Linux-Hardware Digest #518, Volume #14           Fri, 23 Mar 01 18:13:13 EST

  Re: TNT 2 or G-Force video card for Linux and Windows ?? (Andrey Vlassov)
  no frills video card with lots of memory? (Peter Bismuti)
  Re: Maxtor's Ultra ATA100 (Andrey Vlassov)
  Re: floppy mount vfat problem (Andrey Vlassov)
  Re: SB Live! Value PCI (Joachim =?iso-8859-1?Q?H=E4fner?=)
  Re: RH 7.0 Install (Andrey Vlassov)
  Linux Autoprobes Imation LS-120 drives? (Arthur Simon)
  Re: Acer CD-R/RW CRW6206A won't write under RedHat7.0 with 2.4.2 kernel 
  Realtek 8139 NIC problem as well as NFS (=?iso-8859-1?q?Biswajit=20Bardalai?=)
  Re: SCSI tape drive under linux: HOWTO ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: SCSI tape drive under linux: HOWTO (Joshua Baker-LePain)
  Re: no frills video card with lots of memory? (Joshua Baker-LePain)
  3dfx Voodoo 5500 w/ Slackware (cHip)
  Re: Ensoniq 1370 audio volume is too low (Mark Cudworth)
  Re: 3dfx Voodoo 5500 w/ Slackware (A Guy Called Tyketto)
  Re: Linux Woes (Drew Roedersheimer)
  USB mouse and keyboard ("James Bailey")
  Re: Mandrake 7.1 vs Mandrake 7.2 ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Driver Creation help for all Win Printers..Please Help! ("Kenneth Payne")
  Suse vs RH/Mandrake ? (or what's so great about 7.2) (peter)
  Re: 3dfx Voodoo 5500 w/ Slackware (cHip)
  Re: Suse vs RH/Mandrake ? (or what's so great about 7.2) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: Andrey Vlassov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: TNT 2 or G-Force video card for Linux and Windows ??
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 18:08:20 GMT


Geforge2 MX run fine under XFree 4.0.1 or 4.0.2. Redhat do not support
it after installation. All what you need to do is go to and look there for this version. They have binaries
but you need first download script and run it as 

sh -check

it will give you info on version which required for your system. After
that just download needed version (difference for binaries is what
library version and platform it was compiled) and run


answer on all questions and run

Xfree86 - configure       # do not remember exact command look into

and you will have draft config file. Now Just copy it into /etc/X11
directory as XFree{...}-4 file and tweak setting for your monitor. Look
into monitor documentation for supported modes and Scan Frequency:
Horisontal and vertical. Please save original config file as you can get
some examples from it how to configure different modes.

Good luck


Patrick F Harris wrote:
> I just put a TNT 2 on a Byte AX and it works fine.
> mike wrote:
> > Hi,
> >        I want to replace my old video card. A friend told me to
> > look at the TNT 2 card. While I was on the internet, I noticed
> > that a G-force card was just a little more money than the TNT
> > card. Another friend told me that he heard that even though
> > the G-Force card is faster, the TNT card has better video
> > quality.
> >       I would like to use the card for Linux and Windows.
> > Any thoughts on the two cards?
> >
> >                                                     Thanks
> >                                                             Mike


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Bismuti)
Subject: no frills video card with lots of memory?
Date: 23 Mar 2001 18:10:27 GMT

I'm looking for a basic video card (no fancy 2d or 3d graphics acceleration
is necessary) that has lots of memory, at least 32 mB, but is reasonably
priced.  Can anyone reccomend one?



From: Andrey Vlassov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Maxtor's Ultra ATA100
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 18:14:29 GMT

Did you try to play with hdparm? IF not try - you will jump from 5MB/s
to 27MB/s

hdparm -a 1 -m 16 -u 1 -d 1 .... /dev/hda

I was able get 35-36MB/s on KT7-RAID with IBM ATA100 HDDs (Only from
console - X11 take sone HDD bandwidth for swap)

You should gett better performance, but check that your kernel
configured to support UDMA mode. 


