Linux-Hardware Digest #599, Volume #14           Tue, 10 Apr 01 06:13:04 EDT

  Re: USB Scanner -Scanjet 6200C w SuSE 7.1 (Shreyas)
  How do I do this with Linux (ACB-4070 bridgeboard) (B'ichela)
  hardware access (Leon Majewski)
  Re: Maestro 3 sound card ("Colin G.")
  Re: Spontaneous combustion (tech2kjason)
  Re: Linux  on Intel Or Celeron? what is the best choice? ("Bastiaan Schaap")
  Re: Driver for video card. (Olivier MAZZIER)
  Re: Redhat 7.0 and intel i810 video (Harri Haataja)
  Re: USB Scanner -Scanjet 6200C w SuSE 7.1 (Drew Roedersheimer)
  Re: A Linux emulator for Linux, does this exist? (Malcolm Beattie)
  Re: Can't see hard disk ("twobucks")
  master/slave bootable CD-ROM drive ? (hihihi)
  master/slave bootable CD-ROM drive ? (hihihi)


From: Shreyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: USB Scanner -Scanjet 6200C w SuSE 7.1
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 05:30:10 -0000

Thanks... the kernel 2.4 docs were very helpful.


Drew Roedersheimer wrote:
> On Tue, 03 Apr 2001 01:30:09 -0000, Shreyas wrote:
> >SuSE 7.1 has already configured my USB controller and i've already 
> >inserted the kernel 2.4 usb-scanner.o module. Now i try typinng:
> >
> ># scanimage --device-name=hp:/dev/usbscanner -T
> >
> >And i get:
> >
> >Segmentation fault
> >
> >Have i incorrectly setup sane or is my scanner unsupported?
> >
> >--
> >Posted via CNET
> >
> I have the same scanner, and I've gotten it to work under both a patched
> version of 2.2.17 and the 2.4.* series.  I found some useful information 
> (a direct link to devices that are supported is
>  Also, the Documentation directory 
> your kernel source tree gives some good info regarding both USB and 
> Check out /your/path/to-kernel-source/Documentation/usb:
> usb-help.txt
> scanner-hp-sane.txt
> There's probably some other useful documentation under there, but those
> were the two I found most useful.  
> BTW, I just checked the modules I have running on my 2.4.2 system 
> from clean source from, and the usb/scanner related 
> that I have loaded are:
> usb-uhci
> usbcore
> scanner
> Not sure if you rolled your own kernel, or if that's one that Suse puts 
> but that could possibly be your problem too...
> Sorry I can't give you specific advice, but hopefully these sources of 
> will get you on your way
> -DR
> -- 
> An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has 
>                  -- Victor Hugo

Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (B'ichela)
Subject: How do I do this with Linux (ACB-4070 bridgeboard)
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 05:06:19 GMT

        I need to send specific Scsi commands to a Adaptec ACB-4070
bridgeboard. this older board does not get recognized as a disk drive.
(it won't yet as the drives are not formatted). What Scsi device do I
use to send the Scsi commands to format? SG? or SD? if SG then how do
I select a device on the second Scsi host adaptor, Scsi ID 0. 
at this time I really don't understand the use of the SG devices (Scsi
Generic). Since there is required commands to tell the bridgeboard the
capacity of the RLL drives. This info later gets recorded on Track 0
of the drives themselves.
        I believe I can modify the scsiformat program to properly send
the needed SCSI commands. But... I need to first know which /dev entry
to select? I have ALL scsi support compiled into my kernal. (Linux
2.0.39) as modules with the exception of the Scsi Disks as thats
needed to bootstrap the system.
        I am mainly doing this as I want to tinker with these legacy
bridgeboards (I have two of them from different manufactures). I was
given the needed command info for the scsi commands. As I said I need
the DEVICE name to use to access the secondary controller at Scsi ID-0
for the bridgeboard.
        Both of my Scsi cards ONLY support 7 devices from 0-6. one is
a Adaptec AHA 1542c, the other is a Adaptec AVA-2825VL Vesa Local Bus
        Right now the AHA-1542c has no devices online and I may need
to turn parity OFF to make this board work (still doing research)




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leon Majewski)
Subject: hardware access
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 06:26:44 GMT

Hopefully _this_ is the right place to pose this question.

