> above 1.5.   Two timers are used to track command timeout in our test
> software.  The one in the user space is set to 6 seconds using alarm()
> call while the one in the kernel (scsi timer) is set to 5 seconds.
> These timeout values are probably too low to be realistic,  but the
> issue here is not about the timeout itself but to understand why it is

A lot of drive commands seem to be set up on a seven second worst case

> always user space timer expired before kernel timer.   Since kernel
> timer uses jiffies to track time, does this imply a kernel bug where
> the time interrupts were lost or delay somehow?  Do you know any know
> problems related to command timeout in PATA Sil680?

Alarm() is also handled by the same jiffies logic, so I suspect a bug in
your test environment ?

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