Kirk I Reiten wrote:
> Hi,
> I bought a Maxtor 60gig internal from CompUSA and it had an UltraATA100
> controller in the package... The controller seems to have problems with
> the Linux driver for the Promise UltraATA100 card.  If I leave the
> driver out, the card & drive works but at 5mb/sec and it hogs the CPU...
> The BIOS reports
> Ultra 100 (tm) BIOS Version 2.01 (BUILD 27)
> Maxtor Ultra ATA 100 Controller by
> (c) 1999-2000 Promise Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved
> It seems to want to use DMA5 however, my soundcard needs that channel...
> I run RH7 with a 2.4.1 kernel
> Any ideas???
> Thanks
> Kirk



From: Andrey Vlassov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: floppy mount vfat problem
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 18:18:01 GMT

Just check that kernel configured to work with this filesystems. I bet
that it is not configured for that as you can use floppy for linux file
system and it mean that you have access to drive and it works properly.
Just go and reconfigure kernel under Filesystems and rebuild kernel, add
into /.etc/lilo.conf one more option and test it.


Melotte wrote:
> Hello,
> After the installation of a new kernel 2.4.2 (for ATA support) I can't
> mount my windows-partitions and dos floppy disk anymore. All these
> worked fine with the older kernel, now I can only mount my linux
> filesystems.
> when I do a mount like this:
> mount /mnt/floppy or mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy  I get
> mount: /dev/fd0 has wrong major or minor number
> The led for the floppy drive blinks thus that means that he at least
> accesses it. I think that for some reason vfat isn't supported
> correctly.
> when I do cat /proc/filesystems, I see some filesystems but not vfat and
> msdos, do you know if I should see these filesystem types here?
> Same error when I try to mount a windows partition.
> The settings in /etc/fstab are correct and worked fine with the older
> kernel:
> /dev/fd0    /mnt/floppy     auto    owner,exec,dev,suid,rw,noauto    0 0
> Does it make a functional difference when you choose for a module or for
> including it in the image?
> tnx,
> Kris


From: Joachim =?iso-8859-1?Q?H=E4fner?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SB Live! Value PCI
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 17:38:33 +0100

> When I make a "cat /usr/X11R6/lib/GNUstep/Apps/
> > /dev/audio" I can hardly hear a very bad quality sound with a lot of
> noise.

I asked that question in de.comp.os.unix.linux.hardware and got the
answer that *.au files can't be send directly to /dev/dsp. They
consist of a eight bit datastream which is compressed with ulaw or
something like that. So they have to be translated to a sixteen bit
datastream first.

> that is really good! But when I try "cat /dev/sndstat" it answers me "No
> such device".

IIRC the /dev/sndstat file has been removed from newer linux-kernels.
I don't know if it's in 2.2.17 but I'm sure it isn't in 2.4.2.

Joachim Häfner


From: Andrey Vlassov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RH 7.0 Install
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 18:43:22 GMT


you need put them only for installation time and after that download
latest kernel and compile it to support UDMA66/100. After that edit
/etc/lilo.conf and point it to correct UDMA IDE interface. Now power off
system and switch back IDE cable to ATA66/100 and try to boot. If
everything was Ok you should be up and running. If whole chain of kernel
compilation very familiar to you it can take one hour to do it.

  Yes there is floppy which allow boot and install system with ATA66/100
but problem is that when you will install system you need upgrade kernel
as it will not boot from ATA66/100 disks. Or better go for Mandrake 7.2
- people told that it worked for them


Charles wrote:
> Well, after digging around a little bit, I found a "boot disk" from Promise
> for the Utlra66 that's supposed to be used for Linux. Ever heard of it? I
> found it here
> I can't put them on a normal ide because of my Windows setup using the IDE's
> for my CD's and Zip.
> --
> Charles
> (Electrician's do it with *spark*!)
> ICQ# 42872537
> "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> | Charles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | > 3-20G HD's (2 currently used for Win 98) All Drives are on a controller
> | > card. (Promise Ultra66 IDE)
> |
> | Well, that's not supported for a start! Put them on a normal ide
> | interface (one of the 66 ones)  and you may get somewhere.
> |
> | Peter



From: Arthur Simon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux Autoprobes Imation LS-120 drives?
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 19:02:48 GMT

The subject pretty much says it. Built a new P-III-500 box with a
Diamond 32 B video board, and 128 MB RAM, but for some reason
can't install LINUX of any flavor.... the signal 11 thing, which I
believe is related somehow to the ABIT motherboard.

