Linux-Hardware Digest #122, Volume #14            Wed, 3 Jan 01 03:13:06 EST

  Re: HSP K56Flex Modem problem (Glitch)
  Re: Format a linux hard drive for Win98 (Glitch)
  Re: No sound after 2.4.0-test10 kernel build (Glitch)
  Re: ABit; HPT366; Linux 7 Install problems (Glitch)
  Re: Modem is "busy" - PCI IRQ Sharing problem (Nader)
  Re: Modem is "busy" - PCI IRQ Sharing problem (Nader)
  Re: Cyberpower UPS (Michael Meissner)
  Re: Question: Disabling CPUID serial number...general protection fault  
  Re: lexmark support --? (Scott Alfter)
  Trouble configuring NVIDIA GForce2 + Samsung 19" 950p monitor (Henry S. Greenside)
  What does this mean? (Adam Byron Smith)
  Re: Help with SBLive on slackware7.1 ("Jeff Bellamy")
  Re: Hard disk problems with Red Hat 7.0 install (gataway)
  Re: Agfa ePhoto with USB (Alastair Foster)
  Re: CD Burner (John Travis)
  Sound record level? (Mark Bratcher)


Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 22:17:57 -0500
From: Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HSP K56Flex Modem problem

Gareth Randall wrote:
> This is quite strange. I didn't think that ISA had sufficient bandwidth to reliably 
>operate a Winmodem. I thought that was why ISA was generally a safe bet with regard 
>to modems, whereas PCI was risky. Am I wrong here?

There are some ISA winmodems but very few. So it is possible. The famous
winmodem page at or whatever the link is
lists a few ISA winmodems I believe.


Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 22:21:42 -0500
From: Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Format a linux hard drive for Win98

Drew wrote:
> Pankaj is correct. The Windows version of DOS can't see a drive formatted in
> ext2 (the Linux file system).  However Linux fdisk will reformat it into

wanna bet?  fdisk in DOS will see the ext2 partition. It will just
identify it to be a non-dos partition.
I've used dos's fdisk to delete ext2 partitions a few times w/o
problems. Just choose teh non-dos partition option and you can delete
any non-dos partition.  Woah, that is misleading isnt it? lol

> either DOS, vfat, fat32, or many other formats that DOS will recognize.
> Another solution (that's real easy for Windows users):  If you have a
> working Windows operating system on another drive, say in your slave
> position, or on the second IDE channel, and you have Norton utilities, you
> can simply boot Windows, run Norton, and answer affirmitively when Norton
> tells you it sees probelms on you inux drive, would you like them corrected?
> If you say yes, Norton will refornmat the drive as a fat file system.


Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 22:24:09 -0500
From: Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: No sound after 2.4.0-test10 kernel build

documentation for my ESS1868 that is in /usr/doc/packages/sound I
believe says that i can use the standard sb driver to get sound out of
my ESS chipset but all the drivers have to be modules, they can not be
compiled into the kernel.

after making the isa-pnp driver a module (it WAS built in to the kernel
and I was getting unresolved symbol errors when insmodding sb, i fixed
the problem tonight) it will work.

"Joseph C. Kopec" wrote:
> That may help.  I may be wrong, but I seem to recall hearing that using
> modules may be necessary to get sound to work.  I certainly couldn't get
> my SoundBlaster compatible card to work with it support (sb) compiled
> into the kernel, but was able to get it to work as modules.  Good luck.
> Eric Wertman wrote:
> > Joseph-
> >
> > Thanks for the input, but I did download and install the latest version of
> > modutils i could find before I build the 2.4. kernel (2.3.9 or something
> > similar).  I may try to re-do it and load emu101k support as a module rather
> > than into the kernel.  Thanks


Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 22:29:54 -0500
From: Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ABit; HPT366; Linux 7 Install problems

using suse 6.3 i was able to install linux on my slave htp366 drive just
fine. Suse detected both primary and secondary controllers. I did have a
problem with fdisk recognizing all the cylinders of the drive but i was
able to at least access the drive.

if u can get suse 6.3, and higher i presume, try using it instead.
i have a BE6 mobo by the way.