I have been asked about the posibility of porting a code base 
from a dos machine to a linux machine.

Parts of the code accesses hardware ports via <dos.h>: 
inport, inportb, outport, outportb

I was wondering what comparable functions are available when 
dealing with a linux box (gcc)

Leon Majewski

Remote Sensing & Satellite Research Group
Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia



From: "Colin G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Maestro 3 sound card
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 06:31:55 GMT

Also check to be sure PnP is _disabled_ in BIOS. This might have some affect
on functionality.

Colin G.
coling (at) intrive (dot) com

"Oleg Krivosheev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> "Obie Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Help!  I have a Dell laptop c600.  I am running RedHat Linux 7. I am
> > to get the sound to work with linux. I have the ESS Masetro 3.  Does
> > know how I can make this card work with RedHat?
> driver for Maestro3 is included into 2.2.19
> (actually starting from 2.2.19pre7)
> recompile kernel or get it precompiled from vendor
> works for me
> OK


From: tech2kjason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Spontaneous combustion
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 02:13:48 -0500

On 09 Apr 2001 18:37:52 -0800, Floyd Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Wong) wrote:
>>I wonder if anyone can give me a hint as to how to diagnose and/or fix
>>my problem. My Red Hat 7 system reboots spontaneously from time to time,
>>and fsck runs because the filesystem was not cleanly unmounted. There
>>are usually fsck errors. It is as if someone pressed the reset switch on
>>the PC. It always happens on some sort of user input: a mouse click,
>>usually, or a page up keystroke.
>>I have run memtest86 for hours. I have tried different X servers (4.0.1,
>>4.0.2 and 3.3.6), different keyboards, different mice (PS/2 and USB) and
>>still see this problem. It occurs when using various X apps (Opera,
>>Applix, Netscape, Gimp), regardless of X toolkits (Qt, Gtk, Motif). I
>>have installed various Red Hat updates (glibc, kernel) and different
>>versions of KDE, to no avail.
>>Hardware: BC133KT motherboard, Duron 700 CPU, 128MB Ram, ATI XPert98 PCI
>>video, 2 Netgear FA310TX PCI network adaptors, one internal ISA
>>modem. Software: Red Hat 7 with a whole bunch of fixes, KDE 2.1, XFree86
>>4.0.2 (from Raw Hide) and 3.3.6 Mach64 X server. I'm just about out of
>>ideas. Anyone?
>>Thanks in advance,
>That is almost certainly a hardware problem.  Changing software is
>not going to have any effect at all.
>You can try things like reseating all connections to the motherboard
>(such as IDE cables, etc.) and reseating the memory cards and the
>cpu.  If all else fails, get a new motherboard.

I have to agree with it being a hardware issue... considering that
you're running with a Duron 700, make absolutely sure about it's
cooling fan(s) are sufficient enough to keep the temperature down.


From: "Bastiaan Schaap" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux  on Intel Or Celeron? what is the best choice?
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 09:24:38 +0200

> > Actually I did check the tests and benchmarks.....
> Then you didn't look very hard!

Let's not get philosopical here, but 'hard' varies from person to person I
guess.... I think I've looked hard enough, but probably in the wrong
places... (me just being a simple chemical engineer and all...) ;-)

> > Please remember the cpu's are meant for a working environment. I don't
> I don't know of any other environment.

So what do you do in your weekend? I meant that computers are often used
differently at home than at the office. For home use for most people a
celeron system will be more than enough, and you can twist up the clock- and
busspeeds as much as you like. Offcourse there are people who have their
celeron 300a's running stable at 500. Things get different however when a
computer at work is involved (which is not your own property).

> > too many bosses who are excited if you overclock cpu's. They're often
> That word is your invention. There is "no such thing",....

