Hello Micha,

On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Micha Feigin wrote:

> I have one pop account and another acount which I have telnet/ftp access
> to that i have mail accounts on. I want to download the mail automaticlly
> each time on conection, How do i do this?

One suggestion is to develop a shell script, which performs the FTP
operation, and invoke it from the script you use to start your PPP

> For the telnet/ftp account I don't know if I can connect via pop or imap.
> I tried pop to names that could be servers, but i got a responce for both
> that the pass word is wrong (for the people of ilug, offtopic, but if
> anyone works with libra or associates, and knows how to connect remotely
> to the mail servers, the help desk couldn't tell me if its possible).

You could try to FTP your inbox directly.  It is normally at
(Don't forget to first rename the inbox and then FTP the renamed inbox, so
that there'll be no problems with E-mail which arrives exactly when you
are FTPing your stuff.)

> Also, how can I compose mail locally and automaticly send it through the
> server on connect?

Invoke sendmail -q& at the same time you run your FTP script.
                                                       --- Omer

   "MS-Word keeps thinking it knows what I'm gonna do next and tries to
   help me.  I've lived with my wife for 27 years and SHE can't do that.
   What makes MS-Word think it can?"             Bill Mullins
                                             --- Omer
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  • Mail Q Micha Feigin
    • Omer Zak

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