DjM wrote:
> Teckies:
> I am a Unix application developer who is in the process of setting up a pair
> of Linux networks (Prod/Dev).  I have built a number of PIII machines
> employing ABit bords that contain the infamous HPT366 controller (IDE;
> DMA66/33).
> I have tried a number of times to install Linux (3 different versions- 5.0,
> 6.2, 7; Gentus Linux that comes with the board).  All of the installations
> point at the controller (in my mind).  Here's what I get after selecting the
> installation type (i.e. workstation, server, etc...):
> No Drives Found
> An Error has occurred - no valid devices were found on which to create new
> file systems.  Please check your harware for the cause of this problem.
> If ayone has run into this on their ABit board and/or know how to fix this,
> it would greatly appreciated!  I have quite ABit of setting up to do and
> obviously can't get to first base, until I get Linux installed.  I suspect
> that I'll have to pass the kernel something, but I am still researching
> this.  I have spent the past 2 days trying to work through this.  Any
> clue-ins would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> DjM


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Modem is "busy" - PCI IRQ Sharing problem
Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 19:43:28 -0800

What kernel version did you use?

Julie Brandon wrote:

> On Mon, 01 Jan 2001 21:51:42 -0800, Nader ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
>> /etc/rc.d/init.d/serial as a System V feature.  I thought that my serial 
>> initialization was running from /etc/rc.d/rc.serial.  Also, when I 
>> logout of linux, the shutdown messages stated that the serial driver was 
>> not loaded.
>> Any suggestions?
> Not sure, as I did the installation in a different way -- I used the
> alternate installation method, installing the actual source into the kernel
> source, so that it got compiled the regular way, and dont need any serial
> startup setup scripts etc.
> Ta-ra,
>   Julie

Nader E. Abyad


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Modem is "busy" - PCI IRQ Sharing problem
Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 19:44:38 -0800

What PCI devices are sharing IRQs with you rmodem?

Yidao Cai wrote:

> Nader wrote:
>> I am unable to get my modem (US Robotics 56K FAX INT controller-based PCI,
>> 3COM/USR 3CP5610 family, OEM 2977 model) to work in Linux, although it works
> I have a 3cp5610, OEM 2976 model. It works fine under both 2.0.34 and 2.0.36
> kernels with setserial command, but not 2.2.16. My conclusion is, the problem
> was with things added after 2.0.36.
> cai

Nader E. Abyad


Subject: Re: Cyberpower UPS
From: Michael Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 02 Jan 2001 22:46:23 -0500


> Anyone have anything to share regarding Cyberpower UPSs and
> Linux?  Good, bad?  Would I be able to shut my machine off
> in the case of a outtage unattended?
> Any recommendations for other UPSs?  The setup is a dual PIII/500
> desktop with a 19" monitor.

I've used two of the cheap Cyberpowers (a Cyberpower 98 and Cyberpower 99).
One burned out within a year, and the other is still running.  I've also burned
out 1 or 2 cheap APC UPSes.  When I ran Linux on that particular UPS, I used
powstatd ( to do automated shutdowns, and
it seemed to work when I tested it.  The power lastet a couple of minutes at
best.  For my work systems, I use a pair of expensive APC UPSes (Back-UPS Pro
650 and Smart-UPS 1400), and use either apcupsd or the software provided by
APC.  I've clocked the Smart-UPS 1400 at powering my system for over 1/2 hour
before the shutdown.

Michael Meissner, Red Hat, Inc.  (GCC group)
PMB 198, 174 Littleton Road #3, Westford, Massachusetts 01886, USA
Work:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]           phone: +1 978-486-9304
Non-work: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   fax:   +1 978-692-4482


Subject: Re: Question: Disabling CPUID serial number...general protection fault 
Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 19:43:51 -0800

Ray McCormack wrote:

> I have a new Asus A7V (KT133 chipset) Socket A motherboard with AMD
> Thunderbird 750 Mhz that seems to install Redhat 6.2 just fine.  Upon reboot
> and entering thru LILO the following error occurs:
> Disabling CPUID serial number...general protection fault 0000 -> crash !!!
> I looked through the BIOS and there does not seem to be any flags to shut
> CPU identity off.  I have also heard that if I set the env var
> X86_SERIAL_NR=1 that should fix it.  How does one do that from the LILO
> prompt ?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated ....


