Linux-Hardware Digest #269, Volume #14           Mon, 29 Jan 01 14:13:09 EST

  Re: pppd (Jeff Moore)
  Netserver LT6000R Linux 6.2 install ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Is it possible ? (Jeff Moore)
  AGP being disabled (Nvidia,GeForce 256) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Newbie needs help: Linux Mandrake 7.2 freezes during install ("nawak")
  SBLive digital output (p43cibmgs-Frank)
  Re: pppd ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Voodoo 3500 TV functions (p43cibmgs-Frank)
  Teledat 150, again ("Jaap de Haan")
  Re: CD Writer for Linux (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: pppd (Bill Unruh)
  Re: Newbie needs help: Linux Mandrake 7.2 freezes during install (BCT)
  Slow start ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Argument for Linux: WebCam (Mickey Mullin)
  Re: Clusters.... ("Walter Rusin")
  Re: Newbie needs help: Linux Mandrake 7.2 freezes during install (Cubic Meter)
  Re: Epson Stylus 800+ ("pozzugno")
  Mylex AcceleRaid 170/352 ("Paride Urbinati")
  ECC hw support ("Plutao")


From: Jeff Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,redhat.general
Subject: Re: pppd
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 10:06:45 +0000

I use RH7 and it does not have ppp in the control panel like RH6. So I put
the pppd in my inittab file with a respawn like it is suggested in the ppp
howto. It is supposed to connect and receive the first frame and then
execute the ip-up script. It does not. In my ip-up script I have the
firewall ruleset, squid startup, dynamic ip assignment for my domain, port
forwarding, and news group fetch programs.  All of this is recommended in
the ppp howto. My ppp scripts are all executable as per howto, but the
ip-up script never executes. I am at a loss to debug this, as there is
nothing I can detect in my syslog to tell me what the problem is. The only
error I can detect is when I run the ip-up script by hand I get this error,
I attribute to pppd not setting the proper environment variables:

LOGDEVICE REALDEVICE does not exist, cannot execute ifcfg

Please make any suggestions you wish on my English, I am new to this
English stuff, I have only been speaking English for 35 years and I also
hold a degree in Vietnamese and speak German and Urdu.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Jeff Moore

"Peter T. Breuer" wrote:

> In comp.os.linux.hardware Jeff Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am running pppd in my inittab and it does not exit and run the ip-up
> Err .. how can you run pppd from inittab? It has to connect to
> something! There's nothing to connect to, most of the time, surely!
> > script, so my firewall and squid and dynamic dns do not work.
> If it does not exit, then that is good, isn't it? People usually
> complain when it does exit.
> Why should your firewall depend on ip-up? Well, OK, I can imagine why,
> and how, but it's up to you to tell me, not for me to imagine.
> > What have I missed?
> A class in english composition at secondary school, by the looks of it!
> Please make yourself clear. What is your problem with what?
> Peter


Subject: Netserver LT6000R Linux 6.2 install
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 16:02:47 GMT

I am trying to install Linux on an LT6000r for an SAP application
server. I have HP's application note for this installation, but I cannot
seem to be able to install with the proceedure given.

The internal SCSI controller is configured as Symbios controller. When
the CD boots, it gets to the point where it is setting up the ram disk
(initrd), and hangs. If I configure the internal SCSI controller as a
netraid device, it will actually install the system and hang at the
point it tries to mount the root partition (kernel panic).

Anyone have any ideas?


Sent via


From: Jeff Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Is it possible ?
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 10:11:02 +0000

Try the hardware compatibility list on this site, you need to look up you=
exact model.

Jeff Moore

Jean-Stephane Lebrun wrote:

> Hi,
> Is it possible to install Linux on the station that I join the followin=
> description ?
> If yes, what distribution of Linux have I to use ?
> Thanks,
> Jean-St=E9ohane Lebrun
> Manufacturer:         Digital Alpha (Digital Unix) 600 MHz
> Node:                 smalto
> Model:
> OS Level:             V4.0D
> X11 Level:            OSFX11425
> Motif Version:        1.2.4
> Window Manager:       CDE (OSFCDEDT425)
> 3D Graphics Library:  O3DDWSBASE460
> Graphics Board:       PowerStorm4D60T
> Installed RAM:         512 Mbytes
> Free Tmp Space:       835363 kbytes
> Swap Space:
> Total swap allocation:
>     Allocated space:        98304 pages (768MB)
>     In-use space:            1239 pages (  1%)Filesystem
> 1024-blocks        Used   Available Capacity  Mounted on
>  Available space:        97065 pages ( 98%)
> /dev/rz16a       126927       77301       36933    68%    /
> /proc                 0           0           0   100%    /proc
> /dev/rz16g       993023      771508      122212    87%    /usr
> /dev/rz16h      2180406     1034176      928189    53%    /user2
> /dev/rz17c      4064118     2822343      835363    78%    /user1