So, I've mounted WIN-98 on that box for the wife, and will
put the Linux OS on my P-II-166 with 64 MB RAM and 16
MB on a Stealth 2000 3D Pro. I have an IMATION type
LS-120 drive (Digital Research Technologies) which has
been acting little cranky (I think with repect to the IDE

Will any/all flavors of Linux autoprobe for these LS-120"s?
I have Caldera LIte, TurboLunux 4.0, Red-Hat 5.0, 6.1, 6.2,
Gentus 6.2E (which seems to be derived from RedHat 6.2)
either on an IDE path? How about as a parallel device?

Thanks in advance.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Acer CD-R/RW CRW6206A won't write under RedHat7.0 with 2.4.2 kernel
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 19:03:51 GMT

Works fine now that I flash upgraded to 1.6 firmware.


Jeff Buhrt
Achievement Focused Technology, Inc

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:3abb154a$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have an Acer CD-R/RW CRW6206A drive under RedHat7.0 with a 2.4.2
> > It will mount a CD under the scsi emulation (using /dev/cdrom ->
> > It is connected as secondary master.
> I am using TurboLinux with 2.2.14 kernel ... mine works ...
> > # cdrecord -scanbus
> > Cdrecord 1.9 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jörg Schilling
> > Linux sg driver version: 3.1.17
> > Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
> > scsibus0:
> >         0,0,0     0) 'ATAPI   ' 'CD-R/RW CRW6206A' '1.2A' Removable
> That's just what I get. Except, of course, for "1.6a" since I upgraded the
> firmware.
> I wouldn't try speed 4 since it is only a 2x drive ...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (=?iso-8859-1?q?Biswajit=20Bardalai?=)
Subject: Realtek 8139 NIC problem as well as NFS
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 15:44:33 +0000 (UTC)

I'm in the process of setting up a new computer as a
linux server to replace an NT box. But the Realtek
8139 card has proved to be a major stumbling block and
has stopped me in my tracks for the last 24 hours.
Unless I find a solution quick I may just have to
resort to NT as my clients really need the machine to
be up yesterday. Also I'm still raw as far as Linux is

Machine specs: Intel 815e motherboard, 384MB RAM
NIC :Realtek 8139 Fast Ethernet
Kernel: 2.4.1 (Redhat 7.0) upgraded from 2.2.16-22
        (Redhat 7.0) which was upgraded from 2.2.14
        (Redhat 6.2)

I had to upgrade Redhat 6.2 to RedHat 7.0 as X-windows
wouldn't work. Then I wouldn't get sound so I decided
to upgrade the kernel. Thankfully, now I have both
sound and X-windows but no network !

I compiled the kernel with module support for Realtek
8139 Fast Ethernet card (8139too) but the card just
won't work.

I've downloaded Donald Becker's drivers but they won't

Please help.

I also get the following message at boot up:
 lockd: lockdsvc: Invalid Argument


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Subject: Re: SCSI tape drive under linux: HOWTO
Date: 23 Mar 2001 14:51:56 -0500

OK, I've downloaded amanda.  Is there not an GUI or menu-driven interface?
Is it all just command-line tools?  Just wondering if I'm missing something..



From: Joshua Baker-LePain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SCSI tape drive under linux: HOWTO
Date: 23 Mar 2001 20:51:20 GMT


> OK, I've downloaded amanda.  Is there not an GUI or menu-driven interface?
> Is it all just command-line tools?  Just wondering if I'm missing something..

GUI?  We don't need no steenkin' GUI.  ;)

Seriously, what you see is what you get *and* all you need.  The basic
setup goes create your amanda.conf (from the example), create your disklist,
run 'amcheck' until it doesn't complain, and then setup a cron job to 
run 'amdump'.

