On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, Shlomo Solomon wrote:

> Maybe I'm lazy (no flames please), but after using my current OS/2
> e-mail client, I don't really want to go back to a command line
> solution like PROCMAIL.

this is not a matter of lazyness, rather a matter of taste. you want the
GUI - they want the flexibility. more often then not, command-line
programs are more feature-full then GUI programs, simply because much less
effort is spent on the interface, and thus more effort is spent on the
functional featuers.

also, i think that if you search the web, you will find web-based tools to
configure procmail (they will only support few of its fetures, but tht's
exatly what you need). the problem is that this config will use a
different tool then the mail client you'll use and hence - not the best
solution either.

>  Again, thanks to those who suggested it, and
> I'm sure it is a powerful tool, but I guess I didn'tmake myself
> clear in my previous question. I'm looking for a front-end
> (preferably GUI) to manage all the features (filters, multiple
> mailboxes, etc) that I mentioned, KMAIL is really bare bones and so
> is the e-mail component of NETSCAPE. I'm really looking for something
> similar to EUDORA for Winblows. Does such a program exist for LINUX ?

check out if output express exists for solaris on intel - i know it exists
for solaris on sparc (as well as internet explorer) thought i'm not sure
if its version 4 or verson 5.

if it was ported to solaris on intel, you might be able to run it via iBCS
on linux as well. note that there are too many IFs in these lines...


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