Subject: AGP being disabled (Nvidia,GeForce 256)
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 16:14:55 GMT

I recently upgraded from Redhat Linux 6.2, Xfree 4.0.1 (I installed it
manually), nvidia driver .9-4 to RH7.0, Xfree 4.0.1 and nvidia .9-6.
I have a GeForce 256 card.

My problem is that I don't seem to be able to use the nvidia agp
support.  Xfree86.0.log shows the system loading both the nvidia
kernel and the nvidia glx (versions 1.0.6 for xfree 4.0.1).
And it says that AGP enabled (with a **, ie info gotten from the
config file).  Then it says AGP is disabled (II).  If I do a
cat /proc/nv/card0 it also shows nothing for the AGP driver.
If I add   Option "NvAgp" "1", the log file will show that correctly,
but still then disable AGP.

If I set NvAgp to 3, it enables AGP
and it stays enabled (and a cat of /proc/nv/card0 shows AGPGART as
the driver).

1). why does agp get disabled when I try to use nvidia's?
2). why not just use the system one, since that seems to work?


Lawrence M. Lifshitz, Ph.D.
Biomedical Imaging Group, U. Mass. Medical School

Lawrence M. Lifshitz, Ph.D.
Biomedical Imaging Group, U. Mass. Medical School

Sent via


From: "nawak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Newbie needs help: Linux Mandrake 7.2 freezes during install
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 18:03:18 +0100

Hello everybody

I want to install Mandrake 7.2.
I boot from the cdrom drive, dut install freezes after detecting the cdrom
I have the following devices connected :
ide0: Seagate HD ( master ), Goldstar cdrom ( slave ).
ide1: Philips cdrom writer ( master ).

I also tried to install in expert mode to skip some hardware detection but
it also failed.
Can anyone help me please?



From: p43cibmgs-Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SBLive digital output
Date: 29 Jan 2001 16:24:57 GMT

I have a SBLive Valu card, and in WinME it's set to digital output, witch gives it 4 
channels (front right left, rear right left) out of a single 1/8" plug to the card
I haven't been able to get this to work in Linux, I've gotten all new emu10k1 drivers, 
reconpiled, followed all the online HOWTO's `, etc,
but she still won't work. Is this digital output the problem? If so, is there a way to 
enable it in the Linuix drivers?



From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,redhat.general
Subject: Re: pppd
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 17:26:52 +0100

In comp.os.linux.hardware Jeff Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I use RH7 and it does not have ppp in the control panel like RH6. So I put
> the pppd in my inittab file with a respawn like it is suggested in the ppp

This is nonsense. You only want to do that if you are serving. It
raises more spectres than I care to imagine ..

> howto. It is supposed to connect and receive the first frame and then
> execute the ip-up script. It does not. In my ip-up script I have the

It'll execute that if that's what your version of ppd does.

    tables.  In most cases the  defaultroute  and/or  proxyarp
    options are sufficient for this, but in some cases further
    intervention is required.  The /etc/ppp/ip-up  script
    can be used for this.

So check! Recompile to taste if necessary, or check where it looks.
Also check that the script is executable, of course!

> firewall ruleset, squid startup, dynamic ip assignment for my domain, port

That is as I imagined.

> forwarding, and news group fetch programs.  All of this is recommended in
> the ppp howto. My ppp scripts are all executable as per howto, but the
> ip-up script never executes. I am at a loss to debug this, as there is

Why? Turn on debugging in pppd and strace it for good measure too!
Runing it from the command line would be a good start.

> nothing I can detect in my syslog to tell me what the problem is. The only

Then turn on debugging, and remember to divert the messages (which
won't be logged by default) to the file of your choice with

> error I can detect is when I run the ip-up script by hand I get this error,
> I attribute to pppd not setting the proper environment variables:

> LOGDEVICE REALDEVICE does not exist, cannot execute ifcfg

Well, it's up to you to run it by hand adequately.