There's a good intro chapter on Amanda at <>.
That is highly recommended reading.  There's also the Faq-O-Matic, which
you can get to from <>, and a mailing list which is
archived at egroups (also linked to from  

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University


From: Joshua Baker-LePain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: no frills video card with lots of memory?
Date: 23 Mar 2001 20:52:22 GMT

Peter Bismuti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm looking for a basic video card (no fancy 2d or 3d graphics acceleration
> is necessary) that has lots of memory, at least 32 mB, but is reasonably
> priced.  Can anyone reccomend one?

What's reasonable?  The GeForce2 MX cards run about $150, and pack a lot of
performance into that.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University


Subject: 3dfx Voodoo 5500 w/ Slackware
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 21:50:31 GMT

I've been struggling to get this to work!

First of all, I cant use RPMs because I'm using Slackware 7.1. The only
drivers I've found on the net ( have been in rpm format,
and even after using rpm2tgz I can only figure out where to put two of
the three packages (two have the little directory setups to they can be
extracted and go into their proper directories (i.e. usr/bin) The third
one has make files, but all of them have extentions and GNU Make refuses
to find them.

I'm not positive what version of X I have, though I'm pretty much sure
its not 4 (What does Slack 7.1 come with, and what the name of that
utility that tells you, I forget) and my Kernel is 2.2.16.

Also, even if I could get all 3 of them to work (there are 3 rpm
packages (well, for me tgz) how would I set up my XF86 Config file to
make them work? I assume I'd have to configure the 3dfx server but how
do you do that?

I also already tried the xf86config, not only does it not have Voodoo5,
it also makes me unable to start x again until I reinstall Linux (I get
a "no screens" error, or it comes up in an unbelievably low resoltution
and my mouse wont work! I know I configured my monitor right, I have the
exact refresh rates horiz and vert, and I type them in manually.

If anyone could help me I'd be VERY appreciative, I've been working on
this all week!



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Cudworth)
Subject: Re: Ensoniq 1370 audio volume is too low
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 22:03:15 -0000

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 David Cutler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>I recently bought and installed an Ensoniq 1370 PCI card.  I am running
>SuSE 6.4 Linux with a 2.4.2 kernel I installed myself.  I am using the
>es1370 module, which loads correctly.  The card uses IRQ 5.  The problem
>is that the volume is very low, even with the mixer volume cranked all
>the way up to 100% (I used gmix, and cranked up every slider bar to
>100%).  I have played mp3's in XMMS, with the application volume cranked
>up to 100%, and the volume is just too low.  I have to put my ear up
>next to the speakers to hear it.  I know my speakers work fine because
>they work fine with a Windoze machine.  By the way, when the es1370
>module is loaded, running 'cat /dev/sndstat' returns nothing.
>I've also tried the proprietary OSS/Linux drivers, but the result is the
>same: very low volume, even with all volume controls turned all the way
>Any ideas on how to get the volume where it should be?

I recently purchased and installed an Ensoniq AudioPCI card and installed
it, although mine uses the es1371 support in the kernel.  If your card is
similar to mine, there are jumpers on the card itself for selecting
between "line out" and "speaker out" output levels.  The default setting
is for "line out" -- I had to change this to get the correct volume for my
speakers.  If you are connecting speakers directly to sound card without
any sort of amplification, this may be your problem.

Mark Cudworth


From: A Guy Called Tyketto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 3dfx Voodoo 5500 w/ Slackware
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 22:25:59 GMT

cHip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been struggling to get this to work!
> First of all, I cant use RPMs because I'm using Slackware 7.1. The only
> drivers I've found on the net ( have been in rpm format,
> and even after using rpm2tgz I can only figure out where to put two of
> the three packages (two have the little directory setups to they can be
> extracted and go into their proper directories (i.e. usr/bin) The third
> one has make files, but all of them have extentions and GNU Make refuses
> to find them.

        Actually, you can. Slackware 7.1 comes with the rpm package. It's
in the ap1 disk set.

> I'm not positive what version of X I have, though I'm pretty much sure
> its not 4 (What does Slack 7.1 come with, and what the name of that
> utility that tells you, I forget) and my Kernel is 2.2.16.

        Slackware 7.1 comes with XFree86 3.3.6. Take a look at the
-current tree at for details.