I agree that if you look at the physics of processors there's no such thing
as overclocking. However being a professor and all, you should understand
the point I am making. Most hardware bought by companies for professional
use is sealed. If I open up my case and set the processor to operate on a
speed higher than originally was specified by the manufacturer, I can make
no claim on warranty anymore. I don't know too many bosses that actually
like that. I also don't know of any companies that sell their systems with
'overclocked' cpu's (except cryo offcourse..). So if we forget about setting
cpu's to run at higher speeds than they were rated, you do have to agree
with me that we're still looking at P4 and Athlon, wheter we like it or

> > fond of warranty and stuff. Offcourse you're right about the
> Warranty is not affected by clockspeed. No harm is done by clocking a
> device at a different clockspeed .. it simply works or does not work.
> If it's iffy, clock it down. If it goes well, clock it up until you
> find where it stops working. There is no guarantee that chips will work
> at their RATED clockspeed, let alone at any other. This is all
> statistics, not certainties.

Point taken again, again I totally agree, however see my point above....

> I would recommend some fast durons as good speed for cost. You need
> special mobos, however.

I agree, I've mentioned the same thing in my original post, although I
referred to it there as price/performance ratio...
Actually I've just purchased a 1.2GHz Athlon on a Asus A7M266 with 512MB DDR
SDRAM. I can't wait to install the sucker and do some benchmarks....

>There is currently no reason to go intel except
> for SMP and wide compatibility.

Again I agree, however in my original post I clearly stated that if his boss
was willing to pay the (much too high) price for the P4, offcourse the P4 is
an option then. I know some companies who would love to switch from Intel to
AMD, but who are afraid of compatibility problems. I really don't know if
there are still problems with software that doesn't run on an AMD, but these
problems *did* occur in the past. although this may not even be an issue
anymore, I know a lot of people who are willing to pay extra for Intel
because of this.... It's a shame isn't it?

> > Can you point me out to some of the articles you read about the P4 being
> > bad? A processor eventually being sold with different specs than first
> > announced hardly qualifies as an arguement... But however I take your
> ??  It certainly does.  It's a killer.  Why aren't you up in arms about
> it?  You're being misled.  Schlumbuzzled.  Bamboozled.  Had for a
> schmuck.  Being sold snake-oil.  Or do you like being told in the
> brochure that your holiday will be in the bahamas, then find that it's
> actually in torquay?

>From that point of view: yes, you're absolutely right... But look at it this
way: What if the brochure says you're going to Niagara Falls, and you end up
in the Bahamas? So you could be in for a nice surprise. Yeah, I know this
will never happen ;-)  If the processor turns out to be worse than the
original specs that sucks, but generally speaking changing specs does not
automatically have to imply a change for the worse (although I agree with
you that it mostly does)..

Thanks for the info,



Subject: Re: Driver for video card.
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 09:46:37 +0200

"P=E9man Malekzadeh" wrote:
> =

> I am looking for the driver for the Hercules 3D Prophet II MX video car=
d for linux.  I am running mandrake 7 , I do not have XF86 4.
> if anyone can help I greatly appreciate it.

I am running Redhat 7, with XF86 4.0.1-1.
I don't know if this will work with your version of X, but at least it wo=
for mine. Here are the drivers for your card :
You have install both :
        - the NVIDIA_kernel
        - the NVIDIA_GLX driver (for the NVIDIA_GLX, you have to unisntall the p=
version before upgrading to the new one)

You then have to configure somehow X. For Xfree86-4.x.x., the configurati=
on file
is  /etc/X11/XF86Config-4

You have to make sure that the driver is 'nvidia' and not 'nv', and you a=
have to make some changes in that file. Read the FAQ for this :

For Twinview, if you have it, you have to read the FAQ, which is installe=
d in
/usr/doc/NVIDIA when you install the drivers. But i can't help you on thi=
s since
I haven't been able myself to set it up (with TV screen as second monitor=

Hope this helps


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Harri Haataja)
Subject: Re: Redhat 7.0 and intel i810 video
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 08:25:01 GMT

Alex Leung wrote:

>    I just setup Redhat 7.0 with the default driver for the intel i810
>video adapter (i.e. the one that it found in Xconfigurator).  However,
>the picture just isn't that clear/sharp.  Is there a better driver out
>there for RH7.0 and the adapter?