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott Alfter)
Subject: Re: lexmark support --?
Date: Wed, 03 Jan 2001 04:32:53 -0000

Hash: SHA1

In article <_lb46.267589$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Leon Bourassa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Im not sure, but i would like to find out as well, I own a lexmark Z11 (word
>of advice, don't buy this model, the replacement cartridges are half the
>price of the printer)

The real reason you wouldn't want to buy the Lexmark Z11 is that it's a
"lobotomized-for-Windows" printer.  That's why it's so cheap.  The
cartridges are about the same price as for most other inkjet printers...OK
as far as inkjets go, but nowhere near as cheap as a laser printer if you're
doing lots of printing.


Rule of thumb for buying a printer that will play nicely with Linux: Get a
printer that supports at least PCL.  A printer that also supports PostScript
is even better.  Inkjet printers that support PostScript natively tend to be
expensive, though was blowing out the Lexmark Optra Color 40 (which
is what I have) for $100 a year ago.  If you want to save some money, get
something that does PCL and use Ghostscript to rasterize PostScript print
jobs; HP has several printers that fit this description, and maybe Canon
still does.  (Lexmark doesn't have anything in this get
either the Optra Color 45/45N (does PostScript and large-format printing,
and the 45N is prepared to spend $$$ for either) or the
lobotomized-for-Windows Color Jetprinter line.) One last bit of advice,
which applies whether you plan to use an inkjet printer with Linux or not,
would be to avoid Epson printers like the plague.  Back when I was selling
computers and related items for a certain retailer (the one with a logo that
looks like a yellow pricetag), our Epson demos had no end of trouble with
clogged nozzles that couldn't be unclogged without disassembling the
printer.  There's a slight chance they've improved their printer design over
the years, but I saw too many that simply weren't designed worth a sh*t. 
By comparison, nothing ever happened to our HP/Canon/Lexmark printers that
couldn't be fixed with either alcohol and a Q-tip or a new cartridge.


 / v \
(IIGS(  Scott Alfter (remove Voyager's hull number for email address)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Henry S. Greenside)
Subject: Trouble configuring NVIDIA GForce2 + Samsung 19" 950p monitor
Date: 02 Jan 2001 23:46:38 -0500

I have a 19" Samsung 950p monitor that I am trying to get
working with a 32 MB NVIDIA GeForce2 GTS card on a RH 7.0
Linux system. I have installed the latest NVIDIA drivers and
XFree86 and Xconfigurator recognized both the card and the
monitor. I was able to get everything working nicely at
1024x768x16 but could not get the monitor to work at the
desired resolution of 1280x1024x32, the machine produces a
dark screen and I have to reboot the computer. So somehow
XConfigurator produces a bad file for the desired

How do I go about getting this card and monitor to work at




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Adam Byron Smith)
Subject: What does this mean?
Date: 3 Jan 2001 05:07:11 GMT


I am runing  md7.0 on a seagate harddrive. During bootup I get the
following message:

Partition check:
 hda:hda: set_multmode: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hda: set_multmode: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }
 hda1 hda2 < hda5 hda6 hda7 hda8 hda9 >

What does this mean? Sometimes my computer will freeze up solid.  Could
this be the cause. Is something wrong with my harddrive.?



From: "Jeff Bellamy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help with SBLive on slackware7.1
Date: Wed, 03 Jan 2001 06:21:44 GMT

Hey guy this may or may not be a mute point but im am running the same
distro and all i did is uncomment the lines in the /etc/rc.d/rc.modules
config for the sblive card no compiling necessary
"Mike S" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm running slackware 7.1 on a machine with 128megs ram that dual boots to
> linux and win2k.  I'm having rouble getting my sound to work properly.  I
> have an SB Live value.  I downloaded the module source from
>, the emu10k1 one.  make clean && make dep && make
> && make install, then modprobe emu10k1.  Everything worked fine, no errors
> or anything, but when I try and play music I get an error that /dev/dsp
> cannot be opened.  I get the same message when running as root also, so
> its not a permissions issue.  I don't hear other system sounds either, and
> when I try and get sound out of enlightenment it tells me there was an
> error with Esound (esd).  I have also tried installing the binary modules
> that came with the driver tarball and those didnt work either.  I am
> thoroughly confused, any help anyone can provide would be greatly
> appreciated.  Thanks
> --
> Posted via CNET


Date: Wed, 03 Jan 2001 13:45:02 +0800
From: gataway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hard disk problems with Red Hat 7.0 install

I have try to install Linux RH 7 successfully attach it to the motherboard
But i got problem patching the file, I downloaded  it into /usr/src/linux
Next  i type patch -p1 <ide.,
I'm stuck with the msg " can't find file to patch at input line 565."
So what do u think is wrong here ?
Anyway i got another problem  I can't get BootMagic to boot Linux RH 7 , It
will hand at boot up.
How can i resolve the problem ? I installed Lilo in the 1st partition not MBR.

