On Sat, 11 Mar 2000, Omer wrote:

> Sorry people, what is happening here? 
[... snipped ...]
> ... This is true because such an approach allows
> core develpers to focus on performance and stability, while branch
> developers may focus on features.
[... snipped ...]
> The whole previous message is included just to highlight pointlessness of
> this thread. It may be a good time to stop this discussion, since this list
> does not seem to be a software eng. one. 

I believe that this discussion is important:
1. Because it is about the methodology to be used for developing a word
2. Because a decent Hebrew WYSIWYG word processor is the most glaring
   lack of Linux in Israel.
3. Because if the correct methodology is chosen, it will be possible for
   several people from Linux-IL to painlessly contribute to the project.
4. Linus Torvalds said that the most important decision he made about the
   Linux design was the choice of its copyright terms (the GNU license).
   Due to similar reasons, Matan's decisions affecting other people's
   ability to easily contribute to his project are very important.

Remember Matan's complaint that he couldn't contribute to AbiWord et.al. 
due to various reasons?  So he was forced to start developing his own word

If Matan can avoid those roadblocks in his own project, then he can
concentrate on the core features and let the Linux-IL participants
contribute their branches (as the other Omer suggested), and the road to a
really decent (and even less buggy than MS-Word) word processor will be
surprisingly short.

                                             --- Omer
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