I don't think clarity has anything to do with drivers.
What would you do, turn up the gain on the driver stage? =)

If it walks like SPAM and quacks like SPAM, it is very likely SPAM.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Drew Roedersheimer)
Subject: Re: USB Scanner -Scanjet 6200C w SuSE 7.1
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 08:50:50 GMT

On Tue, 10 Apr 2001 05:30:10 -0000, Shreyas wrote:
>Thanks... the kernel 2.4 docs were very helpful.
>Drew Roedersheimer wrote:


Not a problem - I'm glad I could help...  So you got it working?


An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come.
                 -- Victor Hugo


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Malcolm Beattie)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: A Linux emulator for Linux, does this exist?
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 08:55:01 +0000 (UTC)

In article <VZoA6.12580$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Grant Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In article <9at3ri$gc3$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Hermann Samso wrote:
>>      I am searching for a Linux emulator for Linux. Does such
>>      a beast exist?
>Yes.  You can run multiple instances of Linux on an IBM 390.
>One guy at IBM reportedly had 4000+ instances of Linux running
>on a signle box.  It's a very cool concept: instead of racks

Oops, you're damning Linux/390 under VM with faint praise :-)
You dropped a zero: it was over 40000 (forty thousand) not 4000
(four thousand). Actually, it was 41400 before the system refused to
create any new instances. For details, see the "Trilogy" papers at:

Moreover, since then he's had just under 100000 running on a larger
system (G6 ZZ7, I think) and yesterday one of the IBM guys released
the first version of a patch to remove one of the main scalability
problems in running lots of Linux guests under VM (the 100HZ timer pop).


Malcolm Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Oxford University Computing Services
"I permitted that as a demonstration of futility" --Grey Roger


Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 16:15:16 +1000
From: "twobucks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't see hard disk

disable the zip drive in the bios
you should be able to see the hdd
and reenable zip after os is installed

"Lee Fuller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:3ad0291d$0$25503$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I have an Abit KT7Raid motherboard which has 4 ATA100 IDE channels on the
> raid controller in addition to the standard 4 ATA66 channels. I have an
> 30G ATA100 hard disk on the secondary master of the ATA100 controller. On
> the standard channels I have a CD-DVD and ZIP100. The problem I'm having
> in trying to install linux. Both fdisk and disk druid do not see the hard
> disk. The only partition shown is 95M ("hdd" or "hdd4") being the ZIP
> (I have the same problem trying to install QNX) I have Win98 using 20G on
> the hd. Of course the Win98 fdisk sees it ok.
> What should I do?
> Thanks,
> Lee.


Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 11:15:42 +0200
From: hihihi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: master/slave bootable CD-ROM drive ?


I am installing a new computer..
And would like to have this boot order..

CD-ROM drive

The CD-ROM drive needs to be set to master or slave with a
But which of the two, master or slave ????

I have the harddisk on PRIMARY IDE as master.
The cd-rom doc says that i have to set CD-ROM to SLAVE if
cd-rom and harddisk are on PRIMARY IDE.

If i do that, can i still boot from CD-ROM ??

Or need i to connect CD-ROM to SECONDARY IDE as master ?
And harddisk to PRIMARY IDE as master to be able to boot
from both.


Did you know the worlds oil supply is running out ?
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Mailinglist Velleman K8000


Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 11:22:53 +0200
From: hihihi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: master/slave bootable CD-ROM drive ?


I am installing a new computer..
And would like to have this boot order..

CD-ROM drive

The CD-ROM drive needs to be set to master or slave with a
But which of the two, master or slave ????

I have the harddisk on PRIMARY IDE as master.
The cd-rom doc says that i have to set CD-ROM to SLAVE if
cd-rom and harddisk are on PRIMARY IDE.

If i do that, can i still boot from CD-ROM ??

Or need i to connect CD-ROM to SECONDARY IDE as master ?
And harddisk to PRIMARY IDE as master to be able to boot
from both.

The os i would like to install are Red Hat 7.0 and MSDOS


Did you know the worlds oil supply is running out ?
My home page at my provider
Mailinglist Velleman K8000



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