On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo wrote:

> YE>> I meant 25 Kilobytes per second,

if you mean what you say - then say what you mean (not you, frodo.. but
rather yoni). bps = bits per second. Bps = bytes per second. there was
alredy a thread about these conventions few month back. lets try to stick
with them. b = bit, B = byte.

> In fact, if you count data bytes, it isn't. I don't remember exactly how
> much bitstakes to pass one byte, but more than 8. 

normally, it'll be 10 bits per byte (1 start bit, one stop bit, and 8 data
bits in between). but to that you need to add:

1. compression made by the modem.
2. header compression done by the PPP and CSLIP protocols.
3. protocol overhead (be that IP's and TCPs headers, etc.).

but they all boil down to be not that effective on the transfer rate.

experience shows that transfering copressed files via ftp, using my
28.8Kbps modem, never gives more then 2.8 KB/sec. i'd assume that on a
33.6Kbps modem you'l get at most 3.4KB/sec . and do NOT count on what
various ftp programs tell you (e.g. netscape) - they count the data rate
since the beginning of the transfer, while conting the time only since
after you chose the location to save the file (while the file transfer has
already begun before this, in the 'background').


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