> Also, even if I could get all 3 of them to work (there are 3 rpm
> packages (well, for me tgz) how would I set up my XF86 Config file to
> make them work? I assume I'd have to configure the 3dfx server but how
> do you do that?
> I also already tried the xf86config, not only does it not have Voodoo5,
> it also makes me unable to start x again until I reinstall Linux (I get
> a "no screens" error, or it comes up in an unbelievably low resoltution
> and my mouse wont work! I know I configured my monitor right, I have the
> exact refresh rates horiz and vert, and I type them in manually.
> If anyone could help me I'd be VERY appreciative, I've been working on
> this all week!

        This, unfortunately, I can't help on. I'm not using that card,
nor the 3dfx driver. when the next release of Slackware comes out, we'll

Brad Littlejohn                         | Email:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Unix Systems Administrator,             |           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web + NewsMaster, BOFH.. Smeghead! :)   |
  PGP: 1024D/E319F0BF 6980 AAD6 7329 E9E6 D569  F620 C819 199A E319 F0BF


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Drew Roedersheimer)
Subject: Re: Linux Woes
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 22:31:45 GMT

On Fri, 23 Mar 2001 17:46:01 GMT, Charles wrote:
>You got it. They are both PCI cards.. and I will have to track down an
>online manual, since Gateway doesn't like handing out that kind of
>information with the PC's themselves.
>(Remove for email)
>ICQ# 42872537

I would just plug one into a hub or something, ifconfig eth0 with the proper 
address, etc (make sure eth1 is down `ifconfig eth1 down`) - then see if you 
can ping another host or vice versa.  If this doesn't work, you know that 
the other card is eth0 (assuming there's no hardware issues, etc...)


Build a system that even a fool can use and only a fool will want to use it.


From: "James Bailey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: USB mouse and keyboard
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 14:26:59 -0800

    I have a Sony Vaio Z505-JS laptop.  I've gotten everything working but
sound (not a big deal), but cannot get the kernel to recognize my Microsoft
USB keyboard and optical mouse.  How do I get it to recognize these?
    Replies by e-mail preferred.

James Bailey


Subject: Re: Mandrake 7.1 vs Mandrake 7.2 ?
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 22:41:54 GMT

In comp.os.linux.hardware peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What are the major differences ?
> -KDE ?
> -Kernel ?

Kernel is 2.2.17, KDE is 2.0.  Personally I like 7.2 (having
come from 7.1) but I don't think that there are enough changes
in it to justify upgrading right now - they are on the second
beta of 8, which will have 2.4 kernel...  :-)  

So, at this time, I would say wait a little bit more...


> Which do you like better ?

> Why ?

> I'm running 7.1, should I upgrade to 7.2 ?

> What will be different ?

> Peter


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.embedded
From: "Kenneth Payne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Driver Creation help for all Win Printers..Please Help!
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 22:14:19 GMT

Just curious, does the lexmark work ok printing straight from linux? I had
heard that the lexmarks had good linux driver support...If it works, I
wonder if there might be some way to send the windows print job from wine
back to linux.....?

"LittleFish" <littlefish_au[SPAM ME AT YOUR OWN RISK]> wrote in
message news:0Lnu6.1386$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi everyone! I am looking for some practical help with lpr and printer
> formats. What the problem is is that I have Lexmark 1000 that I can't get
> work with Linux. I have tried every program designed to run this printer.
> used drivers desinged for lpr I have used Cups with the
> script and driver and it doesn't work. What I want to do is get my output
> from PCB which is Postscript and forward it to a script that calls Wine
> a multifunctional program that I am writing in Windows. This program reads
> the file type and data and loads it in a large buffer then prints it using
> the standard windows printer driver! This will make it possible to run any
> WIN Printer!! This will entice more users to Linux and their hardware will
> work!
> Down to the meaty stuff I have Red Hat 6.2 Intel based sytem Dual
> BootWindows 98 168Meg Ram 300Mhz Celeron. What I need to know is if the
> output of a linux program that goes to lpr then to the driver is the same
> configuration as what Windows sends to it printer driver! I don't expect
> would be however I do need to ask. If it isn't is there conversion
> that converts the format from Linux to the format required by Windows. I
> will take a Postscript only converter only for the moment if I have too,
> my main object is to print a Postscript file to a lexmak1000 using wine!
> pointers to resources would be great! Thanks heaps
> LittleFish
> --
>  Remove [SPAM ME AT YOUR OWN RISK] to mail me.