> Please make any suggestions you wish on my English, I am new to this
> English stuff, I have only been speaking English for 35 years and I also
> hold a degree in Vietnamese and speak German and Urdu.

OK. You seem to be making more sense now. (however long you have been
speaking english, you may not yet have had time to get proficient at
writing it, let alone writing it on a technical subject and doing so

How come you have a degree in vietnamese? That's amazing .. and
strange. How does one get one! Mind you, speaking both german and urdu
is also strange. I would guess at a degree in oriental languages, plus
school german?



From: p43cibmgs-Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Voodoo 3500 TV functions
Date: 29 Jan 2001 16:34:39 GMT

I have a VooDoo 33500 TV video card, and I have looked all over for somthing on using 
the TV/Radio/RCA in/out functions.
Has anyone got these to work? Does anyone know where I can find some information on 



From: "Jaap de Haan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: de.comp.os.unix.linux.hardware
Subject: Teledat 150, again
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 17:49:35 +0100

Just a posting to ask if someone started to write a driver for it.
If yes I would be glad to take part to the project.

(Scott Hawley, you posted sthg a few days ago about This USB Box from
Deutsche Telekom, maybe are you more concerned as a lot of other people that
do not know about that special box)

I managed to get the USB host work it detects the Teledat stuff when I plug
it in and out. But unfortunately, there is no driver available at this time.
I couldn't make the stuff work with modifying the "acm" module (so I guess
it is not ACM compliant but I am not sure...) can someone more experienced
confirm this?

My attempts to enable "modem emulation" (using the serial port) were also a
failure, maybe due to my ignorance. If someone has had success with it,
please tell me.

Anyone interested in writing that driver or started to do it? (I'll try it
alone if I have to but it might take a huge amount of time!!!)

Best regards, mit freundlichen Grüßen,
 Jaap de Haan


Subject: Re: CD Writer for Linux
From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 29 Jan 2001 12:32:16 -0500


> What kind of CD Writer works best with Linux.  I am thinking about
> buying one....I would prefer it to be an external.

i recommend a scsi plextor cd writer.  i've got one (the 20x read/8x
write cd-r) and it works great.

J o h a n  K u l l s t a m


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,redhat.general
Subject: Re: pppd
Date: 29 Jan 2001 17:39:38 GMT


]I use RH7 and it does not have ppp in the control panel like RH6. So I put
]the pppd in my inittab file with a respawn like it is suggested in the ppp

I agree with Peter-- this is weird. It will now be absolutely impossible
to close down ppp. Please get it out of inittab at least until you get
it working!

]howto. It is supposed to connect and receive the first frame and then
]execute the ip-up script. It does not. In my ip-up script I have the
]firewall ruleset, squid startup, dynamic ip assignment for my domain, port
]forwarding, and news group fetch programs.  All of this is recommended in
]the ppp howto. My ppp scripts are all executable as per howto, but the
]ip-up script never executes. I am at a loss to debug this, as there is

If you posted the script someone might be able to give advice. As it is
we would have to guess, which would probably be wrong, wasting your time
and ours.

If you properly set up ip-up, then pppd does run it. 

]nothing I can detect in my syslog to tell me what the problem is. The only
]error I can detect is when I run the ip-up script by hand I get this error,
]I attribute to pppd not setting the proper environment variables:

Well, set the same environment variables that pppd does and then run it.

]LOGDEVICE REALDEVICE does not exist, cannot execute ifcfg


Subject: Re: Newbie needs help: Linux Mandrake 7.2 freezes during install
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 17:40:19 GMT

In article <9545r5$ile$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "nawak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everybody
> I want to install Mandrake 7.2.
> I boot from the cdrom drive, dut install freezes after detecting the
> drive.
> I have the following devices connected :
> ide0: Seagate HD ( master ), Goldstar cdrom ( slave ).
> ide1: Philips cdrom writer ( master ).
> I also tried to install in expert mode to skip some hardware detection
> it also failed.
> Can anyone help me please?
> JS

Are you saying that it gets past all the BIOS processes and begins
initializing then freezes?  Could it be possible you have a corrupt copy
of the install disc?

        Support provided by Linuxgruven, Inc.