"M. Buchenrieder" wrote:

> [...]
> >I had the same problem with 6.2.  I have an ABIT KT7RAID board, 2 ATA33
> >controllers, 2 RAID ATA100's.  I moved my hard drive back to the ATA33 and
> >the installation no longer gave me the error message.
> ...which is the correct solution, as long as the standard installation
> kernels don't support ATA100 controllers directly. You may patch the
> kernel with support for ATA100 controllers later on, then move back the
> drive onto the ATA100 connector.
> >I understand the
> >ATA100 is supposed to be faster, but, hey, it's so fast anyway, I can live
> >with it.
> Well, it's more or less plain marketing, anyways. There's no IDE drive
> fully exhausting the capacity of ATA66, much less ATA100 . You can
> as well safely ignore the ATA100 interface for the time being.
> Michael
> --
> Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
>           Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum
>     Note: If you want me to send you email, don't munge your address.


From: Alastair Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Agfa ePhoto with USB
Date: Wed, 03 Jan 2001 07:52:51 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Ambitious Wench <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 25 Dec 2000, Alastair Foster wrote:

> >I'd really appreciate hearing from anybody who has successfully
> >to get an Agfa ePhoto digital camera working on Linux with the USB
> >interface.

> Alastair,
> I'm using my CL50 connected via the serial port, COM 2.  You might
have to
> resort to the hardware solution of digging around for the serial
adapter plug
> for your Agfa, and going that route.  I'm running RedHat 7--it just
came out
> with USB support.

Did you get a serial adaptor with your camera? I'm pretty sure my CL18
is USB only, and I'm not sure that you can buy USB->serial adaptors (it
only goes the other way). Also, what software are you using? I note that
gphoto doesn't say that it supports the CL50, but I guess it must be the
same serial protocol as the other ePhoto cameras on the list.

> Now lets give the various developers time to make mods so
> that it can be used.

Let's hope it's soon. I've tried emulating my camera as a USB mass
storage device, which is something that a few Olympus, Ricoh and Casio
users have had success with, but alas the machine just locks hard as
soon as I plug the camera in.

 - Alastair Foster

Sent via


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Travis)
Subject: Re: CD Burner
Date: Wed, 03 Jan 2001 07:03:59 GMT

And scatterman spoke unto the masses...
:After 3 years of cdr's I gotta say that Verbatim "Data Life Plus" (Not the 
:cheapies) seems to play in pretty much anything.  One thing that never 
:works write is using a directcd disk (Arranged and closed for a standard 
:cdrom) in the new MP3 players.  I had one disk with 132 tracks that my MP3 
:player claimed had 718 tracks!  Oh well off topic ;-)  The standard wisdom 
:is that any cdr should play in any player, this just aint so.  I have a car 
:unit that wont read cheap Verbatim blues even when written at 1x.  The same 
:player will read the data life's written at 10x....

This is somewhat OT but all well.  I have found the Imation cdrs to work
flawlessly.  I used to buy the 100pack spindles for around 70 bucks.  But last
time I went to the store they were on sale for 20 bucks a I bought
three.  300 high quality cdrs (1-8X) for only $60, not bad if you ask me 8^).

Debian Gnu/Linux [Sid]
2.4.0-test12-ReiserFs|XFree4.0.2|Nvidia .95 drivers
You mean there's a stable tree?


From: Mark Bratcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sound record level?
Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 20:28:16 -0500

Hi all,

I apologize if this is not the right forum for this question, but it is
hardware related...

I have a SoundBlaster PCI 512 card, and I'm looking for a GUI sound
recorder for Linux that works something like Creative's small sound
recording app. In other words, I want to record from the "line in" and
see the input levels so I can set the levels properly, and I want to be
able to start and stop and get separate WAV files that way. My RedHat
6.2 with Gnome has an ESD volume meter, but it doesn't seem to apply
when using ESD recording...

Any ideas?

Mark Bratcher
Escape from Microsoft's proprietary tentacles: use Linux!



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