merrill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Find a QIC-150 scsi drive.  It will read 60Mb tapes, just not write 
>them.  They're a dime-a-dozen here in the States, probably pretty 
>cheap down under too.
        having a Wangtek 5150es (its the scsi version). I have made
DC600A tapes on it without a hitch! Forget those DC300XLs! Those wont
write (never tried a read). if the tapes are DC600s you should not
have a problem. PROVINDING that the restore software is the same type
as on the SUN. If the sun used dump. use dump to read em back. if tar
use tar. if it was cpio, try the gnu cpio.




From: "Eric Wertman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ABit; HPT366; Linux 7 Install problems
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 17:04:15 -0500

Yes this can be done, I faced the same roadblock myself.  Here's what you do

begin install.  Where you are prompted for boot:  (graphical install, text,
etc), press alt-F2 for another console.  At the new console type cat
/proc/pci.  You will see the unidentified mass storage devices and some
addresses.  you will need the first address and the second.

Return to the installation screen.  at the boot:  prompt, type:

linux ide2=0x????,0x???? ide3=0x????,0x????

where the ???? is the first number in the first position, and the second
number PLUS two in the second position.  You will also need to pass this
parameter to the kernel through lilo, at least until you patch the kernel or
compile a newer one.  (there is a patch for this at
This worked for me with RH 6.2 and an Abit be62 mb. Your drive should be
detected as hde (the main one).

"DjM" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:x59Z5.59794$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Teckies:
> I am a Unix application developer who is in the process of setting up a
> of Linux networks (Prod/Dev).  I have built a number of PIII machines
> employing ABit bords that contain the infamous HPT366 controller (IDE;
> DMA66/33).
> I have tried a number of times to install Linux (3 different versions-
> 6.2, 7; Gentus Linux that comes with the board).  All of the installations
> point at the controller (in my mind).  Here's what I get after selecting
> installation type (i.e. workstation, server, etc...):
> No Drives Found
> An Error has occurred - no valid devices were found on which to create new
> file systems.  Please check your harware for the cause of this problem.
> If ayone has run into this on their ABit board and/or know how to fix
> it would greatly appreciated!  I have quite ABit of setting up to do and
> obviously can't get to first base, until I get Linux installed.  I suspect
> that I'll have to pass the kernel something, but I am still researching
> this.  I have spent the past 2 days trying to work through this.  Any
> clue-ins would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> DjM


From: Claudius Euteneuer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: AGFA Snapscan / AVA 1505
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 00:09:09 +0100


probably a known problem.
I installed my AVA1505.
Yast found my AGFA Snapscan 600.
xscanimage didn't found any device!

Is there anybody who is using a Snapscan with SuSE Linux?

-- =

Claudius Euteneuer
Auf dem H=E4rdtchen 3, 57555 Brachbach
Freiherr-vom-Stein Gymnasium, Betzdorf


Subject: Re: Help neede BOOT from LAN
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 15:12:28 -0800

I found out the PXE specific information for my board on the Intel site,
still working on it but it looks like it is going to work.

"DualIP" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Fri, 8 Dec 2000 11:37:28 -0800, "Gal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hi,
> >I need to create some sort of Jump-Start server and load systems over the
> >LAN. I do not have any floppy or cd-rom in those systems but have the
> >option of "boot from LAN". what I should do?
> >Thanks,
> Most build in Boot from LAN use Intels PXE
> (Preboot eXecution Environment) protocol.
> For indepth info and server software (Linux & NT) check out Intels
> website.
> DualIP


From: Paul Pygeon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HELP!!! drivers for winmodem ....
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 18:11:43 -0500

Johny wrote:

> I have a winmodem zoltrix spirit and i need drivers for him... for kernel
> 2.2.18 plese help me somebody!!!!!

Probably no luck but try at maybe it's there. So I think 
it's a WINmodem ant those works only with WINdows. They're not real modem, 
just a soundcard who need a software.



Subject: Asus A7V Suspend-to-RAM
Date: 11 Dec 2000 23:41:47 GMT


Does the Suspend-to-RAM Capability of this motherboard work on Linux?

Good bye (and thank you)

Jesus Angel del Pozo Dominguez
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                     <O,O> (GPS)                            ( . ) (Castilla C.C.)  _"_"_



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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