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Subject: Slow start
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 17:47:53 GMT

I'm running Corel, Kernel Ver 2.2.14 with a Actiontec 56K internal PCI
Call Waiting Modem.
I have it working OK, it's just starts slow.
The first few minutes after making a connection it takes a lot longer
than normal for sites to load then it runs fine after a few minutes.
Does anyone have a clue why?

One more question.
I installed Corel because I could not get Red Hat to install on a empty
1gig Maxtor drive.
Red Hat installed fine on a 3.25gig WD hard drive that I have but I
needed that drive for different set up ( same system just different
drive ).
On the Maxtor drive I went with a plain jane work station set up in RH,
it would install through to about 1/3 of the file transfers then stop.
I tried many times but it would stop in the same place every time.
Any clues?
I all so have a isa sound card thats giving me trouble but I,m going to
do some more reading before I bother everyone here with it.


Sent via


From: Mickey Mullin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Argument for Linux: WebCam
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 17:47:55 GMT

My company is putting together a web camera that is going to be
watching the development of a carpentry project.  I would rather go
with a Linux box driving the camera, because it can be lighter weight
and easier to maintain.  My partner, on the other hand, thinks Windows
would be easier, since more cameras come prepackaged with drivers for
Windows and maintenance on the equipment would be simpler with
PCAnywhere or something similar.

Does anyone have some further arguments, or better yet specific
products or articles, about how Linux would be an easier and better
solution?  (Cost is not a real issue, in this case, so I can't use that

"Because Linux rules" just won't cut it, by the way.  Already tried


Sent via


From: "Walter Rusin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Clusters....
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 16:45:19 +0100

Thanks, that was the most helpfull hint... ;-)

Walter Rusin


From: Cubic Meter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie needs help: Linux Mandrake 7.2 freezes during install
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 13:12:35 -0500

nawak wrote:

> Hello everybody
> I want to install Mandrake 7.2.
> I boot from the cdrom drive, dut install freezes after detecting the cdrom
> drive.
> I have the following devices connected :
> ide0: Seagate HD ( master ), Goldstar cdrom ( slave ).
> ide1: Philips cdrom writer ( master ).
> I also tried to install in expert mode to skip some hardware detection but
> it also failed.
> Can anyone help me please?
> JS

Hmmm... Have you tried booting from floppy, then installing from the 
CD-ROM? Maybe it has something to do with the CD-ROM being the slave of the 
HD. Try putting the CD-ROM on the secondary IDE channel (IDE 1). See if 
that works. You can always change it back later.



From: "pozzugno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Epson Stylus 800+
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 18:26:05 GMT

"Ray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto nel messaggio
> On Sun, 28 Jan 2001 13:56:18 GMT, pozzugno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >I have a problem with that printer. Anyone has it working with Linux?
> I have a Epson Stylus Color 800 (no +) that works great with Linux (Debian
> in my case).
> >
> >I have Mandrake 7.0 with kernel 2.2.17 but when I send a text file to
> >/dev/lp0 nothing happens, no error. The printer, that is on, doesn't
> >nothing.
> How about /dev/lp1 or /dev/lp2 ?


> What's your /proc/ioports look like?

I have /proc/partport/0/* and seem to be good!

> >I'm sure that parport module is loaded with correct IRQ and IO address.
> >I have same problem with DOS (pure DOS) while I have no problem with
> >Windows 98 and the driver from Epson.
> How about 'dmesg | grep parport' ?

Nothing, because I have parport compiled as module.

If you send a file directly to /dev/lp[0,1,2] does it work?
Another question, can you print from *pure* DOS or not?
What are your BIOS settings for parallel port?

Thanks for the help!


From: "Paride Urbinati" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mylex AcceleRaid 170/352
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 19:27:53 +0100

I try to install a controller Mylex Accelleraid 170 or 352 on Red-Hat 7.0.
I have download the driver from but when try to make
bzImage the system fault.
Is there someone the done this?

Paride Urbinati

Tecno General Srl
Filiale di Rimini
Via Giotto, 1/a - 47900  Rimini  RN

Tel. 0541/372853  -  Fax 0541/476715



From: "Plutao" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ECC hw support
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 18:39:41 -0000


I need a list of motherboards with chipsets supporting ECC memory, supported
by RHLinux. As far as I know, not all VIA Apollo Pro133A (694x based)
motherboards have ECC support, despite the chipset being prepared to offer
that. And the Intel latest chips lack such support... (not interested in

Thank's for your time,




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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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