Quoting Yedidya Bar-david <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi
> Iftach Hyams wrote:
> > 
> >  The defrag program can't run while the FS is mounted. Is there a way to
> > boot with a diskette and apply it ?
> You can do it with the filesystem mounted read-only. In your boot prompt
> (lilo?) give a parameter '-b' (or better, 'boot=/bin/sh' - I don't know
> what Mandrake does with '-b'), make sure the fs is mounted read-only
> (I personally do it with ':>tt' and expect an error message) and
> run whatever you want (defrag, debugfs, fsck, ...).
> Much easier than finding a floppy with no bad blocks :-)
You do not have to boot in order to mount RO. You can remount.

mount -o remount,ro /dev/{mountedDisk} /Your/Mount/Locatoin

Liran Zvibel.                            | " Give a man a fish and you
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