From: peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Suse vs RH/Mandrake ? (or what's so great about 7.2)
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 22:27:12 GMT

I've heard great things about the new Suse distro., but I was told by
someone that I should use the same distro that I use at work.  At work
we use Red Hat, at home I just setup Mandrake 7.1, but everyone says
the new Suse distro is good and also Mandrake 7.2 is good. 

What are the differences of these distros and versions ?

Is there a different file structure or something different in each
distro that will mess up my learning curve ?

Is the new software in mandrake 7.2 (or Suse) all that ?

Which is faster, I've got a few older machine I would like to install
Linux on (P166/32 megs, etc) ?



Subject: Re: 3dfx Voodoo 5500 w/ Slackware
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 22:50:59 GMT

A Guy Called Tyketto wrote:

> cHip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've been struggling to get this to work!
> >
> > First of all, I cant use RPMs because I'm using Slackware 7.1. The only
> > drivers I've found on the net ( have been in rpm format,
> > and even after using rpm2tgz I can only figure out where to put two of
> > the three packages (two have the little directory setups to they can be
> > extracted and go into their proper directories (i.e. usr/bin) The third
> > one has make files, but all of them have extentions and GNU Make refuses
> > to find them.
>         Actually, you can. Slackware 7.1 comes with the rpm package. It's
> in the ap1 disk set.
> > I'm not positive what version of X I have, though I'm pretty much sure
> > its not 4 (What does Slack 7.1 come with, and what the name of that
> > utility that tells you, I forget) and my Kernel is 2.2.16.
>         Slackware 7.1 comes with XFree86 3.3.6. Take a look at the
> -current tree at for details.
> > Also, even if I could get all 3 of them to work (there are 3 rpm
> > packages (well, for me tgz) how would I set up my XF86 Config file to
> > make them work? I assume I'd have to configure the 3dfx server but how
> > do you do that?
> >
> > I also already tried the xf86config, not only does it not have Voodoo5,
> > it also makes me unable to start x again until I reinstall Linux (I get
> > a "no screens" error, or it comes up in an unbelievably low resoltution
> > and my mouse wont work! I know I configured my monitor right, I have the
> > exact refresh rates horiz and vert, and I type them in manually.
> >
> > If anyone could help me I'd be VERY appreciative, I've been working on
> > this all week!
>         This, unfortunately, I can't help on. I'm not using that card,
> nor the 3dfx driver. when the next release of Slackware comes out, we'll
> see.
>                                                         BL.
> --
> Brad Littlejohn                         | Email:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Unix Systems Administrator,             |           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Web + NewsMaster, BOFH.. Smeghead! :)   |
>   PGP: 1024D/E319F0BF 6980 AAD6 7329 E9E6 D569  F620 C819 199A E319 F0BF

Thanks for the help.

As for RPMs, oops I should have been more clear. Yes you can, but whenever I
try to RPM any of those, it gives me an INCREDIBLY long list of needed
dependencies, one of them being /bin/sh (Gee, I'm pretty sure I have that)

Very odd.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Suse vs RH/Mandrake ? (or what's so great about 7.2)
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 23:07:45 GMT

Can't comment on SuSE 7.1, but Mandrake 7.2 is a disaster.

On Fri, 23 Mar 2001 22:27:12 GMT, peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I've heard great things about the new Suse distro., but I was told by
>someone that I should use the same distro that I use at work.  At work
>we use Red Hat, at home I just setup Mandrake 7.1, but everyone says
>the new Suse distro is good and also Mandrake 7.2 is good. 
>What are the differences of these distros and versions ?
>Is there a different file structure or something different in each
>distro that will mess up my learning curve ?
>Is the new software in mandrake 7.2 (or Suse) all that ?
>Which is faster, I've got a few older machine I would like to install
>Linux on (P166/32 megs, etc) ?

Why do they call it a flatfish?
Remove the ++++ to reply.



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